Saturday, January 3, 2009

New Year's Revelers Roughhouse News Babe Lemor Shlomof

This was a clip MSNBC featured about a news reporter getting heckled, kissed, and mooned during a New Year's Broadcast. The hottie is Lemor Shlomof of News4 in Lake Tahoe Nevada. I think if I was in Tahoe, I would probably try to kiss her too, but the heckling and mooning was a bit much. Very funny though, watch,

Tip: Huffington Post


  1. Lemor Shlomof is a stuck up arrogant bitch. The guy was obviously just giving her an innocent peck on the cheek. But, she is like "Excuseeee me." She is not even as hot as other news women. Just being honest. No wonder this twit is not on national news. lol

  2. Well, what do you expect from a generation of morons? The "M" Generation...sounds about right...

  3. she sucks. anonymous 2 was spot on...
