From yesterday on the Today Show, here is NBC news babe Natalie Morales interviewing a hot Bobbie Thomas talking about what else, fashion. Natmo is one news babe that doesn't need no fashion tips, she's always stylin' 24/7. Enjoy the weekend y'all.
Natmo is golden,
Screencaps courtesy of Gambit at the TvNewsCaps forum.
Friday, July 16, 2010
Thursday, July 15, 2010
Money Rocks is Hot Stuff on FOX Business News
From the other day on the show Money Rocks on FOX Business, here are a few news babes on display with full leggage going on. The blond on the left looks like Monica Crowley, not sure who the brunette in the middle is, and the blond on the right of course is Sandra Smith.
Sweet mother of moses, that's hot,
Screencaps courtesy of tdubya68801 of the Wide World of Women forum.
Sweet mother of moses, that's hot,
Screencaps courtesy of tdubya68801 of the Wide World of Women forum.
Wednesday, July 14, 2010
MSNBC's Contessa Brewer and Tamron Hall A Hot Duo
One of my all time favorites, but I haven't seen too many really hot pictures of her lately, MSNBC must be trying to keep her on the down low. This is of course MSNBC news babe Contessa Brewer showing off her gorgeous legs, and a bonus add of Tamron Hall in the foreground of the second picture. Enjoy.
Oh my Tessa,
Screencaps courtesy of sugarbritches at the Hi-Def News Caps blog.
Oh my Tessa,
Screencaps courtesy of sugarbritches at the Hi-Def News Caps blog.
Tuesday, July 13, 2010
A Hot Leggy Kiran Chetry Interviewing Ocho Cinco
From yesterday on American Morning, this is CNN news babe Kiran Chetry in her signature tight short skirts interviewing Chad Johnson, aka Ocho Cinco, of the Cincinnati Bengals. Some weird shadow thing going on in the third picture as well. Hmmm, oh well, still a nice clear view of Kiran's gorgeous legs.
Ocho's got the prime time view of Kiran,
Screencaps courtesy of spinner at the TvNewsCaps forum.
Ocho's got the prime time view of Kiran,
Screencaps courtesy of spinner at the TvNewsCaps forum.
Monday, July 12, 2010
A Hot Rebecca Jarvis and Kate Sullivan on CBS Early Show
From over the weekend on the Early Show, CBS news babes Rebecca Jarvis on the left and Kate Sullivan on the right in a wickedly hot leg duel. Rebecca's got the shorter skirt revealing some major thigh action, which I think even Kate's looking at thinking, wow, that's hot.
Rebecca and Kate are a hot duo,
Screencaps courtesy of nonblogger of the Wide World of Women forum.
Rebecca and Kate are a hot duo,
Screencaps courtesy of nonblogger of the Wide World of Women forum.
A Hot Leggy Poppy Harlow on Your Bottom Line
I'm starting to miss Gerri Willis less and I'm diggin' Poppy Harlow a lot more these days. From Your Bottom Line, this is CNN news babe Poppy Harlow flashing her sweet leggage along with her hot guest. I think CNN was OK with letting Gerri go because they knew that they had Poppy there ready to take her place, and she's been marvelous at it for sure.
Blond and beautiful,
Screencaps courtesy of Kyuubi of the Wide World of Women forum.
Blond and beautiful,
Screencaps courtesy of Kyuubi of the Wide World of Women forum.
Sunday, July 11, 2010
A Busty Courtney Friel Reads Glenn Beck on Red Eye
Who the heck knew that Courtney Friel could read? I'm joking of course, but here she is doing a segment on Red Eye called "Courtney Friel reads..." and my goodness she's nearly busting out of that top, unbelievable.
Courtney reads...
Screencaps courtesy of cody of the Wide World of Women forum.
Courtney reads...
Screencaps courtesy of cody of the Wide World of Women forum.
A Hot Leggy Amy Robach on the Today Show
For most of the winter and spring, I never really noticed much of Amy Robach, she just kind dressed plainly. But she always brings it during the summer, and this year is no exception. From the Today Show over the weekend, Amy with Melissa Francis in the second pic, and another leggy guest in the third.
The summer of Robach,
Screencaps courtesy of Gambit at the TvNewsCaps forum.
The summer of Robach,
Screencaps courtesy of Gambit at the TvNewsCaps forum.