Monday, March 16, 2009

Sexy Tamron Hall Update on MSNBC

She's been on MSNBC as I see her there all the time, but I haven't seen any hot pictures of Tamron Hall until today. This is actually from last week, but something is better than nothing. Enjoy...

Tamron is a sexy dish,

Screencaps courtesy of boones at the SuperiorPics forum.


  1. Not for me maybe she sucks and maybe she doesn't but those knees have lots of bruises and they came from somewhere. Why else would they keep letting her do everything

  2. tampon hall needs to lose the lesbian haircut and let her hair grow out.

  3. Man, I could play "Massah? Is you goin' to take me to the woodshed and makes me makes babies all night long?" all night with Tamron...

  4. eeewwww black chick ewwwww

  5. @ 1:46 pm She is also half white and how would you like everyone to stereotype you for being a nerd who never getts laid, oh, to late. ha ha

  6. I don't know which is worse, the post here of Tamron Hall as "hot and sexy" or the stupid line about Sarah Palin maybe running in 2012. Anchorman and MSNBC: a match made in retard heaven.

  7. I dont know about you guys but black chicks have never done it for me. I prefer white women.

  8. Previous dude, you have never fucked a black chick this hot and you know it so shut the fuck up. I am not a nerd like you. I have had my blonde model girlfriends but I would definitly not have a hard time choosing between them and her.

    To the racist asshole who keeps on commenting. Halle Berry is loved by millions at the movies and hot black chicks like Tamron look just like her so a huge portion of this nation disagrees with your ignorant ass. If you don't like it than take a time machine and move to nazi-germany.

  9. she now has those big fake titties but she still looks like a boy with tits.

  10. They have tried to push her as being sexy, even made Contessa tone down her looks so as not to show up Tamron but no matter what Hall still just looks like a Big Black Turd !

  11. i don't see how anyone could be attracted to her. she's beyond overrated.

  12. I can guaran-damn-tee you that she smells like my dogs ass. Get with the program Anchorman and stop posting these ugly beasts like Tamron, Jenna Wolfe, Hoda, and any of MadMac's fat grandmas.

  13. And we know you spend a lot of time licking your dog's ass now don't we! Guess you gotta get laid somehow, and Alpo is cheaper than wine after all.

  14. Is my computer screen off or is she an afro american? I can't really tell. She looks afro american to me? Does she look afro american to anyone else?

  15. ^yes she does... with a little bit of rag-head mixed in.

  16. .....and they say that white Americans are basically racist, backward, rednecks that sleep with their sisters and rape their mothers??? Surely not??

    Some people need to get with the programme!!! "no more Bush, no more lies, cos my President is BLACK"!!!!

  17. ...and what is it they say about black Americans?

  18. My baby's mama, my baby's mama's drama.

  19. She is nothing special. She looks like she just got back from a month long vacation in the Bahamas. Doesn't anyone use sunscreen anymore? Jeez.

  20. March 16, 2009 5:42 PM
    March 18, 2009 11:43 AM
    March 17, 2009 6:42 AM
    March 16, 2009 5:42 PM

    Those 4 are damn idiots who are in love with that half mud & raghead you guys will spread your assholes to any black guy because you feel guilty and ashamed to be who you are
    hey assholes if your families had slaves well who gives a shit that was then this is now no need to suck black dick just because of what your great grandpa did so stop with the fucking WHITE GUILT and stop with the fake shit about all blacks are cool ,you fucking morons and pull your pants up you are not in the ghetto stupid WIGGERS you are in the suburbs be white and stfu

  21. Is this chick colored? It is hard for me to tell my eyesight is going bad. She seems to me to be either a Sunset tan fan or to be of the colored variety. Can someone please explain. Thank you for your cooperation.

  22. Wow, the amount of racism in here is disturbing. If you don't find her attractive why are you even commenting? What possessed you to look at the pictures in the first place? Are you in denial? Because Tamron Hall is obviously very good looking, and no amount of bigoted comments to try and tell yourself otherwise is going to change that.
