Monday, September 29, 2008

Sexy Babes Elizabeth Hasselbeck and Alexis Glick on Huckabee

I have to say, the Mike Huckabee Show is on a roll with a guest list like this. Elizabeth Hasselbeck, my goodness she is hot. Then he follows it up with Alexis Glick. Damn, who does he have batting cleanup?? My goodness, it's enough to give a man a heart attack.

Elizabeth and Alexis, WOW...

Screencaps courtesy of malone42 at the Wide World of Women forum.


  1. Great way to start a new show, both women I'd love to bang, especially Glick, she is one Hot mama who loves to suck.

  2. I'm not into Alexis Glick at all, she has thick legs with no shape her face isn't great and I’m not into her personality or lack there of, but Elisabeth Hasselbeck is absolutely gorgeous, her legs, her smile, her adorable personality, she's perfect, plus she's a conservative! So Elisabeth is indeed perfect woman!

  3. Hey, I'll take Alexis!! Woo-Hoo!

  4. Alexis for me as well.

  5. To first commenter, Have some damned respect for Alexis Glick.

    Any guy who thinks Alexis Glick does not have a personality is completely clueless. That would be like saying that The Dark Knight was to light of a movie.

    Alexis Glick does have curves. If her skirt were shorter than you could see that. I can't believe she doesn't show off her great cleavag, she has boobs that are way better than the 20 year old news women. Alexis does dress sexier from time to time so, you can't judge her when she dresses a little stiff.

    Mike Huckabee was the biggest moron in the republican race and he is a media whore. I've seen in him fox more than any other candidate. But, all of this is just stating the very very Obvious. I have met plenty of guys like Mike Huckabee and they usually stink with women. So, god bless Huckabee for using his horniness to get to hot women on the show. I have slept with women who resemble both of them. But, it would be my fantasy to sleep with both of them at the SAME : ) time.

  6. Look at Elisabeth Hasselbeck's eyes in the first photo, she has that look like she knows he wants to fuck her but, he doesn't have a chance and the only reason she is talking to his sleezy ass is because he is a governor and has a show on fox. Then again, TO BE FAIR, Elisabeth Hasselbeck is superficial also, since, she married a football player. Nothing against football players since, some of the best guys I know are football players but, the women who usually date them are twits like Elisabeth Hasselbeck. Elisabeth Hasselbeck makes no fucking sense on the view she defends the screw ups of the republican party and tries to make what is obviously not true sound true. If OJ Simpson was a republican than she would defend him. Just because she talks alot does NOT make her smart. She should keep her mouth shut since she makes the republican party sound sleezy.

  7. Alexis Glick makes Elisabeth Hasselbeck look like a blonde haired man. But, in these photos they look like they are on the same level of beauty.

    Alexis dresses hot from time to time on the Breakfast show so, I know she is pretty. But, why Alexis Glick does not dress sexy when she goes on all the other shows is stupid of her since those other shows have hot blonde news women who are giving there looks 100%. She has only got one shot to capture people's attention and she is not making herself memorable. If I were her agent than I would be freaking out.

    Alexis has only got one shot to promote herself and she is looking like a loser librarian. She has great boobs and a sexy body, those who watch FBN know what a great body she has but, everyone else who never watch FBN does not know that.

    Now is the time that Alexis Glick is getting the most airtime on all the networks and she is blowing it all by dressing like my 5th grade English teacher.

  8. Alexis Glick has gorgeous legs. She is a goddess.

  9. I have dated some hot women in my time from sorority women to models. So, I am saying this from experience, if her skirt were a inch shorter than her legs would look better. The cut of the dress is not right for her.

    Look at those calves. Wouldn't you like to lick from her calve all the way up to her asshole. : ) I never lick women's assholes but, I would make an exception for her.

  10. I would prefer Alexis on Elizabeth- maybe a Geraldo style drama like the al copone vault, except this would be Alexis on an expedition to determine if Hasselbecks carpet matches the drapes..(-)

  11. Alexis is the Hottest, she is a true prospector who loves to go digging' for gold.

  12. Alexis is gorgeous! She needs to be shown a good time. No holes barred!

  13. I LOVE all the posters who come here to claim they appreciate these women for their minds and talent. BULLSHIT!
    We all know 99.9 percent of the comments here are how we'd like to bang these babes in the pussy and/or ass, and ram our cocks down their throats before dumping a load all over their makeup perfect faces.
    Show them some respect? You MUST be kidding!

  14. It is true that the several bloggers come on here to say how hot some news women are since it is after all called "anchorbabes"

    But, the previous commentor has it all wrong. Since bloggers come on her to also criticizing how several of the news women are brats and lack the intelligence to be on the news.

    When someone says, "show them some respect" than they are talking about the rare news women like Alexis Glick who is actually smart and hot which is rare. Trashing ALL news women just makes you sound like an idiot. You have to be fair in your analysis.

    Alexis Glick deserves the respect because she is nice, sexy and smart.

  15. Alexis Glick is butt ugly, Elisabeth Hasselbeck is gorgeous!

  16. Alexis Glick used to be a man.

  17. Alexis Glick has a huge wiener in her panties, cause she's a man.

  18. Alexis Glick is so manly looking, she probably has a dick!

  19. I would love to plug Alexis in all three in-puts.

  20. Alexis Glick only has two in-puts, cause she has a huge dick, cause she's a man! I can't believe all of you are attracted to men, you fags!

  21. To the previous five comments, you are the same guy. Chill out man, you opinion is valued. We all understand that you don't like a lot of the dumb news women that are currently on the air. But, trashing Alexis is not right. Scroll down the page, there are plenty of selfish and arrogant news women who actualy deserve it.

    Again, you have a great point, it's just focused on the wrong person. We all definitly want to continue hearing your opinion.

  22. Alexis Glick has a debonair smile. Look at Alexis Glick's eyes in the first photo of her. She is the type of woman you would want to make passionate love to. Then when the honeymoon is over with you let her fuck the hell out of your cock and cum all over your cock. This woman is marriage material. It is to bad she got married so young.

    I wish she would dress hot like other news woman.

  23. Alexis Glick is pretty, I just think there are better looking news women with better personalities, she's in the top ten though.

  24. Wow, 23 comments. Then again, there are two hot women: a blonde who is half way smart and a brunnette who is sexy from time to time. I agree Alexis could dress sexier. I saw Elisabeth Hasslebeck wear a mini-skirt that was LITERALLY half as short as Alexis' skirt on the view today. Elisabeth has a more fashionable taste in style.

  25. Yeah, Alexis is "really ugly". She is a fucking hottie!

    check out

    enough said!

  26. she's still ugly, she's a man!

  27. alexis glick is still ugly, cause she's a man with big balls, a horse face, and fat shapeless legs, she's gross!

  28. I saw Elizabeth on the show. Looks like she had shorts on, not a skirt!

  29. Elisabeth Hasselbeck was wearing a skirt.

  30. Alexis Glick never shows any cleavage. What does she have a tatoo on her boobs or something?
