Friday, January 30, 2009

Sexy Martha MacCallum Updates from FOX

Just can't get enough of FOX hottie Martha MacCallum. Maybe it's the soft eyes, the incredibly hot body, sexy smile. They need to get Martha her own show, she'd be an instant ratings boon. Enjoy...

Martha could be the hottest FOX news babe,

Screencaps courtesy of cody at the Wide World of Women forum.


  1. We don't get to see Martha's legs very often. Very nice.

  2. She is just not that hot. Blonde yes but square face w a beak. Legs not so great. Flat as a board..

  3. Oh Martha, she has great legs but hardly ever shows them off, that stupid format they use blocks everything. Love her boobs also, they look nice when she wears something that shows them off. I'd love to have her come visit me, oh what she could do.

  4. I thought she had a show on. Must have gotten replaced. I like her. She is very pretty!

  5. She does have her own show, it is on every day for 2 hours co-hosted with Teace Gallager. However the format absolutely "SUCKS", they have banners across the bottom and all the way down on the right hand side. I try to watch every day but get so disgusted with this crap I just turn it off, of course at the same time on MSNBC is that really awful Andrea Mitchell, so you have a choice of bad or Worse ( Mitchell is the "WORST" )
    Martha was on this morning on the Mike & Juliet show subbing for Juliet but damn it all she was wearing pants. Years ago she always showed her legs but since she hit her 40's she pretty much stopped. Don't know why since she still is very "HOT".

  6. Jowlly jowls. Square face.

  7. Martha needs a good deep rimming.

  8. i need 2 see more of martha's legs & feet! she has hot & sexy legs & feet! do you have the video?

  9. Martha MacCallum is not that hot. She doesn't have a model square jaw. Her jaw is more comparable to Jay Leno being so big. If she had bigger tits than it would make up for it. Her skirt could be shorter like the great women of fox. I'm not impressed and she also, comes off bratty at times.

    Martha is a one night fuck just to squeeze out the load you have down her throat and then the next day you don't return her phone calls.

  10. I'd like to implant her, right in her mouth.

  11. She's alright looking. She does NOT make my dick hard like other news women do but, she is cute.

  12. Martha is attractive, but she does NOT stand out on Fox News. She doesn't wear short skirts, and her personality is kinda blah! My prediction is within a year and half, Julie Banderas or another Fox babe will have her spot. She's a lightweight and doesn't have what it takes to keep her spot if another chick is gunning for it.

  13. She kind of comes off like another spoiled blonde out of thousands who is only willing to half ass it when it comes to looking great. I agree that her skirt could be shorter and she could show a little cleavage. It's TV and looks do count. Sex sells.

  14. I think she's HAF!

    She's one of my faves on Fox.
