Tuesday, January 20, 2009

A Sexy Jill Biden on Oprah

Is it just me or is Jill Biden the wife of Joe, now the second lady I guess is what we call her, one hot babe?? From Washington DC on yesterday's Oprah.

For the world to see, no doubt...

Screencaps courtesy of Cobra at the Wide World of Women forum.


  1. She is CERTAINLY hotter than that APE of a First Lady we have now!

  2. you should NOT talk about Ms. The Messiah like that!!!

  3. Mrs. Bush is uglier than a dog.

    Jill Biden is hot. Joe probably gets his dick sucked and slobbered on every night.

  4. Jill Biden is a babe. Don't know how Joe ever bagged that babe. Must be his connections.

    And regarding Mrs. Messiah, Barak certainly married beneath himself too.

  5. she should be first lady instead of that monkey we now have as first lady.

  6. The previous commentor is a dumb racist trailer trash idiot. I am not attracted to the new first lady but, I know enough to know she is ten times smarter than you and hotter than any woman your retarded ass will ever date. lol

  7. Nice to know there is a woman blogger on here.

  8. damn that asswipe has some major jungle fever thinking that the ape is hot lol

  9. Previous guy, shut the fuck up!

  10. I like Michelle Obama. She's classy, smart, independent, a good role model for a lot of children and a great mom. Hillary is a piece of shit liar like her scumbag cigar-twat toting husband. Laura Bush is a classy woman, nice, but something is wrong that she'd want to be with that box of rocks "W".

    Jill is hot.
