Monday, September 15, 2008

Gretchen Carlson Upskirt This Morning

She's either the dumbest blonde on TV, or the hottest. Anyways, Gretchen Carlson was showing us her goods on FOX and Friends this morning when Brian spilt some coffee on her, I bet he did it on purpose so he could touch her legs, what a douchebag. Enjoy...

Peeking up Gretchen's skirt,

Screencaps courtesy of SceptreX42 and SOM at the Wide World of Women forum.


  1. Oooh Mistress've got the most GORGEOUS pair of baby blue THIGHS!!!

  2. Man I just Love her... She is not afraid....... Really Nice Legs

  3. She can really put on a show when she wants to.....

  4. Those last 2 people need to get a life. Gretchen is such an hag it makes me throw up. Enough of her and put Courtney @ Ainsley back on.

  5. Not very attractive-I have seen her Miss America photos and she was attractive then but time has not been kind. She seems bitchy

  6. She has never been pretty, I remember seeing her when she won the pagent an couldn't believe she won and now she is uglier than ever.

  7. Anchor Man always gets the great photos.

    Gretchen Carlson is pretty smart and she is showing the typical news woman upskirt on purpose. Compared to the other two blonds mentioned in an earlier comment well, Gretchen Carlson is a god damned genius compared to them.

    Sometimes a little bitchy but, her showing her legs and a pg-13 upskirt makes up for it.

  8. I love it when Gretch wears the poofy skirts. She gives us views pretty high up her thighs.

    Unfortunately, she doesn't seem top wear poofy skirts much anymore. Maybe she visits this site????

  9. Gretchen is a dim-wit but she has the survival skills of the best street walkers. She knows that she has to show more to stay on top. I think the upskirts are not as accidental as some would have you think

  10. Sonia Baghdady see her in a bikini next to the copy machine WOW !!! HOT !!!

    Watch in high quality

  11. I saw Gretchen Carlson on tv today. She had a really mean cold look in her eyes which was typical. I would let Gretchen Carlson suck my cock and if she gave me that bitchy look while sucking my cock than I would have no choice but, to do what mistress Gretchen is implying and that is to blow my warm cum down her throat. : )

    She is probably a pain in the ass with her unstable attitude but, she would be fun to hang out with.

  12. I think the upskirt was designed to keep us from looking at her face. I know it's not her fault but...she looks somewhat like a bulldog???

  13. these guys need to get their eyes checked. Total bow-wow.

  14. She looks kind of like a cross-eyed poodle.From what I've heard, she gives a lot of upskirts? Got to show the pussy to keep 'em watching!
