Thursday, March 5, 2009

Sexy Kimberly Guilfoyle on Red Eye

It's been a while since we've seen Kimberly Guilfoyle but here she is on Red Eye last night. Damn she's got some fine chiclets. Too bad we can't see much of her body in the second pic, but trust me, she's got it goin' on.

Wow, what a smile...

Screencaps courtesy of cody at the Wide World of Women forum.


  1. I've always loved Kimberly's mouth. I dream about her taking in both my cock AND balls between those luscious lips.
    (Time to get out of the basement, right?)

  2. Totally awesome site!!

  3. She's never done it for me. Too plastic looking.

  4. Totally homoerotic site!!

    note: this is a sister site of

  5. Yes I always look at that mouth, man I'll bet she really gives it lots of use.

  6. Wow!! seems the reportercaps folks are desperate to get the cablenews guy

  7. Kimberly is so hot!!!

  8. Kimberly Guilfoyle has such an ARROGANT BITCHY personality. I watched Red Eye for five minutes before I switched channels. I hope she is not on anymore to ruin the reputation of that great show. There are other news ladies who have her level of looks who are way more humble.

  9. Hey Shadow,

    Stop posting adult porn site connections. We are not stupid and saw how you were trying to trash other websites. This is a respected PG website that just shows images of sexy news women but, your childish mischievousness is only making you look like more of an ass.

    But, if you want to go ahead and keep on saying stupid shit than more and more people will never take you seriously again.

  10. Shadow will be my best friend if he can rid the internet of that douchebag MadMac. MadMac must die!!!!

  11. But what shadow said about cablenewsbabes was 100% correct.

    No where on their site do they credit the capper that created the cap nor the site they lifted it from.

    Its a pretty simple request shadow was making of the creator of that cap-jacking site. They could end this by crediting the cappers and the originating site - just like how TV ANCHORBABES does with every set of posts he does.

  12. Who gives a fuck who gets credit! it's just a fucking screen-cap, it's not like any
    of the work is even theirs, it belongs to the fucking network it was stolen from. Please,
    can you homo-fucks stop bitching about who gets fucking credit!? The majority of these
    fucking caps suck ass, so there's nothing to brag about. This is called "anchobabes" it's
    not called "faggot ass fucks, who take shitty caps and bitch all the fucking time"! If you want credit for some useful shit, go to school! get a fucking education! and stop bitching about homo shit! If this shit keeps happening, no one will ever come visit the fucking site again! And if any you bitch and complain about this comment, then FUCK YOU! Faggot ass fuckers! I don't give a FUCK what any of you homo fucks have to say to or about me. Every single person on here that keeps complaining about stupid shit, instead of admiring the news babes... CAN EAT A DICK!

    The majority of you are cool, but the people i'm writing to know exactly who they are.

  13. i'm sure she sucks alot of dick.

  14. @someone had to say it:

    For anything, be it movies, music, programs... and porn... groups/people get credit for bringing it all to the internet. If you could contribute and made caps/video then you would want credit for your work. Until you post caps and know what goes into it, shut your cock-sucking hole. You can't comment about something you know NOTHING about.

  15. That's not true, shadow. He can comment, of course it only shows how much of an ignorant asshole he is.

  16. Kimberly Guilfoyle is aging & nearing menopause. She has lines on her face & there are women younger & prettier than Kimberly Guilfoyle. But what remains interesting about Kimberly Guilfoyle are the farts & turds which exit Kimberly Guilfoyle's anus. What do you think of the farts & turds which exit Kimberly Guilfoyle's anus?

  17. I think those farts and turds are like the dudettes that run cablenewsbabes.

  18. While I somewhat agree with Shadow that caps should get the proper credit, I think he and the other WWOW/reporter cap boys would get more sympathy if they weren't so fucking uptight. You say one slightly negative thing on either of those sites and you get banned for life. I hate to break it to you, but not everyone is going to find each and every woman capped "sexy" or "hot". Especially the one's that MadMac caps.

  19. Pussy boy Shadow bitching about caps again. You have to be one of the biggest vaginas I have ever seen post anywhere. Fuck you and your shitty caps.

  20. Hey Pussyboy oh, I mean Shadow is back,

    My night was getting boring. Hey Pussyboy could you please wipe your pussy and then type in your real name so that we can all know? I promise that we won't make fun of you or say how your reputation is hitting rock bottom. : )

  21. A capper demanding for people to give him credit is completely unjustified and makes Shadow a hypocrite. The real creator of the photos are the Producers and Camera-Men at the news station and does that douche bag Shadow mention any of there names. I think not. Shadow shut your dumb, ignorant "I spent $17 on my tv tuner card and if I spent anymore than I am retarded" ass the fuck up. We don't want to here your bullshit.

  22. previous guy,

    makes complete logical sense to me. if pussy boy gets any credit for grabing an image from the news than he should be thankfull and if not than he should shut his fungus infested pussy up.


    Just put up the sexiest photos of CNN news anchor Heidi Collins. I never knew her tits were that huge. She always had a pretty face but, she rarely dresses hot. Her ass in one of the photos made my cock so hard. I had to comment twice on there and darkduke posted them even though I said a few cuss words but, those were compliments.

  24. Oh no, new caps. That means pussy boy shadow will be on here bitching that he isn't getting credit.

  25. What does it mean if the capper gets credit? Does he get paid? Does it open doors to get him a job or something in the industry? If it's just that you want to see you name on some website and that's it then grow up. I mean it seems to me between the capping and the constant complaining some of these cappers waste a lot of time. Just my thoughts.

    The Dude

  26. people don't get banned from reportercaps unless they are trolls. wwow is a little more strict in their rules and won't allow anything negative. i say negative things about anchors all the time on reportercaps. i'm still laughing at the guy who said "$17 tuner card". try $130 plus a pc fast enough to run and record hd content. let's add in the cost of hdtv cable, too. let's also throw in the amount of time it takes to do a lot of caps on a daily basis. hmmm, now you see why cappers want credit if their caps are stolen from one site and put on another?

    also... the only reason why a blogger wouldn't credit the real capper or site is because he wants it to look like he did everything himself (yeah i'm talking to you dark douche). dark douche can't cap. i already busted his ass trying to take credit for somebody else's work. of course, he deleted the comment. you little snapperheads should go to dark douche's blog and have fun jerking each other off over there.

  27. @ the dipshit who keeps mentioning "crediting the camera-man".

    people who bring the content to the web are ones who deserve the credit because without them you wouldn't be able to jerk off to brian williams on a nightly basis at your computer. the camera-man isn't doing caps and posting them to the fucking internet is he? christ, some people are just fucked in the head. you're one of them.

  28. Hey Shadow! your caps suck dick! just like you! now remove the dick from your ass and get a real fucking job. you fucking cunt! you fucking fatass bastard living in your parents basement, eating 10 dicks a day stupid fucking faggot ass bith nigger!

  29. Wow, shadow, I think you just struck a nerve with that homophobic-still-in-the-closet-queer-racist dudette. I guess it hit way too close to home for him.

    Its sort of funny how much of little pansies they are. Talk about getting a job, maybe their mom should wash out their sperm-breath mouths with soap.

    Keep it up, shadow, many of us believe in you and your caps are awesome.

  30. LOL! He's just tossing out every name he can think of at me... funny shit.

  31. First of all: that guy who keeps throwing out insults is a dipsh*t.

    Second of all: why is everyone blowing shadow, sure he takes some alright screen caps, but the guy is a total a**hole.

    I'm not even going to get involved in all this petty sh*t, I'm here to read the blog and check out the hot news babes. Not to listen to all the children complain.

  32. Come on, the cappers deserve credit without them there wouldn't be any pics. How hard is it to give them credit like this blog does? With all the time they put in at the very least just mention the source. I appreciate all the work of the cappers from RC and WWOW. For those fools calling out Shadow get a life.

  33. Why is this (blog) the place for this discussion to be had? The cappers get credit here; there is nothing to complain about (involving this site). The ungrateful cappers (i.e. Shadow) need to get a life and stop complaining about sh*t that has no place here. I think more people would be sympathetic towards Shadow if he wasn’t such a rude a**hole, imo. No offences to Shadow, I just think he has a bad attitude problem.

  34. I don't know who posted it (if it was Shadow?), but this all started with someone posting a fag site.

  35. To solve the credit issue for the caps, wouldn't it be easy for the capper to just insert his nick ON the image so no matter where it appears, his name will appear on the captured image?
    (I would STILL like to see how far I could additionally stretch Kimberly's mouth...)

  36. "To solve the credit issue for the caps, wouldn't it be easy for the capper to just insert his nick ON the image so no matter where it appears, his name will appear on the captured image?"

    The cappers (i.e. Shadow) are to fucking stupid to do that.

  37. Shadow's ok. Anchorman should stop posting any of MadMac's caps though. The last thing the world needs is anybody encouraging or enabling that idiot and his horrific "woman" that he caps.

  38. FYI - some of the cappers have started watermarking their caps.... the ones that know their caps were jacked.

    Besides, if the cap-jacker crops the cap (duke) then it defeats the watermark anyway. And cropping makes the cap look bad.

    This discussion started when that nut from cablenewsbabes started spamming this blog (TV Anchorbabes). Seemingly trying to take credit for the caps on his BS site.

    It does seem that Dark Duke is now giving some credit to the original capper and the site he found them. That's a positive start and I'll change my attitude towards him if he continues to give credit where credit is due.

    TV ANCHORBABES is not being attacked by Shadow, or any capper for that matter. On the contrary, he stated that this blog creator is classy because he takes the time to acknowledge where he found the caps he decided to use in his blog. And we cappers appreciate that.

    Capping takes time, money and effort to do, specially high quality caps like Shadow does(you can deny it all you want but you are obviously a liar in that case), as well as many other cappers that produce quality caps. If it weren't for the cappers, we wouldn't even be having this discussion, would we?

    People can disagree with me, it doesn't matter if you do or don't. Cap-jackers need to be exposed whether you think they do or not. They are trying to get hits on their sites based on the work of others without giving credit to them. That's wrong.


  39. Why is it that all the tiny pussies try to have larger names to make up for there stinking pussies. You know like Slash and Shadow. ha ha

  40. You assholes don't give any credit to the real artist which are the Camera men who shot it at Fox news and etc. Shut your loser "cut and paste" asses the fuck up.

  41. If it wasn't for the cappers like Cody,Joeycap,Shadow,HSF,Donkeed etc.,,, we wouldn't be getting any pics on this site. So STFU and stop disrespecting them. The only thing they are asking for is that their images aren't jacked without credit. Would you want your hard work used without permission?

  42. They don't know what hard work is. They're probably out of work and banging one another.


  43. Let's look at things rationaly. All the several bloggers propably do apreciate the cappers for grabbing the images. On the other hand the cappers do not own the copyrights to the images. The networks own the copyrights to those images.

    Dark Duke is a nice guy and accomediate the cappers by putting your names below the photographs. It looks like he probably didn't know that the cappers wanted credit. But, the reason that everyone and there mother is taking the side of cablenewsbabes is because it is very inapropriate to come on the blogs to trash him. It makes a capper look arrogant. If you had asked him nicely than he probably would have accomediated the cappers.

    -A neutral person

  44. I don't think most of the WWOW/RC crew are that bad, it's just that a few of them give the rest a bad name. Yoda and most of the mods at WWOW are nazi's and don't believe in freedom of speech and people not universally finding certain newsbabes attractive. Mark "Rattler" Mance being a complete psycho. MadMac is just a fucking idiot and most likely a homosexual in denial. Just about everyone else seem like they're cool.

  45. I can't believe that you fucking vagina cappers are still on here complaining about credit for caps. There is a post in this string where the poster asks what the capper makes from his efforts and I agree I'd like to know. Money? A job? I doubt they get anything for it but maybe I'm wrong. Anyway, just give these fucking pussies a credit on the cap so they stop bitching about it. And by the way, posting under names like Shadow or Slash make you look even more gay than you already are.


  46. A guy named Duncan shouldn't be calling people out for their names. I haven't meant a tough Duncan in my life.

  47. what about duncan ferguson?

  48. what about Duncan Hines?

  49. I'm going to have to side with Duncan on this one. At least he uses his real name instead of hiding behind some ultra gay pseudo-name like shadow.

  50. Duncan McCloud from Highlander is pretty badass.

  51. To the guy who had something to say about the name Duncan...What about Dunkin my dick in your mom's ass. Is that tough or just stupid because of all her STD's?

  52. Every time I look at Guilfoyle I can't help but think she's really a man. Bet there's a cock and set of balls between those legs. Think about this next time you see her on the tube.

  53. I have an Uncle Duncan.

    He's an illiterate alcoholic the entire family has disowned.

    If it makes Duncan feel any better, my real name is Charlie. Do you want my SS#, too?

  54. Only thing that would make Duncan feel better is having a cock up his ass. Or maybe two. Sounds gay. No wonder he knows foul language. Probably hears it all the time because of the gay name. He probably calls himself gay too. And he'd be right.

    Duncan=Fag name.

  55. The last poster sounds angry and very gay. Talking about 2 cocks in the ass has to come from someone who has had them there.


  56. Wow! lots of anger on this string. Just my 2 cents... Sounds like getting credit for caps is important to those who do them, so just give them credit. The guy who goes by shadow is a real asshole.

  57. Kimberly Guilfoyle is damn hot. Those pics don't do her justice.

    Oh, and please credit the cappers. Without them, we wouldn't have any caps to look at.

  58. I just read this entire string and took a look at all the websites. That was a lot of reading.

    Those other two websites are brand new so they didn't know that the cappers wanted credit. Dark Duke gave Shadow credit even though Shadow was being a dick. Here is proof to that:
    Dear Shadow, learn to use your brain. If Dark Duke wanted to take credit for anyone's screencap than he would just put his name under all the screencaps. As for the guy at cablenewsbabes well, I don't blame him for ignoring you. If you had been more polite...

    Shadow is not doing any of the cappers a service by acting like a retarded five year old screaming in the candy store.

    Capper don't deserve any credit since they are pirating images from the TV networks without the TV networks permission. So, if any capper is getting credit by a web site than be happy about it but, if you are not than don't be an ass like Shadow.

    Everyone has learned a lesson here. Don't be Shadow.

  59. To add to my previous message well, I didn't mention what this string was supposed to be about, Kimberly who looks as hot as ever. She could dress a little more sexy like Diana Falzone. But, they both look great. I think I heard that Kimberly is also a smart lawyer too.

  60. Hmmmmm, if Kimberly is a lawyer she should definetly be fucked in the ass. I'm sure somewhere along the line she's fucked someone else in their rear end as a lawyer. If she is looking for volunteers I'll take the job, she looks pretty good.

  61. shadow loves the cock

  62. Dude who said,

    "Hmmmmm, if
    Kimberly is a lawyer she should definetly be fucked in the ass. I'm sure somewhere along the line she's fucked someone else in their rear end as a lawyer. If she is looking for volunteers I'll take the job, she looks pretty good."

    You are aware that everytime you go on line your computer has an internet address that goes directly to your you and since Kimberly used to be a Prosecutor than she can hunt you down and toss your ass in jail. You had better hope that she has a sense of humor.

  63. To add to the previous comment, I'm aware that you are joking around but, you need to watch what you say.

  64. Kimberly Guilfoyle has great eyes. My last girlfriend was the blonde version of her and it is great to wake up in the morning and see eyes like that looking back at you with a smile on her face.

  65. "If Dark Duke wanted to take credit for anyone's screencap than he would just put his name under all the screencaps."

    Um, it was proven that he was trying to take credit for caps done by someone else. Particularly the Ainsley ones in which he credits Sandman for two caps, but says he, Dark Duke, did the third. The third was done by Sting from WWoW.

    "Capper don't deserve any credit since they are pirating images from the TV networks without the TV networks permission. So, if any capper is getting credit by a web site than be happy about it but, if you are not than don't be an ass like Shadow."

    That is not what the capper wants credit for. The capper is the one that spent the effort to get the cap - and there is a shitload more that goes into capping than copy & paste. The capper did the time, the capper should get the credit. Sites that jack the caps of someone else to promote on their site are stealing the work of the cappers.

    "As for the guy at cablenewsbabes well, I don't blame him for ignoring you"

    No, the cablenewsbabes person is ignoring the cappers because the cablenewsbabes cap-jacker knows he is wrong to be cap-jacking and is hyst afraid to be outed in the open.

  66. Shadow you are so arrogant,

    I tried to be a nice and quiet guy but, you like to live in your own world. I already told you that I got that first screencap from the Fox news website under videos. Anyone can go there and grab that exact same screencap, click on full screen and then creat the screencap. Then you can accuse them of stealing caps.

    I even felt sorry for you and put out a posting earlier telling everyone that they should not damn you but, you just keep on pushing. I don't know who is stupider, you or Homer Simpson.

    That other person had it all right. If I didn't care than I would just put my name under all the screencaps but, I did not do that.

    Everyone figured it all out without me saying anything. I was completely unaware that you guys wanted credit but, once you told me then I put your name down. Speaking of screencaps, I have a few screencaps up from the past and I have no idea who made them so I left them blank. If one of you guys out their made it than go ahead and let me know and I will gladly put your name down.

    Hey Anchorman,

    Let's just not post anymore screencaps from Shadow. He is just a fool.

    To the rest of the Cappers, I have been reading all the comments and I do support the rest of you and think that you guys are doing awesome. If you guys and gals ever need anything than just send me an e-mail.

    By the way, Shadow aka Paranoid person. I crop the photos to give my bloggers a closer look at the great news anchors since, I have noticed that bloggers always ask to see the news anchors closer up and that fixes it. It is not to cover up any b.s. thing that is going on in your mind. But you are so paranoid and inconsiderate of others that you never picked up on that fact.

    Dark Duke

  67. @Dark Duke

    You ONLY credited the real cappers after I came out and busted you. Get that part right. Since you don't know what it takes to make real caps, it's my position to defend all of us who do. And as you can see, I have the support from real cappers out there. You don't need to crop your stolen caps, either. If you post them at full size then people can see how they really look. If they want a closer look then they can edit them for themselves.

    I have helped to promote this anchorbabes blog and I fully support the owner of this blog because he has class and respect.

    Dark Duke, you are nothing special. But your blog makes you feel special, doesn't it? You are just trying to copy anchorman! Since you had to be forced into giving credit, that shows that you never had any respect to begin with. I would have laid off you but since you keep insisting to take credit for caps you did not do, I can't give you the respect you want. And we can tell the difference between a real cap and one made off a streaming video! You ain't foolin' anybody!

  68. From the "About Us" section of this site....
    "Rumors as reported on this blog are not to be taken as factual information and should be regarded as gossip until proved otherwise."

    That is clear indication that unless someone includes "I know for a fact" or "I know that" in their posts, content of all remaining posts is to be considered rumor and gossip and "not to be taken as factual information".

  69. I thought that Shadow was an asshole but, now he is coming out to be a true cock sucker. He just keeps on putting his foot in his mouth.

  70. Whatever Shadow,

    No one forced me to give anyone credit. My previous message was to let the other screencapers know what they have already been figuring out on their own. That you are silly fool. I'm sure it's not the first time you have been called an idiot now is it. You have already ruined your own reputation and I won't say anything more. I give credit to be considerate of the screencapers and they already know that. I call out to all the websites to NOT post any screencaps from Shadow.

    I will keep on cropping. You are clueless and if you had any knowledge about what bloggers wanted than your webpage would have not failed.

    Some of those streaming videos are in HD. You are so stupid.

    I have read what the other screencapers have said and they are not really backing you since you have missing holes all over everything you say.

    I am going to do what several bloggers have mentioned which is to continue to ignore you since, I don't talk to the silly that several bloggers have already dissed.

    Goodbye : )

    Dark Duke

  71. Wow, no we are hearing the whole story. Shadow is a real douche.

  72. Wow, now we are hearing the whole story. Shadow is a real douche.

  73. These blogs are supposed to be about the news chicks. It is fun to see all those bloggers call Shadow an arrogant asshole.

    Well, Kimberly looks hot.

  74. Shadow has a little dick ha ha

  75. Hey Dark Duke,

    You don't have to say anything. Hundreds of bloggers have already outed pussy boy oh, I mean Shadow as an asshole. Shadow will never get any respect ever again.

    Like the leg photos of that one check on your Hot News site.

  76. shadow has been called everything from drama queen to asshole to pussy boy and he has earned every one of those names. i hope other capers are not like this douche (hey another one shadow has earned)

  77. Hey... people know I'm an asshole. But they also know that I am 100% correct about everything that I say. ALL of the top reporertcaps cappers back me all the way. My blog didn't fail. I stopped posting caps there because it was too time consuming since I already post all of my work at reportercaps and sometimes post video to wwow. If you want to say it failed because that makes you feel special, so be it. Go get a capping machine and come back and post when you really know what it takes.

    I love seeing people call me so many petty names as if it really matters to me lol! As far as my reputation... I don't hide the fact that I can be a dick! I never have. But I'm also fair and honest and totally loyal. So tell me something I don't already know.

    PS: I'm still laughing at the "cut and paste" remark. Oh... and the "crediting the camera man" one was pretty funny, too.

  78. @Dark Duke

    You are disrespecting this blog by spamming your shitty blog in every fucking comment section here. Face it. Your blog sucks. Hell, you even suck at cropping. You cut off Diana Falzone's head!!!

  79. Wow pussy boy shadow that's a fascinating story. No one cares about you and your shitty caps. You couldn't hide that fact that you are a dick if you tried.

  80. How much money do people make from capping? I'm new to this site and curious. Thanks.

  81. zero well, Shadow gets cookies from his mommy for appearing to not be gay.

  82. I love how you chicken shits call me pussy boy and you keep yourself anonymous about it.

    My mom's cookies are great, too. :)

  83. I loved your mom's cookie Shadow. ha ha I tossed your mommy a dollar afterwords.

  84. Don't forget to use that dollar to get more expensive computer stuff.

  85. OK so cappers don't get a dime from their caps. Any chance the cap work could lead to something in the industry or is it just more of a hobby?

  86. I work in the business and there is no way that you can get a paying job even if you are the best capper in the world. Capping is just a fun hobby or like playing video games on your 360. Just fun time.

    Let's try not to trash the cappers. Shadow does not represent the rest of them.

    Yeah, I know that Shadow is an asshole that is annoying everyone but, not all cappers are like him.

  87. Kimberly does have a great smile. Her husband is a lucky man.

  88. @9:14

    thanks for the answer to my question. I was just trying to understand why this shadow guy is spending so much time on this if he isn't getting paid.

    shadow, chill out and have some fun doing what you are doing. you are acting like an asshole over a hobby.

  89. If the guy wants credit, give him the fuckin' credit. It ain't that hard. (That's what she said)

  90. EVERY capper wants credit for their cap posts. And it's a rule of thumb to always give it to them. Anybody who disagrees obviously doesn't do caps or contributes anything else besides their jealously and petty name-calling.

  91. But, don't use any screencaps that Dark Duke copied and pasted since he is a drama queen.

  92. Typo!

    Oops, I meant to say Shadow:

    But, don't use any screencaps that Shadow copied and pasted since he is a drama queen.

    Dark Duke is ok in my book.

  93. Weeee pussy man is still here. Hey, pussy man I am glad you didn't tuck your skirt inbetween your legs and hide.

    On a none-joking note, everyone agrees that cappers deserve some credit. But, nobody like you Shadow. Look in the mirror and you will see why. : )

  94. I believe Shadow is called pussy boy not pussy man. Since, no real man would cry like a drama-queen bitch. But, I do agree than Pussy Boy has managed to alienate hundreds of bloggers in a short amount of time.

  95. At least Shadow contributes to these sites through his caps. All you other slapnuts do is write rotten comments about how you'd do this or do that to some newsbabe. We all know you wussies haven't touched a chick in years, if at all. And if you did you'd probably pull a Forrest Gump and cum in your pants at the mere touch of a real woman's tits!

  96. Whatever Shadow. Shadow stop spamming this and other websites. As others have said you are not welcome.

  97. lol @ the commenter who said something about the cappers like shadow having "tough" names to try and seem badass. It's funny because it's true. Just take a look at some of the capper names at WWOW: Cobra, Gambit, Slash, Ninja, Iceman, Deadzone, and of course, the leader of the gays, MadMac. Come on guys, give it up already. BTW, why does WWOW list the mods for all the forums on the main page when they're same for each forum. Retards.

  98. That should read "forum moderators" in the last post. And here I am talking about retards, duh.

  99. It's funny how we have some dipshit making fun of others' usernames while posting anonymously...

    Oh, and if anyone wants to know another reason why we cappers actually do caps.... we do caps and videos for rapidshare points. Those points equal free months and extra bandwidth to download movies, music, and programs. Contributing actually does pay off in a way. When I did CNN HD on a daily basis I could get an easy 100 points per day from a single Kiran Chetry video... all thanks to you guys for downloading it.

  100. Get a real job and you wouldn't have to worry about paying for extra bandwith, free movies, downloads, etc. you jackass. Instead, you would rather deliver pizzas and waste time doing screencaps and live with your parents until you are 40. Hahahahahahahhahahaha.

  101. Why is it funny that people post anonymously? If they posted with a real name would it make a difference? Maybe people post anonymously because they don't want to create a faggy name like shadow.

  102. Did you guys read what pussyboy-shadow wrote. He is such a loser ass nerd.
