Thursday, April 10, 2008

Megyn Kelly in a Leopard Skin Type Dress

Sometimes, these news babes wear some outrageous outfits. Did Megyn Kelly look herself in the mirror before she stepped out yesterday?? I think not...

Meg, what the heck were you thinking??

Nice slight cleavage though...

Screencaps courtesy of Rich at the Wide World of Women forum.


  1. Anchor Man you are doing a great job of posting Megyn Kelly photos. I really enjoy them and some of the comments. I must disagree with you on this one maybe it is because I very seldom see an outfit that Megyn wears that I don't like. Even some of the granny skirts as someone referred to them as look nice on her. Anything that shows off her legs or cleavage in my opinion looks great on her. Megyn is a very beautiful lady.

  2. Show up to any college frat party, put on a blind fold and then ask out the first sorority lady you run into. I gurantee she will be hotter than this twit who never dresses sexy.
