Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Courtney Friel Back From Vacation

Coming back after her vacation, FOX news babe Courtney Friel on Happening Now yesterday. If you look closely you'll see a bandaid on her right knee. Now, I wonder how she got that.... lucky guy!!

Courtney's always dolled up nice,

Screencaps courtesy of cody at the Wide World of Women forum.


  1. Courtney Friel looks great and every news channel needs it's dumb spoiled cheerleader. She is going to have to step up to the plate and up her wardrobe to look as sexy as other news women on fox (her skirt is way longer and etc.)

  2. Bandage on the knee, oh my !! Bet more than one guy got lucky.
    How else does she keep her job ???

  3. As I've said before:

    Her only talent is f*cking like a bunny.

  4. Courtney, dont look now but your looks are starting to fade. Beware career! Not much call for a retard with fading looks.... Doesnt her second picture just say: stupid? She is one of the dumbest bimbos to be on a news network. Her time is not long.... "there will come a day, when youth will pass away, what will they say about me...." How about: she was a dim-wit

  5. I've been one of her biggest detractors, and I still don't care for her, and I never see her these days. If Courtney were smart, she'd just do her best to learn what it takes to be at least a decent journalist. Even her colleagues would take notice, but if she continues with the bimbo routine, people will stay on her case.

    Kiran Chetry is as hot as the sun to me, but the woman clearly is prepared and intelligent when she goes on the air. No one is saying she has to be perfect, just show your viewers that they are dead wrong about you and you will earn their respect!

  6. Courtney Friel is the Forest Gump of TV anchors... in the right place at the right time. She must give be able to give CPR to nearly comotose whiskey dicks or allow donkey punching.

  7. I agree with the commentor who mentioned Kiran Chetry. I saw Kiran this week and she looked way more sexy and a sexy outfit and she was far smarter. I understand that desperate loser guys kiss Courtney's ass but, not all attractive women live there life based on that. Kiran is hot as hell but, she still busts her ass and puts a lot of time into being a serious news woman.

  8. Courtney is in the wrong business, she should be doing lesbian porn.

  9. Yeah, she is as dumb as a porn star. But, porn stars have sex appeal that she lacks so this twit would suck at that also.

  10. Back from vacation and her pootang still smells like rotten tuna! There's only one Courtney!

  11. Courtney looks looney as hell in that second pic. She's an air head.
