Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Courtney Hazlett Sure Looks Like She's Ready to Go

From yesterday on BSNBC, Courtney Hazlett looking delicious. The dude seems very interested in her body, way to go cheeseball. Courtney's got the look on her face like she's giving the guy the hint, "After the show, backstage, wanna flop in the hay? Just say when..."

I wanna think what you think, Courtney,

Screencaps courtesy of Gambit at the Reporter Caps forum.


  1. You must have missed her one day last week. She had on a micro-mini that really showed off her legs!

  2. Great legs, but an ugly face. Suppose I could always use a bag or just let her suck me off, the word going around is she likes to give head.

  3. She has that innocent look that I love. The kind of woman who is proper until you close the bedroom door and out.
    I think she's a cutie. Everyone is entitled to their opinion. And what normal woman DOESN'T love to give head?

  4. Her skirt would have been shorter is she was on Fox which is why fox is number one in the ratings. They know that sex sells.

  5. Her skirt would have been shorter if she was on Fox which is why fox is number one in the ratings. They know that sex sells.

  6. I bet that sly smile was due to her thinking of Willie's willie. If a woman gave me that look, I would know EXACTLY what she was thinking.

  7. i let how blow me while i am eating out then cum inside of her

  8. You can look at her and tell she's been sleeping her way to the top. I mean who wants to see her face every morning. I hear you need a body condom to sleep with her because she's such a nasty whore.

  9. Courtney is no more than a common whore. She's just been sleeping around to get more air time. I know for a fact that this absolute idiot only has her job because shes been sleeping with some NBC married executives. But what they don't know, is that she has a big mouth and has been bragging about it. She's also a racist pig I've personally heard anti-Semitic comments from her drunken mouth, not to mention the N- word in regards to Obama. She's an ugly alcoholic with no talent, a complete moron. Shame on you MSNBC for having such poor judgment in hiring such an indecent human being to represent you.

  10. This woman has yet to say anything intelligent with all her air time. She should be embarrassed all she does is read the wire and states the obvious. She tries to be controversial but she just attacks and insults people. She has some strong jaws look like she's been putting in overtime with her big stupid mouth, in more ways than one.

  11. I overheard her drunk making totally racist comments from Pres. Obama to the Jews.
    Get her drunk, and you wont get lucky, you will get the crabs...

  12. ^ I think Courtney being a racist is adorable, she’s probably such a cute drunk. I too make racist comments about Obama... so good for her if it’s true. Racism is Freedom of Speech! (sorta?!)

    the CAPTCHA was: jewswel

  13. I'm suprised MSNBC would have an anti-obama reporter, since 99% of MSNBC/NBC want to give that negro a bj.

  14. there's no need to be racist, imo.

  15. She has to be the easiest lay in town...just buy her a few drinks

  16. So true. Ask Phil Griffin why she stills has her job. Not only did she sleep with him, but she has slept every creepy married man that could help her get more air time. She is vile in every way and really is a creep herself.
