Thursday, February 12, 2009

Courtney Friel Lights up Red Eye

More Red Eye fodder for y'all, this time with Courtney Friel yesterday. I like the first picture, she's like "look at me, look at me, aren't I priittyy??" Bonus add with Sandra Smith in the red sweater in the background. They posted an email from a viewer saying that "Red Eye is by far the worst TV Program I have ever seen..." I guess he's not watching all the hotties...

Hottie alert,

Screencaps courtesy of slashasterisk at the Reporter Caps forum.


  1. Heidi Collins is much hotter!

  2. We have to give Courteny credit for wearing such a great subtle cleavage showing dress.

    she looks great.

  3. Last night's episode was NOT to be missed! Courtney actually said she would become a lesbian for Sandra!!! No joke - try to catch the repeat this weekend!

  4. **

    Patti Anne Browne
    Will Be On RedEye


    PAB Will Be On RedEye Tonight!!

  5. when do they show the repeats?

  6. I tried watching 5 seconds of this with Courtney and I have to say I nearly smashed my head in with a hammer. Listening to that retard talk for 5 seconds will drive you mad. Not to mention the fact that she has the sex appeal of a mannequin (not a sexy mannequin but, you know, the not sexy mannequins). Dull, dumb and plastic. Please can we send her off to teach middle school cheerleading somewhere?!?!? Courtney is retarded!

  7. Another fox prostitute w/ the IQ of her breast size. Thesee woman
    should be on Deal or No Deal, but not national news.

  8. the previous commentor is a fagget. 99% of the male population likes ther news women hot and she still looks like a professional news woman.

  9. Wow, two hot blondes on one show: Sandra and Courtney. Too bad they blocked Sandra's view with the table so we couldn't see her legs!

  10. I found a few other blogs with hot news chicks. This page is a great one so, thanks Anchorman. My other favorite blog is this one:

    Both blogs have different photos.

  11. I'm producing a new show, a spin-off from Red Eye called Brown Eye. It's where I bend Courtney over and slide my cock deep into her brown eye. Ratings gold.

  12. I'm producing a new show, a spin-off from Red Eye called Brown Eye. It's where I bend Courtney over and slide my cock deep into her brown eye. Ratings gold.

  13. Courtney s hot. Her personaility tells me she is a lousy fuck. Probably just lays there like a dead fish. I think you'd have to fuck her in the ass just to get some movement.
