Sunday, October 5, 2008

Crashing Janice Dean's Baby Shower

Baby showers are the best. I've always imagined what it would be like to crash a bush party. This would be the ultimate, Janice Dean's baby shower with all the hot ladies of FOX and some from FBN earlier in the week, pictures posted on Janice's blog. I'd like to think I'd have the stamina to go through all of them, but I have to admit I'd have to pop a couple of blue pills halfway...

Yo, yo, yo, check out all da honies from FOX,

Screencaps courtesy of Deadzone and sparty at the Wide World of Women forum.


  1. Anyone know who the well-endowed women in the second pic (in the middle) is? Looks like she could pop all those buttons by just taking a deep breath!
    Are those some nipples poking thru or just the material straining at the seams?

  2. Those have GOT to be way past DD cups. If she's not pregnant and they aren't filled with milk now, I'd like to see her (whoever she is) knocked up and those gorgeous jugs bursting with liquid love ready to be pumped or nursed out. She would be close to an F cup maybe just before she lets me nurse and help relieve the pressure of that warm, tasty breast milk straining her magnificent breasts.

  3. According to Janice's blog pics, the woman's first name is "Erin". If anyone knows her last name or has more pics of her wearing ANOTHER blouse straining to break buttons, please post a link.

  4. Looks like the smorgasbroad is open and all the delicacies are laid out for us.

  5. just go slow.... you want it to last

  6. WHAT THE FUCK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Nearly ALL the women who are main news women from Fox are there. Where the fuck is Julie Benderas (hispanic), Domenica Davis (hispanic), Uma Pemmaraju (other), Rebecca Gomez (hispanic) & Alexis Glick (Jewish by marriage). There is not even one token none-white woman out of this large group. NOT EVEN ONE OUT OF THIS HUGE GROUP. Whoever put this party together is OBVIOUSLY a racist. Also, if this is the typical inner circle that is taking place behind the scenes than all this bitches are fucking racist.

    Like I said, this is a huge group of main players from fox BUT, there were are the none-white women. Even by PURE CHANCE there should have been a none-white woman there. FUCKING NAZIS.

    But, you now what. All those Nazis you see in the photo still lose. Since, the hottest women on Fox are Julie Banderas and Alexis Glick. They have the baywatch Bodies and the brains. When these dumb white chicks lack the brains. Don't get me wrong. My last three girlfriends were white and looked just like two of the women in the photo. But, I dumped them because they couldn't hold a conversation. I plan on getting into a serious relationship with someon simular to one of the women who were banned from this party.

  7. yeah, the photo does look racist. i am disgusted. there are several ladies there so like the previous guy said, by chance there should have been one of the several hispanic or etc. women there.

  8. Anon just called Uma Pemmaraju an "Other". What a racist tool.

    BTW, "hispanic" isn't a race, douchebag.

    Now, let's get back to the sweater puppies.

  9. Uma is Indian as in India. Who doesn't know that?

  10. Hey Assmunch....what are you the party police? Do I have to check with you the next time I throw a fuckin' party to make sure the guest list is racially balanced? Fuck you! If you can't enjoy the women without the social commentary then go back to whatever bathhouse you crawled out from under and pound sand!

  11. Taking a break from the racist rants...I agree with the post about the tits on the woman in the second pic. Damn...she could feed the starving in Ethiopia all by herself.
    The poster who wondered where the hispanic women were - they are either in the kitchen preparing food for the guests or cleaning the toilets. Uma was patting out hamburgers made from sacred cows. Alexis was giving everyone instructions on how to take everything back for refunds and haggle for a lower purchase price.
    Alexis: "Repeat after me...'OY VEY! This costs HOW MUCH'????"
    (Well, THAT should stir the pot a little...)
    Doesn't ANYONE know who the mammary blessed women in the second photo is? PLEASE!

  12. Dominica Davis is Italian.

  13. They look like a bunch of trailer trash racist bitches. Oh, and who cares if Uma is Indian or hispanic. The guy made his point, there are a large group of women and there is no way in hell the other women of fox could not be included. These chicks are racist and the whoever put together the invite list is most definitely racist. Julie Banderas is still hotter than all of them put together.

  14. Obviously you can't make a woman invite someone of another race to a baby shower. I guess Janice doesn't know any "minorities" that work at Fox, damn, not even Lauren Green? Julie Banderas is a hottie, but if she thinks that Fox is EVER gonna give her sexy Latina self a slot on the weekday, over those women, well I've got a bridge to nowhere I want to sell her!

  15. Ahh, I was sitting here in hell, when the big guy (Satan) called me up and told me about what Rupert has done at Fox news. I am so proud of this show of Aryan superiority, I would cry but my tears would just evaporate from the heat! And then I also read that one Rupert's minions praised me, saying LHitler did great things" and I damn near lost it! I just knew my work would be carried on, and judging by this picture, I was right! Rupert, Ainsley, and all the rest who've followed my lead with keeping things pure, I will have a "special spot" saved for you down here. Just please, please bring an air conditioner or fan, it gets pretty fucking hot down here!

    Adolph H.

  16. Well, well, the libral left wing loonies are out in force tonight. Of course the blacks and the browns are welcome at Fox.

    Just last week I had Juan Williams at my house, we had a good conversation about the liberal hustlers who've hijacked the black community.

    He was proud to wash my car, and he even offered to shine my shoes! That Juan, always such a nice black guy! Not like the others!

    He told me "Yowsa boss, you sho do a great job each nite on yo tv show, maybe iffen I tries hard, I's can host a show like you do, boss?"

    I told him, if he keeps his head on straight, pulls himself up by the bootstraps one day he CAN be like me and free himself of poverty pimps like Jesse Jackson and the like! Make sure my shoes are so shiney it's like looking in a mirror, and the world is yours my negro friend!

    You see liberal loonies, Juan is one of the good ones...and he's even good at the whole "ironing my shirts" deal.

    And I'll have you know we have plenty of their kind working behind the scenes at Fox. I even spoke to one the other day as he was sweeping the floor in the office. They are so nice when they say "Hi boss, how you feeling today."

    And that's the way it should be, I don't care about race, ethnicity or gender...I'M LOOKING OUT FOR YOU! Gotta run, Juan just came over to massage my feet!

  17. There are a whole lot of minorities women at fox news and business news channel. The first photo with all the main White players is an obvious postcard of racism. There is no way in hell that it is just all white anchor news women at this photo shoot by mere chance. There are just as many minority news anchor women at fox. It would be like going into a video store and only getting ten action movies but, Not renting romance, suspense and sci-fi. Just renting action movies. We are not stupid!

    Someone and/or several people at this baby shower are racist.

  18. Let me see if I've got this right ... I have to invite a token amount of minorities to any of my private social functions because.... you want me to?

    You poor bastard

  19. The previous person is a fucking idiot. lol

    You don't have to invite a token amount of minorities to a private social function, as a matter of fact race should not be a factor at all. But, it is obviously a factor based on the first photo. The mere fact that none of the several minorities that you work with are not there when there are SEVERAL white people there would say you are a racist.

    The previous commenter is obviously an idiot who thinks that juggling words around will justify his racism. Don't try talking slick since, you are not smart enough. Go back to college and learn how to talk. : )

    Those women in that photograph are a bunch of racist nazis like several others have said.

  20. Rick Leventhal & Janice Dean who both report the weather on Fox News don't appreciate the change of seasons & they don't know how to enjoy cold weather as both of them constantly poop. Janice Dean also does smelly farts & turds.

    So far you've commented on Megyn Kelly's farts & turds. 1 said that Megyn Kelly's farts & turds smell like roses. What do you think of Jill Dobson's farts & turds ? Jill Dobson also has an anus & farts & turds exit Jill Dobson's anus as they do Megyn Kelly's anus. Do Jill Dobson's farts & turds smell good or do they stink like every1
    elses ? What do you think of the farts & turds of the other women in the picture who work for Fox News.

  21. Janice Dean & Heather Tesch (Weather Channel) don't appreciate the change of seasons. Heather Tesch farts & poops on cold weather. I like cold weather & snowfall & it's dull to hear Heather Tesch poop on it. Heather Tesch has an anus & Heather Tesch does smelly farts & turds. Janice Dean does smelly farts & turds.

    All the women in that picture fart & shit. Megyn Kelly farts & shits & Jill Dobson also farts & shits. Megyn Kelly Kelly, Jill Dobson & Janice Dean all have anuses & their turds stink like every1 elses.
