Thursday, September 4, 2008

Alexis Glick Could Have More Shiksappeal

Since y'all agree to disagree about Jenna Lee having the most chicksappeal or shiksappeal (sorry not Jewish), here is Alexis Glick, VP of FBN to compare. A commentor once said that Alexis is Jewish which if true means that she can't have shiksappeal because apparently you can't be Jewish to have shiksappeal. Confused?? I am. Alls I know, is I's be tappin' all their booties...

I (heart) Alexis and her shiksappeal,

Screencaps courtesy of shadow at the Reporter Caps forum.


  1. She's the hottest one on FBN as far as I'm concerned with Tracy Byrnes right behind her.

  2. Definitely one Hot woman, doing her would be heaven, having her blow me would even be better.

  3. Wake up! GLICK is a JEWISH name. That is not her married name,it's her surname by birth. She is a New Jersey Jew..therefore NOT A shiksa.

  4. Shiksa (Yiddish: שיקסע) or shikse, is a Yiddish word that has moved into English usage, mostly in North American Jewish culture, that is used as a mock-pejorative term for a non-Jewish woman. Traditionally, the word shiksa is used to refer to a non-Jewish woman.

    The word shiksa is derived from the Hebrew term sheketz, which means "abomination," "impure," or "object of loathing", depending on the translator.[1]

    Despite its etymology, the term shiksa is widely used and accepted in the United States, where it is often used in a humorous way.

    Oddly, "siksa" (pronounced "shiksa") in Polish Gentile culture is a pejorative (but often teasing or affectionate) word for an immature young girl or teenager. It literally means "pisspants" and is roughly equivalent to the Engish terms "snot-nosed brat", "young squirt" or "young goat". (The masculine equivalent is "szczyl")

    Although it has Hebrew origins, it was conflated with the Polish word "sikać" ("to urinate") and is therefore a false cognate that is actually equivalent to the Yiddish word "pisher".

    Shiksas are a frequent subject in Jewish comedy, and the term makes occasional appearances in non-Jewish comedy as well. Comedian and social critic Lenny Bruce wrote a short story about shiksas, and Philip Roth's novel Portnoy's Complaint is about a Jewish man's sexual exploits and frustrations with shiksas as well as other women.

  5. You are NUTS !! Who Cares ???

  6. Alexis Glick is the hottest woman in news period. Her body is perfect. Like young Pamela Anderson before Tommy Lee Perfect.

    Alexis Glick has D-cups. She does Not have a flat ass like a lot of the blond news women. She has a curvy ass that is meant for doggy style. Her waste is small. Look at Alexis Glick's eyes in the first photo, you know that she loves to suck cock while slobbering it and jerking with her hand at the same time. This woman is damned marriage material.

    I wished she would dress as sexy as Rebecca Gomez does. But, I am willing to look past that. Since she is definitly a hot news lady.

    She is smart too. Too have a woman who is hot and able to do your taxes is a great thing.

  7. Imagine Alexis Glick talking to you with that New York/Jersey accent saying, "that's right you fucking bastard slight that long hard shaft into my wet pussy and do it fast! FUCK ME!!!!!. Now bend me over and spank me ass while I squirt my pussy cum all over your cock!" : )

  8. Alexis Glick is one pretty news lady. She is also very professional and she is intellegent.

    I wish she were on the regular fox channel.

  9. Alexis Glick is perfection. I wish there were a swimsuite photo of her maybe she might surprise all her fans and do a interview on the beach before the summer heat goes.

    Everyone already knows how smart Alexis Glick is so she has nothing to prove in that catagorie. Alexis is on a bridge to no where on Fox Business channel. Someone should write or e-mail her to do a Maxim photo spread. Movie stars do it so why not her. She deserves to be on the main Fox Channel or maybe she can replace that boring twit Robin Meade on CNN.

  10. she is one classy and cute news lady. i think she is not just on FBN. She is some times on the regualar Fox channel. it would be great to see her hosting fox and friends. She is way hotter and smarter than any of the women who host that show on the weekdays and weekends. fox and friends never really gets it right and they need the guy who is hiring all the professional news women on fbn.

  11. I'd love to fill her mouth with a big load, heard her say once about 4 years ago on MSNBC that she liked oral sex so she must be good.

  12. She was wearing some ragedy fluffy cheap k-mart shirt on this morning when, I checked out what all the commotion was about. She does have a cute personality and she definitly has got brains. But, she did not look as hot as she does in these photos. Then again, I do get it. She is a hottie. I think they made her Vice-President at FBN so that she wouldn't jump to a mainstream network. I hope she doesn't fall for that bullshit. She should be on a main news channel.

  13. I agree she has sexy eyes and her New York accent is hot. Why the hell is she married when she is this hot.

    I have dated the Britney Spears and tall blonde supermodel type. Most guys are jealous as hell when I walk around with them. But, I agree with a previous commenter and say that most guys are tired of the dumb blond types. The blond types are fun to fuck but, they can't hold a conversation the next morning and all they are focused on is themselve.

    Alexis has all the hotness of a supermodel mixed with brains.

    If anyone knows where this video is when she says she loves to give head than please post it. Obviously she loves to give head. It would just be cool to see her laid back and cool talking like one of the ladies of the View.

  14. She doesn't always wear clothes that are seductive so sometimes she goes unoticed. She looks seductive and classy in these photos.

  15. I am glad to see everyone agreeing that she is the sexiest woman in news. Alexis Glick is also intellegent which is iceing on the cake. There are a lot of stupid news women who don't belong on the air so it is refreshing to see a smart one. This guy is funny and he is probably 100% right, "Look at Alexis Glick's eyes in the first photo, you know that she loves to suck cock while slobbering it and jerking with her hand at the same time. This woman is damned marriage material." She definitly is marriage. What guys really want is a sexy and smart woman and Alexis Glick fits the bill.

  16. I am a player and love playing the dating game but, she makes me want to retire. You guys can put me down as one of those guys who would propose marriage to her.

    Who gives a fuck if she is Jewish or not. I will switch religions for her. Jesus who? Give me one of those black caps.

  17. Can you imagine rolling over in the morning in about ten years and looking at that face?
    It almost makes me want to puke just thinking about it.
    I feel sorry for the guys who think ANYTHING with breasts and a pussy is "hot" or "fuckable".
    This ugly bitch would have to PAY me to put my face between her thighs, let alone kiss her.

  18. Her face reminds me of the Seinfeld episode where the girl he was dating look fabulous in good light but then had a "crack whore" look in dim light. Maybe Alexis was the inspiration for that episode????

  19. "...heard her say once about 4 years ago on MSNBC that she liked oral sex so she must be good."

    How do you think she GOT to where she is now? Women this untalented and ugly have to do SOMETHING to advance in the industry.

  20. Anybody who disses her is a complete idiots. She has a supermodels face and ONLY A BLIND IDIOT WOULD SAY OTHERWISE. As for her perfect 10 body well, a previous commentor has already said she is hot.

    There are whole lot of bloggers 95% that think she is hot so, what you say means shit. Sorry.

    She does not come off as bitchy or stupid like a lot of the news women so, she does not deserve this. Let's try to be fair.

  21. Yeah, we should be fair and give props when a great news woman deserves it. I know that there is a lot of critiziing of news women on this anchorbabes and a lot of them do deserve it since mos of them are just spoiled blondes who don't have a clue. But, this is a smart and sexy news woman. Well, except for this morning when she was wearing the least sexy thing that a news woman can wear.

  22. Not this topic again...
    Once again from the top, not that we should really care, but the posters who keep saying "someone said she's Jewish" ,etc. only need to look up her bio.
    She MARRIED a guy named Glick in '99, she was born Alexis Donnelly. (she is Irish by origin)
    Now as for what religion she practices, that's another topic.
    But the wedding was mixed- officiated by both a rabbi & a priest. Here's the original item from NY Times:

    Now doesn't that pretty much settle it?

  23. Who gives a shit about Alexis Donnelly's religion. I say that because you fucking bastards need to have respect for my future wife. If she ever sees me than she is going to cum on her panties and want a divorce from her husband.

    I switched over from morning express every now and then this week to check her out and she has been wearing the fluffy shitty shirts like that pirate shirt from Sienfield.

    What the hell. Does Alexis literally want the male audience to ignore her.

  24. "Sienfield?"

    Must be a show that was ripped off from "Seinfeld". LOL

  25. i don't care what she wears. by the way,wasn't she in playboy?

    she is so hot!

    more pics please!!!

  26. She's not Jewish. Her husband is.
