Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Slight Liz Claman Cleavage

Been a while since we've seen Liz Claman and her hot boobs, not a fan of the white blazer, but her breasts are showing well here. Also, congrats to FBN for their sort-of ratings win over CNBC.

Liz with the slight cleavage,

Screencaps courtesy of deadzone at the Reporter Caps forum.


  1. The Big-Jugged Liz Claman is "udder-ly" fantastic

  2. To the previous guys who made comments,

    What the fuck!!!!!!!!!!! She is ok looking in the face but, dresses like she buys clothes at a second hand store and she is a little over weight.

    Great tits is right. But, she needs to straighten herself out for me to even take notic.

  3. To the previous guys who made comments,

    What the fuck!!!!!!!!!!! She is ok looking in the face but, dresses like she buys clothes at a second hand store and she is a little over weight.

    Great tits is right. But, she needs to straighten herself out for me to even take notice.
