Friday, May 16, 2008

Many Faces of Julie Banderas on RedEye

I don't know what you commentors have against Julie Banderas of FOX News. I think she's hot when she's in dark dresses like this hot black outfit. Plus, I like how she doesn't take herself too seriously, she knows that she's on TV because of her looks. These are from yesterday's RedEye and she looks great...

Happy go-lucky Julie,
Julie gives the evil eye,

Screencaps courtesy of DeadZone at the Wide World of Women forum.


  1. We don't like her because she is a bitch. Whenever is a stiff up tight chick who has no sense of humor. She even tries to fake that sense of humor on red eye but, that is even more insulting to the audience.

    We have all known bitches like her. She has high expectations for everyone else but, she does not have them for herself. Hypocrite is written all over her.

  2. Typos. I type to fast. Here it is fixed.

    We don't like Julie Banderas because she is a bitch.She is a stiff up-tight chick who has no sense of humor. She even tries to fake that sense of humor on red eye but, that is even more insulting to the people who watch her.

    We have all known bitches like her. She has high expectations for everyone else but, she does not have them for herself. Hypocrite is written all over her.

    That being said, I would still let her suck my dick and swallow my cum. Why? Because the bitch has to be good for something. I don't consider it using her since, I know she loves to suck the dick and she has that proud face whenever a guy comes in her mouth.

  3. She just comes across as being very stuck up, but I'm betting she sure knows how to suck and has done it lots. I do love to watch her though , she likes to show her legs and they look nice. I'd love to have her suck me and am sure she would swallow.

  4. I don't mind her being bitchy as long as she keeps it sexy than she is cool in my book.

    I date hot women all the time. They all of course swallow. Well, atleast my cumm. They say it tastes like clam chowder.

    In other words, she doesn't get that good skin by not swallowing.

    Look at that face in the second photo. You know she likes to jerk a cock off hard while sucking on it.

  5. She seems like to much trouble. I would let her fuck me once. I would drill her in that asshole. I am sure that I would not be the first. Then I would run for the hills and never look back since I knowing that I would be dating a pure bitch.

    On second thought I would rather date someone who is not a stuck up bitch. She is not even dressed sexy. I see no cleavage. Just a regular dress that any boring woman would wear. Just because it is black does not make it sexy. The tires on my car are black and they still look dull.

  6. You clowns would squirt in your pants if she even looked at your ugly asses! now go wake up your fat wives and tell them the goats need milked!
