Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Laura Ingraham Behind the Scenes

Ever wonder what goes on behind the scenes of news broadcasts?? Huffington Post has a 10 minute video clip with Laura Ingraham behind the scenes of her new show Just In on FOX News. It's pretty funny, Laura almost loses it a few times, "DON'T COME IN MY EAR!!!". What's that Laura?? Did you say don't 'come' on my face??

From watching that clip, the FOX people working behind the scenes definitely look worse than Laura though, they have no clue what the heck they're doing. Laura is quite the snappy biatch though, wow, imagine being married to her, talk about being on a leash.


  1. I don't think she has a man. That's why she's so tense. She complains about seeing a hispanic on the teleprompter. Maybe she needs a hispanic man or any man.

  2. Somewhere in the back of your mind can you see Laura using a strap-on on Bill O'Reilly? "Tell me you're MY bitch, Bill!"

  3. She'd use it on GRETA, not Bill...

  4. I've worked in cable and network news. This is pretty par for the course on a good day on any set with an anchor person. They are usually detail oriented people to begin with and they know what needs to be included and what shouldn't be.

    This gal is pretty darn sharp to be able to catch all that detail.
