Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Patti Ann Brown is on Fire on RedEye

Hot damn!!! That's about all I can say about that. Wow, Patti Ann Browne must've got a memo or something but talk about steppin' up your game, last night on Red Eye. She can bring home the bacon and eat it too. My goodness, FOX is got it goin' on, enjoy...

The red rocket is on fire,

Screencaps courtesy of cody at the Wide World of Women forum.


  1. HOT DAMN is right. How short was the dress? Any leg shots? She looks AMAzing.

  2. Oh my oh my, what a woman !

  3. That is f-ing INSANE!!!! WOW! We need some more caps of this please!!!

  4. She could fry my bacon anytime!!!!!!

  5. That's the hottest pic I've ever seen here!

  6. It is unprecedented for a newsreader to wear this type of outfit. Amazing! We need more caps of this!

  7. Go to Wide World of Women, they have lots of caps from this segment. Isn't she one hot woman, lord I could spend hours and hours with her doing everything to me.

  8. Her husband must have a perpetual hard-on seeing her in that. All of the Fox women know that they are hot, and they are not afraid to show it. There is just something about a professional woman showing off her body. Schulz and Gutfeld have to have them as well sitting next to and being close to all those hot women as well.

  9. ugly? Hell man, what is wrong with you? If you think PAB in that dress is ugly you must think a pile of shit is gorgeous and sexy.

  10. She looks stunning. I normaly don't pay any attention to her since, Alexis Glick always looks hotter but, Patti Anne Brown has definitly topped her. Pattie normaly looks a little nerdy but, she looks like a hot movie star in this photo.

  11. Rebecca Diamond wears great outfits like this. If Patti Ann Brown continues to dress this hot than she is on her way to hosting her own show. It not just about the great cleavage since, the cleavage makes you want to listen to what she is saying and take a second look at her face. She has a gorgeous face.

  12. I must admit that she has looked boring in the past. But, she looks like perfection here.

  13. Who is she and why aren't we married?

    This is the type of woman you would take seriously and want to spent the rest of your life with treating like a princess.

  14. typo: This is the type of woman you would take seriously and want to spend the rest of your life with treating like a princess.

    She dos have a models face with the perfect figure.

  15. Pattie Ann Brown looks hotter than Gretchen Carlson. They should put her on Fox and Friends weekend and the ratings are guaranteed to go up. If she looked this hot every morning than I would wake up to watch her before work. Patti makes Robin Meads fake boobs look like nothing.


  16. I agree with everone. News women don't normaly meet the high glamorous standards of movie stars or tv stars but, Patti equals them. I think she is far prettier.

    Melissa Joan Hart is in the first photos and makes her look like nothing.

  17. can someone link to the wideworld of women caps? I can never get on that website and I MUST see more of this -- my god! I would love to see PAB on all fours with those cow udders hanging down

  18. Normaly I think PAB is overrated, but she looks really good here. I think it's the hair. She usually looks like she belongs working on a farm somewhere with her hairstyles. She should always wear her hair down. And her giant tatas don't hurt.

  19. Her cleavage makes you look at the rest of her. She was born with something most women whished they had which is a D cup.

    I like her dark sexy eyebrows and hair. Very feminine.

    I hope she is smart enough to dress like that more often so that she stays perminently on the radar.

  20. Who new she had a body like that? Patti is normaly dressed like boring and nerdy Clark Kent but, surprise she is Super-Girl under all that.

  21. You're all giving this woman way to much praise, you do know that she Farts & Shits just like everyone else. I don't think PAB is ugly or gorgeous, she's just alright (pretty at most). All you see is her cleavage and you think she is perfect. She's only human. She probably has a huge brown turd hanging out of her asshole right now. And do you also think that is sexy?

  22. This is the most beautiful screen cap photo I have seen on here in a month. Patti Ann Brown wins the hottest woman on news prize.

    We all always new she was smart and a professional news anchor so, for her to go from just another person on cable news to the hottest.

  23. In reply to Farts and turds guy,

    We have to give credit when credit is do. She is not one of those arrogant Paris Hilton dumb blonde news women. She is a down to earth smart news woman that does NOT have a huge arrogant ego.

    That photo is definitly the hottest I have seen in three months.

  24. Why are all of you obsessing over some Farting & Shitting woman?

  25. "most beautiful screen cap photo I have seen on here"
    wow, all of this over tits? that's kind of loser-ish.

    no disrespect of course.

  26. Previous jack ass commentor, Shut the fuck up! I hate when one party poopper dip shit tries to ruin all the fun.

    PAB has a myspace page. If you comment her than I am aware all you guys want to titty fuck her, I sure as hell do but, don't say it and be a gentlemen or she will probably just ignore you:

    Apparently her looks and weight and etc have all changed a lot over time. If you have a myspace page than you should message her and tell her about the comments on this page. If she saw how everyone is reacting to her great new look. In other words, she definitely should not go back to any of her old looks.

  27. She is already on

    This lady also has a great sense of humor. She is definitly the whole princess package:

    You can click on watch in high quality under the video to see her better. Hey, Anchorman, I'm surpised you haven't embeded her video no your page but, it might have just went up.

    A great face, brains, great low cut and classy shirt. The perfect professional news woman has arrived.

  28. Here's here e-mail address:

    Give her a compliment on how this is the most beautiful we have all seen her.

    To the one or two dumb asses out there, she is a news woman with power so, don't say anything stupid or she will have your ass thrown in jail.

    In other words be a gentlemen like the other guy said.

  29. To add to what I just said in the previous comment, well, you can say that you would love to make passionate love to her. Don't be stupid and think she is wild, she is reading from a teleprompter in the youtube video and she is therefore, joking around aka in other words treat her like a lady.

  30. Anchor Man, you should put this address up somewhere on your webpage pertinently so that those of us who want to praise a news woman so that she can get more on air time can:

  31. You will never see Robin Meade in a great outfit like this. I am a Morning Express viewer. But, if PAB is hosting a morning show looking this great than I am seriously considering jumping ship.

  32. Great cleavage. I would e-mail her but, she is married. I will just imagine her giving a great blow job and leave it at that.

    I don't understand why women this hot get married so young. What a waste. Well, at least we can see her on tv giving us the daily news.

  33. Id let her shit on me.

  34. Anchorman is too busy preparing his next MadMac related fugly woman post to do everything that is asked of him here. It's amazing to me how he can go from posting someone as hot as PAB here or Jenna Lee and then post something as awful as Jenna Wolfe or one of MadMac's fat grandmas. I mean, WTF?

  35. Wow, all of this over a set of tits? There's a billion+ women out there in the REAL world hotter than PAB. All you see is cleavage, and that makes her perfect to you?

  36. direct tv screwed something up and this ep did not hit my dvr. waaaaaaa.

  37. She looks great. I will check out whatever she is doing the news for When is she on Fox?

  38. She looks great. I will check out whatever she is doing the news for When is she on Fox?

  39. Patti has a perfect face and great expressions. I also, would like to know when she is on the air?

    But, if I turn on the network and she is dressed like a boring librarian and therefore, not as feminine as in these photos than I am switching back to CNBC in five seconds.

  40. I didn't know it was feminine to dress like a 2 dollar slut.

  41. THAT is Boner-Inspiring! I'd love to shoot a load of hot jizz all over that top!

  42. She looks very classy with the red and stylish shirt. Any man who does not like it is a fagget who likes to suck dicks.

    I also did not notice her in the past but, I will definitly stick around to watch if she looks this pretty. : )

  43. this is why I dvr red eye. a very unrated show. PAB is my second favorate news skank, behind Jenna Lee. In fact, PAB may be Jenna's Mom.

  44. PAB is far from a skank. Let's be realistic.

    She looks perfectly gorgeous to me. Great seductive and classy wardrobe. If she looks like that than I am watching fox more often.

  45. Patti has sexy eyes.

    Most women say stupid shit. That is not sexist to say since even women say that other women say illogical and stupid shit. lol

    But, if you look at Patti's eyes you want to listen because you know she is going to say something that you want to hear.

  46. I will check her out and if she looks as smart as she does in this photo and great eye candy at the same time than I will watch the whole show. Is she on FBN or Fox and when is she on the air?????????????????????????

  47. Anchorman,

    You have a great web site. I like how all the bloggers on here are more straight forward than on other web sites. On those other web sites people don't really say what they are truly thinking. On here everyone is honest.

    This photo of Patti Ann Brown made my week. It was like looking at a rainbow. She looks beautiful.
    When are you going to have category for her?

  48. When is she on the on Fox?

  49. I'll bet she's got big, pink, succulent areolas!

  50. She's hot but she is never on Fox. What the fuck! Fox needs to get there shit together. To have a hot and intellegent news woman who is not as stupid as Courtney Friel is a ratings gold mine and they are not having Patti on the air that much. That is fucking stupid.

  51. I am a camera man and I have a friend who used to date Patti Ann Browne and he told me that PAB has a smelly pussy that stinks like a fish that has been laying around for a month. Yuck.

  52. I also, worked with PAB once. I don't know of anyone who has slept with her but, she is one bitchy woman and arrogant. She pretends to be nice but, she is a subtle-bitch. She will never anchor a show since she is to ugly in the face. The only way it will happen is if she starts sucking the Producers Dicks.

  53. Patti Ann Browne is not all that. Hotter chicks have ridden my dick.

    Don't get me wrong, I would let her suck my dick if she begged me but, I would not return her phone call the next day.

    The only people who are interested in Patti Ann Browne are desperate virgins.

  54. I bet she has a disgusting hairy asshole.

  55. i'll wax that asshole of hers.

  56. she's so hot; i'd fuck her until MY cock bleeds
