Saturday, June 21, 2008

Maria Bartiromo's Idea of Dressed to Kill

Why is it whenever Maria Bartiromo of CNBC, aka the "money honey", attends a high-end social event she looks more like the homeless bag lady than the celebrity star that she is. Has she never heard of a cocktail dress?? Who the heck is designing these dresses for her anyways, Ghandi?

Um, we have a dress code here. Ya, you're going to have get re-dressed...

Screencaps courtesy of sharky333 at the Reporter Caps forum.


  1. WTF???? I saw that "dress" on a table in Applebees last night. If you look close enough, you can still make out the ribs sauce stains on it.

    She still looks more attractive than Aunt Pat or Michele Gile. MadMac is a douche.

  2. She must have gotten some remnants from Omar the Tentmaker for that one. Ugh!!

  3. She needs to hit the gym. Seriously she's wearing that shower curtain to hide her figure flaws which are all to obvious when she's working on TV.
    She's the 'money honey' no more.

  4. Lord help me, this is one Ugly woman. I wouldn't hit her if she was the last woman left in the world.

  5. She needs to lay off the cheeseburgers...regardless; i would prescribe a diet high in Cockmeat Sandwiches...

  6. Ya know, I keep defending Maria in this forum, but I am really, really beginning to wonder why. I couldn't agree more with the comment that the dress looks like a table cloth from Applebees (or Friday's). Her Husband is obviously a pussy/wimp for not telling her the truth about how she looks in these cloths.

  7. why is she wearing a circus tent that crazy bitch din't she used to be hot the money honey deal ???
