Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Keeping Up With the Sexy Kardashians

It sure is hard to keep up with the Kardashians. Their reality show kinda bites, but I don't think I can get enough of watching them, especially Kim. Is she still goin' out with Reggie? Here they are on NBC's Today Show and Dr. Phil, these babes sure get around. I like the Dr. Phil picture, Kourtney's dress is so short, she's trying to block her crotch with her hand.

Which Kardashian does it for you?

Screencaps courtesy of jh82 at the Reporter Caps forum and centricguy at the Wide World of Women forum.


  1. an old lady and three whores.

  2. 2 pigs, a MILF and the little one...

  3. Could we please limit the pics to "Anchorbabes"?

  4. Kourtney hands down won this altough I would love to get at Kim 2 but Kourtney is so damn sexy.

  5. I feel a little sorry for their brother.2 have not 1 but 2 sexy sisters in the house dressing like this all the time.All I can say is I'm glad I don't have sisters.

  6. they're all rag-heads and total sluts, all three of the daughters are (or have at one time) boning black guys, that's all those three sluts are good for. their mother used to be known by the name Kristopher, before she had the operation. She still looks like a dude though, that doctor didn't do a good job at all.

  7. their brother is a homo he's totally gay

  8. White girls with a black girl's ass!! Can't beat it!! Other than a black girl, with a black girl's ass, of course :-D.

    Kim is FINE as HELL!!!!!!!

  9. ^They're not white, they're Persian/Iranian (i.e. rag-heads). Also, anyone who eats alot can have a lumpy/gross ass like Kim, or any of those skanks.

  10. Kim is UGLY as FUCK!

  11. kim likes show off posing in playboy and making porn with her exboyfreind i rather her sister nude inkourtney

  12. Revolting. How can anyone like someone who is so fat and has eyebrows like an animal? Ugh. I just puked all over my computer screen. I am glad everyone agrees with me.

  13. All of the Kardashian beasts need to be in a zoo, not free to roam the streets and spread their filth across humanity. If you think any of those beasts are hot you must be Stevie Wonder. They are repulsive both inside and out. What have they contributed to society? They are worthless and are a waste of breathable air.

  14. They are pigs one and all. Please no more Kardashian posts.

  15. I wonder if they all shave eachothers backs and asses? Rumor has it they are like bigfoot if left untrimmed.

  16. They are soooo ugly. The pathetic thing is they think they are so hot. BWHAHA. Maybe to a fellow chimp or primate. They are so ugly it is pathetic. What wastes of the human race. Stick to posting pics of actual women, not neanderthals. Thank you.

  17. What in gods name is wrong with these hairy beasts? Can somebody tell them that having a unibrow is not cool. Ugh. They are so sickening to look at with their ape like faces. Truly the lowest that humanity has to offer.

  18. Their is no need to get racial on your fellow white people.

    If you don't like them because they are the brunnette version on Paris Hilton than say it. But, shut the fuck up with the rest of your bullshit.

    From left to right on the photo:
    1. Is alright looking
    2. is a fat cow with a big head and rude peronality. she does not know her place.
    3. Kim is a Paris Hilton type enough said since she does nothing.
    4. The mom looks like that chick from "Three Company" I get a boner just thinking about her.

    Back to my point you cannot get racist on your fellow white people. Man there are some fucking retard bloggers out there.

  19. Kim Kardashian weighs about as much as 5 Paris Hiltons. Kim Kardashian is a fat pig and needs to go on a diet ASAP. If you think she is attractive you must be crazy. She has a unibrow and a cottage cheese butt than is vomit-inducing. What the hell is so attractive about her? Someone get animal control on the line, there is a wild pack of animals on the loose!!!!

  20. LMAO on the above post!!!

    "you cannot get racist on your fellow white people."

    Hahahahahahaha most of these "white people" on here don't even know where they originally come from i.e. EUROPE like the KARDASHIANS, and somehow think they are special "white people" cos Papa changed their name once they got off the boat FROM EUROPE in New York about 130 years ago!!!

    'Retard' is the CORRECT description for them!!!

    Kim and Kourtney are HOT - end of! Just because they like black cock doesn't make them less 'hot' - unless, of course, you are a retard :-).

  21. You are delusional!?!?! Since when has the standard of beauty been overweight hippos who have unibrows? You must need glasses. That whole family needs to have animal control called on them for polluting society with their filth. Kim Kardashian is only famous for having a mating tape. Wow, that is sure commendable. What a loser. She is pure garbage filth. I am glad everyone agrees with me.

  22. Hhaahahahahahahahahaa!!

    You just look like a hater...........they're prettier than any girl you will ever have (even the big one), and they've got a lot more money than you (BEFORE the 'sex-tape'), so I hope you get up in time for your janitor job (that's if you EVEN HAVE a job) and keep on hating!!!!

  23. they are Persian rag-heads, not white people. Persians are not even close to being on the level of any race on earth. Persians are the scum of this great planet.

  24. they need to be working the streets not on tv.

  25. I like Khloe, she is taller, fuller and nice body. Sexy in a dress.

  26. Rumor has it that it takes a weed wacker to chop through the thick Kardashian bush. Once they weed whack, shave, and wax their face, ass & pussy they are about average looking. So much better talent out there....c'mon Anchor man.

  27. LOL I think these sexy women have upset a lot of people!!! Is it THEIR fault that they don't actually want pale, little wieners anymore, and want the BBB - Big Black Beef??! LOL!!!

  28. i think they were born with a bbc.

  29. UGH! Kardashians are nasty. the guy with the bbb comment probably has some tiny bb and couldn't even score with these ugly bitches.

  30. This is the ugliest group of comments that I have ever read on this site. What did the Kardashians ever do to you guys?

  31. I think Kim dreamed of a BBB as a teenager........then, when she saw those little white cocks, she RAN FOR THE HILLS til she ran into Ray J.........then Reggie Bush LOL!!!

  32. I think what the Kardashians did to a lot of people on this site, is some of them had the DOWNRIGHT AUDACITY to sleep with a black man!!! HOW DARE THEY!?!?!!? LMAO!!

    What next - a black President???

  33. These creatures are truly the lowest that humanity has to offer. It is ok that they Like BBB or whatever the hell you said. LMFAO!!! I guess somebody has to since any chick that is actually hot and doesn't resemble creatures at the zoo doesn't like BBB!!!! Bwhaha. How did they get out of their exhibit at the zoo? Somebody is going to be fired for letting them out.

  34. which kardashian is going to give birth to the first niglet?

  35. Hopefully none of them. The world doesn't need anymore subhuman filth creatures roaming around. They better all be on birth control, or better yet keep they obese cottage cheese thighs closed. They are repulsive scum who are worthless to society.

  36. Nice try.............but as more and more white chicks get sick and tired of the white little wieners, you'll only have your sisters to sleep with!!! I am sure you sleep with them anyway, and your farm animals, that's why you like talking about the zoo ;-)!!!!

  37. LMFAO! I am talking about the zoo because that is where all the animals that you see on a safari are housed. The Kardashians can be in their natural habitat there. I don't know where you are gettting you information on what white chicks like, but BBB is not even an option for them. And plus, they aren't going to be going to prisons to find a man, so they would cancel out about 90% of them anyways. Nice try. Bwhaha.

  38. Hahahahhaahahahahahahahaha!!

    The same prison that houses the President? The Attorney General? The last two Secretary of States??


    You really are a dumb redneck!!

    The Kardashians and the others know where its at!! And their leaving your cracka ass behind ;-)


  39. BWHAHAHA. There are over 300 million people in the United States. 4 of the BBB LMFAO have respectable jobs, or any jobs period for that matter. You are moving up in the world. BWHAHA. The Kardashians are all yours. They are persian hairy beasts with cottage cheese asses and unibrows. If that is what you find attractive..... BWHAHHA. I think it is almost feeding time at the zoo. Somebody get the Kardashians their food stat.


  41. From the comments, some of you just aren't getting laid enough.

  42. What a Klutch of Kunts. But I suppose I might Kram my Kock in their Koozies if they all were Kreaming and Keen to Kum.

  43. Someone is - but he keeps on talking about zoos so the only pipe he is laying, obviously, is up his pet poodle's ASS!!!

    He WISHED he could get a girl anywhere as hot as Kim Kardashian!! Let him keep dreaming - and jacking off to Playboy spreads.

  44. LMFAO!!!! I already said you can have the Persian Beast. Haha. He, yes he, is all yours. I never realized unibrows and mustaches on women were desirable to the BBB. Who knew? Not to mention a lumpy cottage cheese ass that is about 5 times more obese than it should be. Repulsive. It is great that your kind actually like scum like her. It keeps all of the criminals (who aren't already in prison) away from the hot women. Thank you.

  45. we need to round up all these spooks and kick 'em out of this great country of ours... or at least kick 'em off this blog. how bout you nigs get back to smokin' crack and listening to your jungle music while you make porch monkies with wo"men" like the Kardashians. just my opinion and nothin' more.

    Freedom of Speech Bitches! LMFAO!

  46. Hmmm..........really showing your intelligence their cracka!! Hhaahahaaahahahahahahahahaaha

    ..........Well at least we don't spend our time raping our own daughters, sisters and mothers, molesting children and pretending to be "men of God" while doing it, thieving people's land, money rights and think this is normal behaviour, sleep with animals, and thinks normal sexual relations includes being turned on by someone pissing or shitting!! That's all crackas do, and that's all crackas will be. Animals. Molesting, raping, no control, crackas!! That's all they can do with their little white wieners!!! That's why your white women don't want your little wieners when they have an opportunity to get the f**k away!! So critisise the Kardashians all you want - its happening ALL around you!! Put that in your pipe and smoke it!!! The President is Black!!!!! LOL!!!!

  47. Why is the prison population 90 percent afro american?!!? If the "crackas" are doing all these crimes like you said, then why aren't they wasting taxpayer money like the afro americans are? The Kardashians are Person hairy beasts. They are rotten scum who have no redeeming value to society. You can have them. They are not white. I don't know what gives you the idea that white women like BBB?!? If they saw one walking down the street towards them they would be more likely to call 911 and secure their belongings so they don't get stolen, they give the BBB the time of day. You must live in a fantasy world. The Kardashian scum are all yours.

  48. Well, you need to ask all those cracka kids who got molested why their cracka parents didn't know what was going on, or didn't report the cracka priests?!!?! Cos they are ALL AT IT!!!! Then the jails might be filled with the cracka molesters!!!

    As Chris Rock said.............notice how these are never black kids!! Just cracka kids who learn from their parents odd behaviour that touching children innappropriately and playing with their private parts at 4 years old is normal behaviour!!

    And you are showing your lack of intelligent there cracka - do you even know where Armenia IS?! You think white people appeared on the earth at Plymouth Rock!! Silly silly cracka!! White women being sleeping with black men since way back when - even when they snuck down to the slaves at night - even then they were tired of the little white wieners, and really wanted to get filled with some real long dick!!

    You sit at home jerking off to pictures of skinny white blonde women in Playboy - brothas are out their pounding the white pussy OF the women in Playboy - ask Kendra Wilkinson ;-) !! LMFAO!!!

  49. Kendra Wilkinson!?!?! Bwhaha. She is beat. The only reason she gets within 100 yards of a brotha is because he plays in the NFL. Nice try. To the typical brotha collecting welfare checks, forget it. Plus the dude is like 5th string, if not on the practice squad.

    You can have the persian zoo animals. They are all yours. They are worthless scum to society and need like minded people with them.

  50. "You sit at home jerking off to pictures of skinny white blonde women in Playboy - brothas are out their pounding the white pussy OF the women in Playboy - ask Kendra Wilkinson ;-) !! LMFAO!!!"

    LOL! So true.

  51. Bwhaha. I have never heard of any hit white chicks that like Afro Americans unless they are pro athletes or in the entertainement industry. Since you are neither, you are shit out of luck. They won't give you the time of day. Bwhaha. Keep dreaming. You better just hope they forgot their mace at home.

  52. hot that is. I was thinking hit because of your fellow afro american the girlfriend abuser, bobby brownesque chris brown. Domestic violence is your forte.

  53. the kardashians all have monkey sex.

  54. The only Kardashian i'd do is Kourtney.

  55. You crackas are really wound up by the Kardashians aren't you!?!! Poor crackas!!!

    Hhahahahahahahaahahahahahahahaha!!!! You spend all day talking about them, while they make money and have big-cocked sex!!! And you cry in the bathroom mirror at your little white cock!!!

  56. Wow! A lot of haterations! Why do some of y'all have to go there with the racist stuff? Either you think the babes or hot or not.

    To the question, I vote for the MILF Momma K.


  57. (Anon 3/20 4:16a) >> Bwhaha.
    [...] Bwhaha. <<

    No results for Bwhaha.

    Do you mean Bwahaha?

  58. momma k. uses her dick to fuck bruce jenner up his ass.

  59. it's not about dick size. you want someone classy not trashy.

  60. Since when did the Today Show and Dr Phil become the National Geographic channel? These are enormous obese beasts who need to be kept away from society in cages. A maximum security zoo is where they need to be housed.

  61. These abhorrent monkeys need to be sent back to the African plains. They don't need to have thier filth pollute the air of the people who matter. Their kind are revolting scum to society and have been throughout the history of the world. Just the absolute worst creatures in the history of animalkind. They are not human.

  62. who gives a shit about the kardashians? they are irrelevant. let's move on

  63. They are irrelevant. They need to get a damn Shick Quattro razor X4 because they resemble a bunch of hairy gorillas. I mean seriously. Gillette, the best 4 beasts can get!!!!!! They are true scum.

  64. The Kardashians make an industrial strength razor that they can market to their fellow filthy scum people. It would have the strength of 1000 razors in one in order to shave their mustaches. Why the hell do they have unibrows? Ugh. Their pictures should come with a warning about throwing up while viewing pics of these disgusting primates.

  65. White girls with a black girl's ass!! Can't beat it!! Other than a black girl, with a black girl's ass, of course :-D.

    Kim is FINE as HELL!!!!!!!

  66. askadskajkd I just threw up. Black girl with a black girl's ass?!?!?! Are you for real? Kim is fine as hell?!?!? What planet are you living on?!!?!? Pathetic. You can have shaniqua. That fried chicken eating loser is all yours.

  67. LOL!! Thanks!! And you can go back and molest children, like you crackas usually do!! You couldn't handle a proper bootie, that's why you hate Kim but love molesting children!! Hhahahahahahahahahahahaaahahah!!!

  68. ???? Maybe if she would lay off the fried chicken, collard greens, cornbread, and kool aid, maybe her ass wouldn't be obese and filled with cottage cheese. Why don't you let her know that it is not healthy to be obese like she is. She should be a Klump. She would fit right in. Molesting children? I don't know where you get that from. Michael Jackson is afro american remember. It doesn't matter if he bleaches his skin now. He was born an afro american. ooooooooohhhh burned.

  69. Hahahahahahahahaha you obviously block out the abuse you received from your priest. Or your dad. Or your uncle. Or the neighbourhood gardner. I think you are blocking out reality when everyone knows white men are the by FAR the biggest paedaphiles out there. Look at the government statistics!! Look at the news programmes! They are always looking for crackas all the time on the run after molesting kids hahahahahaahhahahahaha!!!

    I think you'll find that Michael Jackson was found not guilty by a bunch of crackas!! Now he CERTAINLY must be innocent if he can be found not guilty by a bunch of crackas in an American courtroom!! Oh I forgot: "burned"!! Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaahahahahahahahahahaha!!!!

  70. will you please stop with the N****r and C*****s comments, this blog is about Anchorbabes, Not about race. Let's just all move on, and drop this.

  71. Agreed. Nobody on this blog wants to see the no talent filthy whore scum hairy beasts Kardashians. They aren't anchorbabes. They should have never been posted. Their kind of filth shouldn't even be allowed out of their cages at the zoo, much less on a blog for anchorbabes. Hopefully in the future, their repulsive kind won't be seen on this blog again. I am glad everyone agrees with me.
