Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Tamron Hall Teaser

Haven't seen Tamron Hall from MSNBC for a while, these pictures are worth a peek showing plenty of skin and slight cleavage. Sweet...

Tamron teases us,

Screencaps courtesy of shadow at the Reporter Caps forum.


  1. There is a big difference between Tamron Hall vs. Halle Berry. Tamron Hall dresses like an art teacher reject when Halle dresses like an elegant model.

    Tamron also, comes off like a pain. Just saying.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Anonymous said...
    "There is a big difference between Tamron Hall vs. Halle Berry. Tamron Hall dresses like an art teacher reject when Halle dresses like an elegant model."

    What a poor comparison here. Tamron Hall is a very beautiful NEWS reporter who has yet to crash into another reporter while intoxicated, and run away from the scene of the crime. If you think she's going to strut into a studio wearing 5 inch stiletto's and earings down to her shoulders, then give an airy answer as to why world peace is "cool", you'd be sadly mistaken.

    An art teacher reject? I'm happy you decided to post anonymously in an effort to hide your stupidity.



  5. I am reading your mind my friend. We are outside the window to your immediate left. If you try to look we will duck out of the way. Your time has come. You know too much.

    To lexicons 1-15a, "The grape kool-aide has flow the pumkins patch".

    Sigma ought ten.

  6. Juan L Barboza...What sound does a Cuckoo clock make???

  7. tick tock the clock stoped

  8. leaks are in house watch out world wide fame is on the way

  9. 9 to 5 you work all day

    24 hours 365 days i am always the man of the house of any house in America and work with the best to protect this counrty with the dumb founded people i call homies and money grabers like all you software copyright website and life story infringers

  10. leave him only you mad women you have no rights when you made that un likely chose to work with big bro so take advantage of him now you will see the one of him you never thought to be a cold hearted person as your self you loser you are nothing but a leak and now msnbc and fox our now on the watch list who fixes lies and lends the follow men a trick and a man name pppp ppppp ppppppp shit any more leak out infor you might as well call your self the insider only to leak brothers infor bad timing to do so steal money and this person's life story and software bad judgement

  11. Fuck ALL you haters just talkin' shit.....this sister is a sweet piece of tail, and you guys would fight each other to be 1st in line just so she could shove her panties in your mouth!

  12. work and work lies and lies and more lies from fox and msnbc i have to tell every body that the lady you call a news reporter is a fake person and a lair about her breast implants other than to get men arose for her own perversion on tv she only got the breast implants for a law suit that she is facing so she can say also that she does to have implants a fake and now a small breasted female

    who does not have the right to a human soul other than her own

    take time off and find a man to settle with rasie a famliy and change your last name to his to honor his name other than your self

    Ghost Writer H N W
