Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Alexis Glick Classically Hot on FBN This Morning

The last couple of months, Alexis Glick has kinda toned down her sexiness. Now that FOX Business is not just a fad anymore, Alexis takin' her role as VP a lot more seriously. She's definitely still smokin' hot though, more of a classically sexy look. Here she is from this morning on FBN.

Alexis goes conservative,

Screencaps courtesy of Brettfan at the Wide World of Women forum.


  1. Yes she has really toned it down, never wears her classic red lipstick anymore and it makes her look less hot. Don't get me wrong, I'd definitely still bang her and let her take me deep, especially since she loves to blow.

  2. Now if she could just thin down in the hips, she'd be perfect.

  3. No shit. Alexis Glick has been dressing like a goddammed boring librarian. I flip through all the news channels every morning and she has been dressing like shit. Does she ever pick up Vogue Magazine or Glamour. I think she might have curves and maybe-boobs but, that was so long ago that I don't remember. She is such a hack. She only dressed seductive in the begining and now she dresses like a boring librarian. She used to be the hottest woman on the fox networks but, now she is the least attractive. I will stick to watching the other news women who know how to dress like women and not dykes.

  4. Alexis Glick would never show cleavage or short skirts like the great women of Fox and Friends and the other programs on Fox. Watching her is like watching a man deliver the news. Maybe she is wearing such a long skirt to hide her dick.

  5. She did wear a sleeveless black dress yesterday.

  6. I agree. I used to watch but, have switched to the main fox channel. She is just not as pretty as other news women anymore/she just lost her sex appeal.

  7. That sucks. I guess Alexis Glick does not give a shit about her network to look good on the air. She is vice-president so, her job is not on the line so, why would she give a shit.

  8. First guy, all women love to blow and she probably thinks she is the queen of blow jobs like all women do. But, I like to watch all the women on fox except for her since she is not as hot as the rest of them. Dressing like a 90 year old woman is not hot. Just saying

  9. First guy, all women love to blow and she probably thinks she is the queen of blow jobs like all women do. But, I like to watch all the women on fox except for her since she is not as hot as the rest of them. Dressing like a 90 year old woman is not hot. Just saying

  10. Hey, how about hooking a brother up with a picture of Christine Romans in that outfit a couple of posts down with the fishnets where she is NOT grabbing her legs. I gotta see those legs! She is a butta face but those fishnets look good...

  11. All HAIL the classy, respectable-looking-and-dressing Alexis Glick for showing the tawdry, low-down dirty whores on all the liberal networks (such as CNN, CBS, MSNBC, et al) how a real woman dresses and carries herself! Unlike the sluts they pass off as apparent anchors on the lewd liberal networks, Alexis Glick (since she's on a network that has a strong, conservative influence in the balance on FBN and FNC) knows that men will respect her for dressing like that and not want to merely bang her and then throw her away like a used, discarded condom...which is what men everywhere want to do with tramps like Katie "Fuck Me, Baby" Couric, Robin "Spread My Legs" Meade, or Linda "I take it in the ASS" Stouffer.

    For dressing appropriately for a woman in her mid-thirties and who is married with 3 young kids, Alexis inspires in me--let me assure you, a hardcore, heterosexual male--feelings of chivalry, not the ugly, base feelings of rapturous lust that the tawdry whores of the liberal networks set off in me like a firestorm.

    When Alexis dresses like this--I'll call it business/preppy--she makes me want to buy her chocolates and write poetry for her (not the gay kind, but the chivalrous kind!). She also makes me want to go for walks with her on the beach in our bare feet and go for long walks together in intimacy.

    Of course, these feelings Alexis Glick--especially when she dresses in such a neat-o, conservative way--inspires in me are because of the conservative-inclusive network she works for. Were Alexis an anchor for a liberal network like CNN, not only would she look like a cheap, two-cent slut working the corner, but she'd also make me want to bang her pussy until she was screaming in pure ecstasy, "Ooooohh, yeeaaah...bang my pussy...bang my pusseeeeee!!" Fortunately, I won't run into that problem because Alexis' conservative bosses at Fox obviously don't go for that whoring out of anchors!

  12. DeflowererofLiberalWomen! is a faggot. There are no women who dress out of line in cable news today. All the women of Fox dress sexy except for Alexis so, I don't know what cable news channels your blind ass has been watching.

    I agree with a previous guy who said that Alexis dresses like a librarian. boring, ha ha

  13. She did wear clothes as hot as other women on Fox. Check out the old photos, she looked awesome in the green shirt and short miniskirt. She does have a body. But, I guess she is being a little uptight and square these days.

  14. I saw her this morning/Wed. everyone is right she does dress like an uptight Nun. Boring ha ha

  15. I saw her this morning/Wed. everyone is right she does dress like an uptight Nun. Boring ha ha

  16. Alexis is fucking hot! Give me a break! I agree her stylist sucks ... I am sure she does not choose these clothes. When she was on the Today show she wore these tight wrap dresses. UNREAL how hot she looked.

    She is a BABE! Her husband probably has no idea what to do with her.

  17. I agree. She is edible ... She should slut it up a little more though ...

    I'd like to smack that ass!!!!

  18. check out who is number 4 on this list!


  19. Isn't she the VP. She needs to fire the person in charge of wardrobe for making her look like Mrs. Rogers.

  20. I wish she would visit my neighborhood!

  21. did you she what she was wearing today!!!!


  22. Anchorman,

    I stopped watching a week ago so, I am curious. Can you put up the photos of what she was wearing today?

    Thanks : )

  23. She was wearing some crappy all black outfit that had no seductive qualities. *yawn*

  24. she was wearing a red wrap dress. smokin!

  25. Yes, but did you see what she was wearing underneath ?? If you did then you are one lucky dude.

  26. The point is that Alexis was dressed like shit. She just doesn't have the seductive class of other fox news women. I watched for five seconds and then switched channels.

  27. I would love to bang that ass! Brains and booty!


  28. I bet she has grandma panties on too. ha ha

  29. More Alexis PICS!!!!

  30. She needs to lose weight - not attractive at all. Some of you guys must be CHUBBY CHASERS: http://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=chubby+chaser
