Thursday, January 8, 2009

Conservative Queen Ann Coulter on the Today Show

Back to the hot pundits, this is conservative talking head Ann Coulter on the Today Show with Matt Lauer. I know Matt grilled her pretty good, but I still bet he's thinking what it would be like to get inside of Ann. I know some guys that are crazy over Ann, but personally I'm lukewarm on her. I'd hit it, but there are better talking heads out there...

Wha'chu sellin' Ann?

Screencaps courtesy of shadow at the Reporter Caps forum.


  1. Matt Laurer is the liberal's favorite "Pinup Boy." FOX News Rules!

  2. fox is commentary. It's not news.
    She's a world class bitch selling
    right wing junk to people was their head in the sand.

  3. i like see her and the other right wing elisabeth hasslback get it bbuy doing each other

  4. That, my friends, is a big dog face. Not good looking. When she was younger, she was passable. Now? OUCH!

  5. She looks like a vampire. All she needs is black hair, red contact lenses and the fake fangs.

  6. Ann Coulter represents what most women are like in the 21st Century: illogical and spoiled bitches. The only difference between her and every other woman is that she does not filter what she is thinking.

    All Ann is is a fuck hole. But, she would have to beg me to stick my cock in that pussy. yuck

  7. Her face is getting worse but her legs are pretty good and I like that she wears pantyhose!

  8. All women think like her. Especially if you go on a lot of dates and when they open up to you and let you know there deepest inner thoughts about the world they say just as stupid shit as she does. Give Ann a break since, she is only showing what all women are thinking.

  9. The worlds wackiest psycho-skank...

  10. worlds greatest bitch!!!!!!!
    please don't show anymore of her or him which ever IT is.
