Monday, November 10, 2008

Kimberly Guilfoyle Very Hot in HD

It's too bad she's on so rarely, but here is the always sexy Kimberly Guilfoyle on FOX's Geraldo, in HD no less. If you like black, then you'll like her stunning outfit. Don't know about y'all out there, but I'm also a big fan of freckles and Kim's got some nice ones there on her chest.

Kim's bangin' body,

Screencaps courtesy of IceMan at the Wide World of Women forum.


  1. Lovely woman, and with that mouth of hers she must give great head.

  2. I haven't seen Kimberly Guilfoyle look this good in years, she looks beautiful!

  3. Kimberly Guilfoyle is fox's only mistake for not having her on as much. She definitly smarter (a lawyer) that a lot of those dumb blonde twits they have on. Then again, I am not complaining about fox and FBN. Fox is smart enough to have hot wemen dressed in sexy outfits (check out her sexy cleavage). Those faggets on CNN, MSNBC, and Headline news wished they had women who dressed this sexy and are smart but they are to fucking stupid which is why they score lower in the ratings. I am a liberal/democrat but, I prefer to watch Fox.

  4. Kimberly Guilfoyle is getting old. She isn't 25 years old anymore & Kimberly Guilfoyle will eventually hit menopause. Why can't you write about women who are younger & prettier than Kimberly Guilfoyle?

    Yes, Kimberly Guilfoyle is prettier than Megyn Kelly. Is Kimberly Guilfoyle going to be so pretty to you after she is menopausal?

  5. There is no one that is hotter than her. She definitly does not look old to me and I am VERY picky when it comes to women.

  6. To add to what I just said, I love watching hot news women and she is one of the ones who don't bore me. She has looks and brains what more can you ask for from a news woman when you watch the news.

  7. Kimberly Guilfoyle also farts & shits & Kimberly Guilfoyle has an anus. Please comment on what you think of Kimberly Guilfoyle's farts & turds. Kimberly Guilfoyle is getting old & she isn't 20 years old anymore. Also oral sex does incr. the risk of oral cancer.

  8. As long as she doesn't shit on my while she is riding my cock than we are cool. Well, she would have to beg to ride my cock and then maybe I will let her.

  9. Beauty AND brains? Now THAT makes woman 'hot' in my opinion. KG can cross-examine me anytime.

  10. Kimberly Guilfoyle has the view that prosecutors are right, though she isn't as bad as Wendy Murphy. Canadian columnist Rachel Marsden (Fartsden)must be tuned out. As noted earlier, even after it was proven that the Duke Lacrosse men were innocent, Canadian columnist Rachel Marsden downplayed the seriousness of the false rape accusation.

    Rachel Marsden is worse than the false accuser & 1 reason that I'm sometimes tuned out by discussions of rape & domestic violence is because of the fact that even after it's proven that the men are falsely accused, people like Rachel Marsden continue to make excuses. Rachel Marsden does smelly farts & turds which exit Rachel Marsden's anus.

    Kimberly Guilfoyle does smelly farts & turds which exit Kimberly Guilfoyle's anus. Kimberly Guilfoyle talks about rape/sex abuse trials simplistically. She also hasn't given a neutral view of the OJ Simpson murder trial & it's now my belief that OJ Simpson is innocent of the double murder & I rethought it.

    To the poster who said that Kimberly Guilfoyle could cross examine the poster @ any time, what if the poster is innocent? 1 reason that I don't watch legal news programs is because it's so 1 sided.

  11. Kimberly Guilfoyle's farts & turds which exit Kimberly Guilfoyle's anus is smelly. 1 reason I don't usu. watch legal programs very much is because they're not interested in the facts but like any1 else in the news business ratings.

    Kimberly Guilfoyle hasn't given a neutral evaluation of the OJ Simpson murder trial & I now believe that OJ Simpson's innocent. I now realize the reasonable doubts that were there & Ron Goldman could've been the intended victim.

    Canadian columnist Rachel Marsden (Fartsden)must be tuned out. As noted earlier, even after it was proven that the Duke Lacrosse men were innocent, Canadian columnist Rachel Marsden downplayed the seriousness of the false rape accusation.

    Rachel Marsden is worse than the false accuser & 1 reason that I'm sometimes tuned out by discussions of rape & domestic violence is because of the fact that even after it's proven that the men are falsely accused, people like Rachel Marsden continue to make excuses. Rachel Marsden does smelly farts & turds which exit Rachel Marsden's anus.

  12. Stop talking about farts and turds you sick fucking loser. Several people have said we don't want to here your bullshit so, give it a rest.

  13. I agree about the clown who keeps talking about farts and turds. You are on the wrong website. We are here to talk about beautiful anchorwomen. We don't want to here about that shit. Take it somewhere else you sick fuck!

  14. I only talk about farts and turds because I love to suck them out of assholes. Preferably a guy's asshole. Can I suck a fart out of your asshole??

  15. You farts and turds sick dont suck shit out of an asshole you asshole you are the shit the shit and farts that comes out of the asshole...go find somewhere else to be a fart & turd you sick son of a bitch

  16. No homos allowed, so no thank you & homos spread AIDS. Kimberly Guilfoyle has an anus & farts & turds exit her anus. I'll write here whether you like it or not & to the poster who called me an SOB, your mother is a bitch.

    I'll post about Kimberly Guilfoyle's farts & turds whether you like or dislike it. I'll post about Rachel Marsden's farts & turds whether you like it or not.

    Some posters like to smell women's farts & turds & it would be interesting to read posts of those who want to smell Kimberly Guilfoyle's farts & turds. Please keep posting about Kimberly Guilfoyle's farts & turds & would you like to see her perform scat.

  17. What's so good about Kimberly Guilfoyle? The woman predictably believes in free will when it comes to engaging in homo&lesbian sexual behaviors, but if she opposes repair therapy to search for the cure for homosexuality, she is the predictable group.

    There are women prettier than Kimberly Guilfoyle & the woman is getting older. Why the hype over Kimberly Guilfoyle?

  18. To answer the previous guy. Well, I guess most off us are just tired of the dumb blonde news women who dress like shit.

  19. Do any of you idiots realize that before she was a lawyer she was a langerie model? I don't care she is a lawyer. She was married to Gavin Newsom, the current mayor of San Francisco. Their 232,000$ marriage was paid for by a publishing company. She is neither old or ugly,just unbelievably shallow and stupid.
