Thursday, September 25, 2008

Christi Paul's Oh Face and Sexy Hot Legs

CNN hottie Christi Paul doing her best 'Oh' face, kinda more like an 'oooh' face. I like how you can see her really straining her neck there, I bet those muscles really tighten up like that as well when she gets down. Her legs are damn hot though, wow. Mike Galanos is such a knob.

Dorothy is a breast goddess,

Screencaps courtesy of SceptreX42 at the Wide World of Women forum.


  1. Christi Paul's kind of gross. look at her neck in that first pic, the wrinkles around her eyes, mouth, everywhere. and her legs and feet are hideous. her obnoxious laugh is enough to make anyone go limp. she's way to old to be an anchor!

  2. I would treat her to a toe-curling ``kitten at a dish of milk`` experience.

  3. Christi Paul is such a fake. She doesn't know what being seductive is all about. Her husband must be one desperate loser to want to stick his dick in that. She looks like a freaken librarian which is why one of the previous people said that she is to old. Her skirt is to long, she is flat and the way she expresses herself is way to squarish. What a loser. Those guys at cnn need to get there act together and come up with some sort of hot dress code.

  4. Yep, look at Courtney Friel from Fox network in the new pictures above. Courtney's skirt is twice as short when Christi Paul is dressed for church. lol Christi Paul is a boner shrinker. Her arms look to thick too which means she probably has a fat ass. The way she looks Christi Paul probably has a 1970's big fat hairy pussy. yuck

  5. I heard from a guy who used to date her that Christi Paul gives bad blow jobs. She gets her teeth in the way and is just uncordinated with her mouth. You can tell from the photo.

  6. Christi: "O'Reilly's dick was so small I only had to open my lips this far!"

  7. Christi Paul is the least sexy woman in CNN. I know that it is hard to be that since the women of CNN are complete dykes compared to the gorgeous women of Fox but, Christi Paul definitly has the trophy. She would have been hot in the 70's but, it is the year 2008.

  8. Why is it that Fox and FBN have the hot women who dress way sexier than cnn. Isn't CNN supposed to be the laid back network and fox the conservative stiffs. The guys at CNN are just faggets.

  9. I saw Christi Paul on this morning when I was flipping through news channels. Her skirt was just as long as it is in this photo. Christi Paul looked simular to this photo. She would never get hired on fox since the women on there aren't afraid to were short skirts or show cleavage. She is so, dull and lacks sexiness.

  10. I agree. Christi Paul is attractive but, let's put it in perspective: You show up to a sorority party and all the women are attractive. Christi Paul would be the square nobody who no one talks to. Sure any nerd would be glad to fuck anyone of the women at the party but, the guys who have standards usually ignore the Christi Paul type since she is so plane and doesn't know how to seduce a man.

  11. How old is she??, it looks like she looks hot after 12 beer had been drank because in those pics she does not look good

  12. She looks plenty good to me. I bet she has a tight asshole.
