Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Sexy Shannon Bream at the Inauguration 2009 Ball

From yesterday, at President Barack Obama's Inaugural Ball last night, FOX news babe Shannon Bream with the hot low cut cocktail dress. Wowzers is right, hot damn that's a sexy dress. She's definitely dressed to kill on this night.

She's with me...

Screencaps courtesy of cody at the Wide World of Women forum.


  1. i would LOVE to see this pic in HD

  2. This is one hot woman, just look at those lips, they are ready for sucking.

  3. What's it like being a virgin and wanking off to pics on you're computer? Get a life you perverted losers, Shannon Bream is gorgeous and she's married with 2 children. Wow you're all so mature.

    Really that's where you go, you start talking about her sucking, that comment/thought alone could get you fucked up. Watch what you say on the'll always find it's way back to you.

  4. She is a beautiful woman, whether she is married nor how many kids she has, when ever I see her and those incredible lips I think of how great she must be at going down. The only one I'd rather have than her is Contessa.

  5. that's disgusting. you should be ashamed of your perverted self.

  6. I am not a virgin. I am a frat guy who has fucked better. Just saying lol

    This is 2008. Not everyone who blogs is a nerd.

  7. This is the frat guy again. If you are a nerd than all you have to do is make a friend with the biggest womanizer you know and copy everything he does and that includes wardrobe down to his tinest mannerisms. If you do that than you will be getting several women like Shannon Bream sucking your dick and women will be begging to ride your cock when you are to tired to.

  8. what a fag you are, have fun riding a frat guy's cock, you dumb fuck. Go hump a sheep, or whatever the fuck frat fags do.

  9. Shannon Bream is so hot..

    Would love to fuck her SO HARD!

  10. I was at high school with Shannon and you people disgust me.

  11. How can you say such disgusting things about the girl I jerk-off to everynight in my mom's basement.

  12. Why are you dissing frat boys? I use to suck them off everyday back in high school, Shannon said if I did that she would shake my hand. And she never did, all she did was laugh at me and call me a "Frat Boy Cock Sucker." I cried everynight.

  13. You people disgust me and you would disgust Shannon.

  14. Um.... Dude...its 2009

  15. previous dude, I am sure him just like every are used to typing 2008 so, who gives a shit.

  16. Who is the nerd that keeps on going on and on about being disgusted? lol

    What a fucking loser. IMHO : )

  17. You went to high school with Shannon?!??! Wow! I never heard of her until this post. But, hey, feel free to dish about this generic blonde teleprompter reader...

  18. I went to high school with her too! One time her locker didn't close all the way and I opened it! I ran my hands all over her books and smelled her jacket, I took some hairs from a brush she had in there and turned her gloves inside out, then put them in my pants around my junk. That way it was like she touched my dick by proxy. I made sure to put them back the way she left them so her hands touched watch hard-on did. I would have done more but the janitor was starting to come down the hall so I closed her locker door and ran the other way so he wouldn't see my throbbing boner. Ah those heady school days!

  19. Yeah, I went to high school with Shannon. She was in my trig class and I used to let her copy my homework. She was *NOT* a slut. She only dated guys on the debate team or in chess club.

  20. yea she dated the chess and debate guys and fucked the big black athletes, lol! like all the good lil sluts do!

  21. There were no black athletes at our school. It was a private Christian academy and there were no black students.

  22. Watching those beautiful lips going up and down on a big black cock would be real jerking off material, almost as good as watching Contessa swallow load after load.

  23. why would shannon even go near some nigger? she's to pure to get with some black boy, ya hear me boy? now fetch me ma shoes.

  24. You all seem to be highly preoccupied with black penises. I shall pray for you.

  25. ha ha, its not us thats preoccupied with them its white women who r. u must not get out much, lol or go to sporting events or clubs.

  26. whatever you dumb house-nigger! you unclean fuck!

  27. Rich Thurfield,

    What is all this praying for you bullshit. I go to church every sunday but, I am not as stupid as you. There are intellegent-christians and then there are dumb ass bible thumpers like you. What a fuckig loser.

  28. Quit the racist talk guys. If you don't like blacks than please keep it to yourself.

  29. Rich Thurfield? You once a gave a wedgie at the fall student mixer! I was two years behind you and Shannon! We were Christians? The only black we had there was the janitor he left his wife for Helen the lunch lady! Do you ever get to see Shannons panties when she wore a skirt. I used to follow her up the stairs hoping to do so. E-mail me sometime, I'm on Facebook!

  30. Shannon looked very pretty in her school uniform.

  31. As did you. But you never left your locker unlocked I would have loved to touched your gloves. You know I would dry hump tray cart in the dining hall when Shannon was in there for lunch. I almost got caught the music teacher Mr. Tuttle once.

  32. Interracial sex is an abomination, it’s disgusting and unnatural.

  33. I am married to a beautiful woman from Thailand and I do not think interracial relationships are unnatural.

  34. To the person who said, "Interracial sex is an abomination, it’s disgusting and unnatural." What a dumb ass cave person. If it weren't for interracial sex than we would not have the very hot Halle Berry or Barrack Obama. There is not one pure race. Even most black people have traces of other cultures in there DNA so, your dumb ass would not exist today if it weren't for other races that go back hundreds of years.

  35. I meant even most most people have traces of other races in there dna. Cultures where traveling thousands of miles even before christ. Oh, and you sound like a Nazi when you say such racist stuff.

  36. get used to it boys, im in college and interracial is the "in" thing in hs and college.

  37. Yeah, u guys are so least put some lube on Miss Bream's chocolate starfish before you dong her backdoor.

  38. MOM! Stop using my computer! Any way guys, if inter-racial is bad does that mean inter-species is okay or not? What if the beastie wears gloves?

  39. What is a chocolate starfish?

  40. she looks like she holdin that big black mic ok, lol

  41. She looked a little bit like Dakota Fanning when we were at school.

  42. lil girls now richard e. thurfield, jf, ha ha, maybe we should explore the pathology of your sexual thought and desires.....

  43. Who mentioned little girls? I just said she looked like Dakota Fanning.

  44. let me guess richard u liked the olsen twins when they were on full house, lol!

  45. Who didn't like the olson twins on full house...

    I like going back and watching the old episodes on the intarnet and beating it.

  46. ha ha im not sure bout those olsen twins, to each their own, but shannon's lips was def made to suck this bbc!

  47. you niggers are disgusting!

  48. I know the guy who making the joke about the Olsen twins is just kidding around. But, there is a point were humour becomes stupid. In other words, we don't want to here about any Olsen jokes you fucking jackass idiot.

  49. n i dont want to hear anymore comments about dakota fanning u anonymous piece of shit, by the way she is all of 14 yr olds u loser! that was my point,not to be funny u fucking jackass idiot!

  50. It's obvious everyone just misunderstood one another and no one brought kids into it.

    Saying any kids name on a site devoted to the fans of grown up sexy news women in there 30's and 40's opens the doors for people to misunderstand you.

  51. lets get back to talkin bout shannon suckin on that big black microphone, lol!
