Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Another Sexy Red Eye with Jill Dobson

Yes, that's right, Jill Dobson wants YOU! From Red Eye a couple of nights ago, sexy FOX babe Jill Dobson looking salacious with the sexy short skirt and boots. Bonus add with right wing pundit Monica Crowley in the background too.

Don't mess with Jill,

Screencaps courtesy of shadow at the Reporter Caps forum.



    Just put up hot photos of Martha MacCullum's cleavage and Courtney Friel and they are better shots than anything that is on this shitty site. All of Anchorman's photos have to be enlarged if you want to fucking see any of the babes better. I e-mailed Dark Duke and he told me he clears up the photos also.

  2. Dark D would have never put up these photos since they are from that pussy boy shadow who is to busy cleaning his pussy everyday. ha ha Dark D has standards.

    But, seriously there is no cleavage and all you see is a tiny bit of knee. *Yawn*

    Maybe Pussy Boy is spending to much time sucking Anchorman's dick.

  3. Anchor Man just has lower standards and his wife is probably a sloppering trasvestite. Duke is Wilshire banned pussy-boy-shadow and has the best collection on the web. This is the last time I'm wasting my time on this website.

  4. Anchor Man just has lower standards and his wife is probably a sloppering trasvestite. Duke of Wilshire banned pussy-boy-shadow and has the best collection on the web. This is the last time I'm wasting my time on this website.

  5. Shadow does nothing but spam websites. Shadow is like a weed in your backyard that your dog has shitted on. :>>>>>> And Shame on Anchorman for having lower standards.

  6. First pic: "My name is Dobson...Jill Dobson."

    A thank you to Anchorman for the hard work posting and adding his comments to the pics. The rest of us appreciate your daily efforts.

  7. I sure as hell don't. Anchorshit wasted my time this afternoon. Thank god for hot news anchor women.


  9. It sounds like the idiots who trash this site and praise the other dude are practicing homersexuals or at least closet ones with latent queer tendencies.

  10. ^^Agreed. Anchorman, you need to start deleting Dark Duke's bullshit spam.

    Jill Dobson is Courtney "tuna fish" Friel's sexier, less plastic twin. More please, thanks.

  11. I wasn't agreeing with the 12:27 faggot, I was agreeing with the guy at 11:31 who actually has a brain.

  12. 1. Dark Duke DOES NOT DO CAPS!
    2. Anchorman posts full size caps at their REAL resolution. Dark Duke crops caps and makes them look shitty.
    3. If you want the best caps then visit reportercaps or wideworldofwomen.
    4. The only spammers here are those who are advertising for Dark Duke's SHIT blog!!!

  13. Two blondes on the same Redeye show. That is unusual.

  14. i'm beginning to think that i'm the only non fag who ever cums here. it sounds like the rest of of you come here to wack off while dreaming that you were female and beautiful. what losers, please go to the other site, please.

  15. 1. That screencaper Shadow gives a bad name to cappers. If I were them I would disown him.
    2. I don't give a shit about Dark Duke. But, let's be fair his site has some bad ass screencaps from Reportercaps and etc. When I see a hot news woman on the web it is a pain in the ass to search all over the web and find photos of them. He has the best ones all with a single click. He also blows them up so you can see the sexy legs up close.
    This is my last time coming on this site. Goodbye

  16. I barely get a boner looking at Anchorman's bullshit caps which is why I go to:

  17. Anchorman allows racist comments on here. Fuck Anchorman.

  18. hey, you missed some GREAT shots of Margaret Brennan on April 14th! She was doing some market recap between 7-8AM, and she was, for the first time I've ever seen it, wearing a low cut shirt, and boy oh boy, it was a sight! very nice. I've looked on CNBC and even CNBC plus for that clip and it's not posted anywhere! Counting on you, Anchorbabes, to dig it out for all of us to enjoy!!

  19. Dark Douche gets a boner watching and playing with boys! See it at:

  20. MadMac loves Great-GILFsApril 15, 2009 at 5:59 PM

    Yeah, Dark Duke is soooooooo great with his "blown-up" caps. Any monkey with one hand on his cock can zoom in/enlarge a pic. So why doesn't everyone do it? BECAUSE IT MAKES THE PICS LOOK LIKE SHIT! Half the pictures he posts are blurry as fuck. Some of you like it like that? Good, stick to his faggoty-ass site and stop coming here. Personally, I'm convinced the guy coming here spamming the shit out of that cesspool of a newsbabe site, accusing everyone who posts something negative about Dark Duke's lame site of being that idiot shadow from WWOW/Nazi Germany, is Dark Duke, the attention whore himself. DD, go suck a fart out of an aids ridden transexual's asshole and stop bothering everyone else with your nonsense.

  21. Nope it ain't Dark Duke you losa. Ha Ha

  22. you won't find caps like this on dark duke's gay site.

  23. Hey Shadow, don't put up porn sites on here and grow up. You have done it before and we know it's you. I e-mailed Dark Duke and he was laughing his ass off since he told me he doesn't need to promote his website since it gets just as many visitors and starting to get more than this site. But, I still going to mention it just to piss off that girly-man shadow:

  24. Just when everyone was starting to forgive Shadow then he puts his foot in his mouth again. Hey Anchorman, you brought all this on yourself. You should have banned him like the D man did.

  25. Pussy boy is back. Time to have some fun. :>>>>>>>>>>>

  26. Why is she wearing hose? When will these women ever learn?

  27. if dark duke's site is so successful why is he coming here to promote it every chance he gets?

  28. If you want to talk shit to Shadow then goto the reportercaps forum. He is very easy to find. Better yet, goto the wideworldofwomen forum and do it.

  29. 6:46 PM is exaggerating a little. But, I apreciate you backing me. My site does get a lot of visitors but I am in no way competing with Anchorman. I appreciate the loyalty but you guys don't need to promote me on other sites like this one. I just checked and my site is one of the top visited sites in the country. That being said, I understand if you guys want to mention my photos to each other so do whatever...

    As for that arrogant screencaper:L Shadow well every time he says my name my site goes up in visitor hits. So, just ignore him like I have.

  30. ROFL! Your site is not one of the top visited sites in the country!

  31. There's no proof that Jill Dobson engages in oral sex. Jill Dobson is 1 of the exceptions to this site. As of 2009, Jill Dobson is under 30 years old & thus still in her prime. Most of the women who you see posted on this site are women who have peaked out & that's why this site should be called

    Jill Dobson is a babe. Yes after a # of years, Jill Dobson will peak out, but she is in her prime & prettier than Megyn Kelly. She is also prettier than the menopausal Lis Wiehl & Lis Wiehl's looks have faded since 1992. Megyn Kelly & Lis Wiehl both have anuses & farts & turds exist Megyn Kelly & Lis Wiehl's anuses.

  32. There's no proof that Jill Dobson engages in oral sex. Jill Dobson is 1 of the exceptions to this site. As of 2008, Jill Dobson is 31 years old & thus still in her prime. Most of the women who you see posted on this site are women who have peaked out & that's why this site should be called

    Jill Dobson is a babe. Yes after a # of years, Jill Dobson will peak out, but she is in her prime & prettier than Megyn Kelly. She is also prettier than the menopausal Lis Wiehl & Lis Wiehl's looks have faded since 1992. Megyn Kelly & Lis Wiehl both have anuses & farts & turds exist Megyn Kelly & Lis Wiehl's anuses.

  33. There's no proof that Jill Dobson engages in oral sex. Jill Dobson is 1 of the exceptions to this site. As of 2008, Jill Dobson is 31 years old & thus still in her prime. Most of the women who you see posted on this site are women who have peaked out & that's why this site should be called

    Jill Dobson is a babe. Yes after a # of years, Jill Dobson will peak out, but she is in her prime & prettier than Megyn Kelly. She is also prettier than the menopausal Lis Wiehl & Lis Wiehl's looks have faded since 1992. Megyn Kelly & Lis Wiehl both have anuses & farts & turds exist Megyn Kelly & Lis Wiehl's anuses.

  34. Dark Duke's site sucks dick and so does anybody who goes there. He just goes to reportercaps every day and jacks Sabrina's caps. And he's just copying what anchorman does with this great blog. Dark Dipshit is a pussy boy who won't show his face on any of the sites he steals from.

  35. Ha Ha Dark Duke told Shadow off. Last I checked he gives Sabrina credit. The only person being dissed is you. lol

    Before I forget hey Shadow tell your mother and your sister to get the fuck out of my house. lol

  36. Hey Shadow,

    we never got your real name? First and last. We promise not to continue to make fun of you.

  37. Why couldn't you have kept your mouth shut Shadow. Oh, well have fun with him everyone he brought it on himself.

  38. MadMac sitting in a cabin, plotting to rape some ugly 60 year old newswomenApril 15, 2009 at 8:47 PM

    My random thoughts for this evening:

    "I just checked and my site is one of the top visited sites in the country." - Dark Duke, April 15th, 2009, 7:02pm

    And that right there confirms everything everyone has ever said about Dark Douche and his bullshit. The kid is a pathological liar.

    WTF is the obsession with Shadow? Dark Douche, you and your one or two fans seem to have an unhealthy crush on him. Yeah, he's an ass for that whole "stealing caps" thing, but still, get a grip you homos.

    Glad to see the farts and turds guy back. Maybe he can bring everyone together in hate.

    Fuck MadMac and his fat, ugly, nasty grandmas. He wouldn't be so bad if all he capped was Stacey Butler and Sharon Tay, but shit happens I guess.

  39. Farts & Turds guy loves cock. He is an ass clown.

  40. 8:47 PM,

    Dark Duke gets a fair amount of hits from what is the internet search engine tracking.

    We don't know who MadMac is and we don't care.

    Shadow is a pussy boy and the only arrogant person on this site besides the farts and turds guy. Shadow calls Dark Duke "Dark Douche or Dark Doockie" How original is that. What's he going to do next make mama jokes. Shadow can talk all he wants about Duke but I'm one of the guys who likes the photos of hot news babes Dark Duke finds he can't say shit about me ha ha:

  41. The most hated people on this website and others:

    1. Shadow for being a douche
    2. The farts and Turds guy
    3. The nazi racist.

    I know that nearly a thousand of you come to these sites and those three are just craving attention. We never see Dark Duke going off topic or bitching. Those three need to stop sucking each other dicks and start talking about the hot females.

    The three people above just don't have a clue.

  42. 8:47 PM sounds like a woman and that is not a put down. It may really be a news anchor.

  43. Just like everyone knows that Dark Douche is the one who keeps on posting with a previous posters' time to lead off his post. Right Darkie?

    "Dark Duke gets a fair amount of hits from what is the internet search engine tracking."

    Prove it. And even if it were true that he came up on the first page of searches for "women", "anchorbabes", "newsbabes", etc., his site is FAR from one of the most visited in ANY country. Comments like that just prove that Dark Duke is just some 14 year old kid wanking off on his mommy's Windows 98 PC.

    MadMac is the idiot from WWOW that posts all the fat dogfaced grandma's from Cali. He's about as well known as Shadow, or any of the other WWOW knuckleheads, so I don't exactly see what your point is there.

    I'm not Shadow, nor do I wish to be. I don't get why you keep on saying that anybody who posts anything negative about your site is him, Dark Duke. Why don't you just come out of the closet and admit that you're the one posting all this shit, spamming this site, are a homo, and most likely the farts and turds dude as well.

  44. @9:05...

    I agree with your list but I think farts & turds guy might be first.

  45. I looked at the stats and you would all be surprised how many people come to this page on a daily basis. Dark Duke gets a lot of hits on his page!! I won't say so you will have to look it up yourselves.

    Has everyone noticed that Dark Duke never says anything on here. It's just a thought. ;-)

    When a loser like shadow talks about then Dark D just probably doesn't even read it. pussy boy really is a loser. lol

  46. I'm not a chick. I jerk off to Jenna Lee and PAB just as much as any man, heh.

    And I can't argue with the 14 year old bi-curious kid known as Dark Douche, or his followers, or whoever. I have to get up in the morning and work, unlike these silly bastards living off mommy and/or welfare.

  47. Link to the stats. Now. Otherwise, you're full of shit, just like saying Dark Duke never posts here.

  48. 9:11 PM,

    Are you a nut job. Dark Duke isn't posting shit I am biatch. I take credit for two of the postings. First we get that idiot Shadow and now you.

  49. 1. Jenna Lee
    2. Becky Quick
    3. PAB

    Nothing else matters

  50. I just instant messaged Dark Duke and he is laughing his ass off while playing Gears of War 2. He says that if retard-shadow wants to give him credit for other peoples comments than let him but shadow's having a conversation with himself. I really don't think Dark Duke gives a shit. Maybe pussyboy should wipe his pussy.

  51. lol That is so fucked up lol

  52. I'd like to lap Jill Dobson's pussy like a cat on a bowl of milk.

  53. It's funny how Dark Douchebag and his dark dipshits (all the same person) were the first to bring up my name in this thread because I was the one who made the Jill caps. I'm glad Dark Dickhead doesn't use my caps because I don't want them fucked with and cropped! Leave it to him to totally ruin HD caps and cut off body parts.... oh yeah, that's talent.

  54. Pussy-Boy Shadow is a nutjob who thinks we are all Dark Duke. Well, just read his previuos comments. Man his pussy must be really drippen from his pussy. I'm glad we brought up your name since I was getting bored making fun of news chicks.

  55. Pussyboy is also a homo for stalking the Darkman. I agree anchorbabes can get boring sometimes so calling at Pussyboy makes the day go by faster.

  56. Jill is so fucking incredible I can barely watch her without stroking my cock. Because of her I am running out of sperm. I would lick her pussy 'til my tongue falls off!

  57. 11:46,

    It's not the first time that douchebag-shadow has been called out for being unstable. The man's got to much time on his hands.

  58. previous commentor,

    Just one thing after another is coming up on how everything pussyboy says is weird. I had a minute while my eggs were frying this morning so I went over to duke's page because pussyboy said that he steals caps. But duke mentioned all the cappers below each photo. pussyboy is a wacko.


    Just to piss off that vagina = Shadow. he he

  60. Dark Douche needs to be locked up and stuck with Big BubbaApril 16, 2009 at 7:06 AM

    Isn't it obvious to everyone yet that it's the same weirdo, Dark Duke or not, that's posting in this thread 50 times so far? You know, the guy with the "it's not dark duke" and "pussy boy" comments. Talk about OCD, this fucker's got it bad. Each of those posts is written almost exactly the same and the fruit is trying to act like different people in each post but isn't doing a very good job with it.

    I mean, c'mon, the very first 5 fucking posts in this thread have nothing to do with Jill Dobson, they're about how great Dark Duke is and how much Anchorman and Shadow suck. And all posted within 20 minutes from first to fifth.

    And I'm still waiting for some proof that Dark Dong's site is one of the most visited in the country. I guess asking a sociopath for some true facts is like asking a fat kid to lay off the cake. I also LMAO every time one of DD's "fans" talk about how they just e-mailed him and he's just sitting around, watching cartoons and jerking off. We really don't need a play by play of what Dark Dickwad does every day.

  61. Jill Dobson also farts & shits out of Jill Dobson's anus. What do you think of the farts & turds which exit Jill Dobson's anus? @least Jill Dobson is pretty while Megyn Kelly's looks have faded & Megyn Kelly is now an old fart & Megyn Kelly does not have nice boobs. Lis Wiehl is a menopausal old fart.

  62. Shadow "Pussy Boy" is angry because he was banned from Dark Dukes site. ha ha

  63. Just read his long as comment at 7:06am. lol No wonder someone gave him the name pussy boy.

  64. Still waiting for the "top visited site in the country" proof. I won't hold my breath.

    You guys really do have an unhealthy, borderline fatal attraction, obsession with shadow. I guess in your own little warped world there couldn't possibly be more than one person who doesn't like Dark Duke's "exclusive" caps and is tired of every thread on this site being spammed right from the get-go with his website. You people need to seek help now.

  65. Big surprise, BTW. I posted a comment over at Dark Duke's website asking why he deletes comments when right there above the comment box he preaches free speech for all posters. Plus, I called him on his bullshit. I guess he just can't handle any criticism.

    And before Dark Dickweed starts posting "pussy boy shadow" crap, let me save him the trouble:

    "omg, u sux shadow pussy boi! your such a pussy boy shadow lol lol lol. dark duke is the man anchorman sucks penis!pussy boy pussy boy!"

    I'm not shadow, asswipe. But go ahead, keep on calling me shadow, I'm sure he loves the attention.

  66. Dark Duke wouldn't post my comment, that's what I'm trying to get at.

  67. Dark Dickless won't post my comments, either. I don't blame him since I caught him giving himself credit for a cap done by someone else. And let's not forget that he only started giving cap credit AFTER I called him out on it all. Of course, all of those comments have long been deleted and now his faggot followers probably think he always gave proper credit. Well, he always gave credit to HIMSELF before I busted his sorry ass.

  68. Don't worry, Shadow. I'm sure he'll be back here soon posting as his so-called fans, calling everyone that dislikes his site by your name and talking about how he has one of the most popular and visited sites in thee world. What a load of crap. Dark Dong has serious mental issues.

  69. Shadow we don't care about you or other websites. Congradulations you have become more annoying than the guy who keeps on talking about farts and turts.

  70. At least the guy who talks about farts and turds is honest... unlike Dark Dicksucker.

  71. Shadow just doesn't know when to quit. He just keeps on making an annoying ass of himself.

  72. It's funny how the first dickless pieces of shit (1 person named Dark Duke) decided to come here and spam his bullshit blog AND attack me all because he got busted for trying to take credit for caps he never made... and it's still funny that he actually DID WHAT I TOLD HIM TO DO -- by starting to give credit to the real cappers. Oh, yeah, but I'm the annoying one. Yeah, I'm sure I'm annoying to DD for busting his faggy ass for being a lying cocksmoker.

  73. Sometimes shadow is the clown of the room and other times he is just annoying. Shadow, listen to all the bloggers when we say that we don't give a fuck what you say. If you want to talk about the news anchors than your welcome to do that but stop going of on your silly bantering because we it is gay.

  74. @the last poster: Hello, Brownie/Jimbo!!! How ya' been?

    Not that I really care....

    Maybe if your sick, bloated, drunk ass wife came over and blew me, I'd care "a little bit"....

    Otherwise, go fuck yourself and tell Don he's a shitbird homo just like you.

  75. Congratulations Shadow,

    You just succeeded in alienating everyone yet again.

  76. lol!

    thanks, brownie! tell don/mitch/nick i love him, too! maybe next spring i will blow you both!!! (don't get your hopes up, though!)

    oh, woops! i don't mean brownie... i mean dark dickhead!!! YEAH!!! hehe!!! (we all know who ya are, babe.. ya still suck DARK-skinned dicks and ya still luv when i call ya my bitch!!!) -- thanks!!!!!

  77. Shadow is so funny. Check out his crying at
    He's trying to apologize in the comments section and it is funny. lol

  78. ^^More proof that Dark Dong is a sexually frustrated 14 year old.

    Even more proof:

    -spamming this site in every thread with his shitty site.

    -claiming to have the hottest and most exclusive pics in the world.

    -saying he has one of the top visited sites in the country, then not backing it up when asked for proof.

    -pretending to be 5 or 6 different people who all just happen to post within a few minutes of each other and word their posts exactly the same way.

    -preaching free speech in his own comment box on his site, but then not only doesn't he allow comments that are critical of him to go through, but now he's so pissed he's getting made to look like a retarded inbred moron that he's posting as shadow and myself, the anti-MadMac dude, over there.

    Seriously Dark Dick sucker, you lost. You're way out of you league here kid, I've taken down much, much better than you, bitch, and if you want to keep going I'll continue to make you look like the dumb faggot and waste of sperm you truly are. Bet your mommy wishes she had taken a coat hanger to you when you were in the womb, she must be so embarrassed by her 35 year old, 450 pound fat waste of space of a son living at home mooching off her, his whole life revolving around "hot and sexy exclusive newsbabe pictures".

    Dark Duke, you truly are a load that should have been swallowed.

  79. I don't care what personal attacks you throw. Most of the women who are posted on this website are menopausal old crones. Jill Dobson is pretty & still in her prime, but she is an exception. I will post about women's farts & turds which exit women's anuses whether you like it or not. You won't tell me what to post. Megyn Kelly has an anus & farts & turds exit Megyn Kelly's anus.

    There's no proof that Jill Dobson engages in oral sex. Jill Dobson is 1 of the exceptions to this site. As of 2008, Jill Dobson is 31 years old & thus still in her prime. Most of the women who you see posted on this site are women who have peaked out & that's why this site should be called

    Jill Dobson is a babe. Yes after a # of years, Jill Dobson will peak out, but she is in her prime & prettier than Megyn Kelly. She is also prettier than the menopausal Lis Wiehl & Lis Wiehl's looks have faded since 1992. Megyn Kelly & Lis Wiehl both have anuses & farts & turds exist Megyn Kelly & Lis Wiehl's anuses.

  80. So Dark Dump is the farts and turds guy? It all makes sense now.

  81. 7:30 AM aka Shadow must really be frustrated that he got banned from Dark Dukes website. In any case I don't care about him or Dark Duke so everyone needs to stop teasing Shadow and Shadow needs to stop putting up a hundred "Anonymous" replies on here just because he can't do it on Dark Duke's site.

  82. ^^Dark Duke again. You're not fooling anyone, you fucking hypocrite.

  83. MegynKellysexcrementisexcitementApril 17, 2009 at 3:35 PM

    I write about women's farts & turds & I'm not any of the other posters since 1 asked.

    Most of the women who are posted on this website are menopausal old crones. Jill Dobson is pretty & still in her prime, but she is an exception. I will post about women's farts & turds which exit women's anuses whether you like it or not. You won't tell me what to post. Megyn Kelly has an anus & farts & turds exit Megyn Kelly's anus.

    There's no proof that Jill Dobson engages in oral sex. Jill Dobson is 1 of the exceptions to this site. As of 2008, Jill Dobson is 31 years old & thus still in her prime. Most of the women who you see posted on this site are women who have peaked out & that's why this site should be called

    Jill Dobson is a babe. Yes after a # of years, Jill Dobson will peak out, but she is in her prime & prettier than Megyn Kelly. She is also prettier than the menopausal Lis Wiehl & Lis Wiehl's looks have faded since 1992. Megyn Kelly & Lis Wiehl both have anuses & farts & turds exist Megyn Kelly & Lis Wiehl's anuses.

  84. 3:09 PM/shadow is getting mad lol

  85. ^^Dark Duke again. He just can't let it go lol.

  86. seek psychological help shadow. i'm sure you walk through the mall and think that everyone you see looks like ben affleck. what a homo.
