Thursday, April 9, 2009

Kiran Chetry Would Make a Hot Flight Attendant

This one is interesting. From yesterday, CNN news babe Kiran Chetry posing with a bunch of flight attendants. It's kinda hard to see, so you'll have to click to see the hi-res, Kiran is first one on the right from center. Dude, she's pretty tall comparatively. I can't imagine if she was a flight attendant on my flight, mile high club here I come...

Kiran strikes a pose,

Screencaps courtesy of deadzone at the Reporter Caps forum.


  1. Chetry is an over-rated ugly bitch. Don't get me wrong, I'd fuck her like a dog, but, she would be my 200 or 201st choice among the hot achor babes in TV land.

  2. Is there any chance we could ban the word "hot" from any further use on this site as it has totally lost its meaning? When it is used to describe EVERY woman posted here it becomes totally useless.

  3. Those aren't flight attendants, by the way. They're from the USO.

  4. her body is banging

  5. As a retired Airline Pilot, most people with any insight at all insight into what makes up a flight attendant:
    1)Better than average face and/or body; usually plastic, and or botox
    2)Intelligence *much* less than average. Close to a box of rocks
    3)Morals about as low as can get. Close to alley cat.
    4)Personality, especially after flying a few years,is close to used Kotex.
    5) Primary Interests; sitting on Jump seat gossiping about latest developments in their own or flying partners most recent multiple divorces.

  6. Kiran's still the hottest newsbabe around, has a great personality, and does her job well.

    Flight attendants???? Get a clue.

  7. the comment @ 11:42 is pointless, it was written by an idiot and all it (the comment) does is waste space on this site.

  8. if i was that dude in the back i would be grabbing a handful of her ass maybe even try for a little insertion.

  9. Did the guy about the psych of Flight Attendants touch a raw nerve about your wife, gay lover, or childish obsessions with Fly Girls , or was it just that you are not ever appointed as a Hall Monitor in your grade school, so you appoint yourself as web space usage Monitor and Chief Whiner here.
    Yes, your deep insights were much more worthy of space here...right up there with the Scatology and Flatulence guy.
    Ask your Mom to help you understand those Big words.

  10. Why the hell does she always wear hose? It is not hot, just show bear legs. Mmmmmmmm

  11. Those are her bare legs. She almost always goes hoseless.

  12. Now that's my idea of the "mile high" club.sign me up.

  13. this photo smells really fishy to me.

  14. Id bend them all over, lift their skirts up and lick every one of their ass holes clean, beginning with Kiran.

  15. @7:46 You god damn idiot, Kiran is the one wearing the blue dress with the white hose!!!!! You big fat phony. Kiran always wear hose every morning. Do you not watch tv? Before you comment again showing you have the mental capacity of a monkey's anus, please actually learn about how Kiran dresses. Ugh. Makes me want to puke!!!!!

  16. She doesn't have hose on, jackhole. Check out her arms, they have the same tone as her legs. You're the joke, dipshit. Kiran is almost always bare-legged. Mix in a clue. Check out some of the videos from that same day and post again. Apology accepted in advance.

  17. @4:50 AM Hey, if your sorry little ass could afford HDTV then you'd realize that Kiran goes hoseless almost all of the time. Maybe you could ask your parents to get HD. In the meantime: FUCK YOU! When you get the balls to admit you're wrong and I'm right, come talk to me. All will be forgiven. For I am kind.

  18. Oh my god. How damn dumb do you have to be to not realize that she was wearing bright white hose on this day? Look at the picture moron. Every single woman except the black woman on the right and the woman in the middle in the red dress are wearing bright white hose. Is is just coindidence that they all have unnatural white legs? Get a damn clue. If you can't see that you must be Stevie Wonder.

  19. *black woman on the left. Notice her black legs and the woman in the red dress next to Chetry's brown legs. People don't have legs that white as hell like every other woman in this picture wearing white hose. Don't you feel stupid.

  20. One more time, retards. Check out her arms. Does she have white hose on her arms? Her arms and legs are the same color. Anchorman, please, is there any way we can bar the mentally retarded from commenting on this site? If you watch Kiran regularly, you'll know she prefers the bare-legged look. She is bare-legged in this picture! Yes, her skin is white. It's been a long winter. Now fuck off little guys, and don't bother me again until you learn braille. Like I said, got to reportercaps and check out the pics/videos(the day before this day) Again, your apologies are accepted in advance.

  21. Retard, I was watching live on TV on this day. How god damn dumb do you have to be to not see that she was wearing WHITE HOSE!!!!! Not even the whitest white girls from middle america are that white. Kirans skin is freakin brown, not whiter than a ghost!!!!! Did she move to Antarctica over the winter?!?!?! Look at the legs on the woman in the red dress RIGHT NEXT TO HER!!!!! If Kiran wasn't wearing WHITE HOSE, that is what her legs would look like. Brown. I really think you are just messing around, because if you are not, you need to have your drivers license revoked immediately. It is not safe to have blind people on the roads.

  22. LOOK AT HER ARM, SHIT-FOR-BRAINS. IS SHE WEARING WHITE STOCKINGS ON HER ARM?? Her arm and legs are the same color. Once again, apology accepted in advance. Good day, sir.

  23. WELL WELL. It looks as though I WIN, AGAIN. Do you nerds finally get it? Pretend as if you're the President of the United States and I am a Saudi King. BOW BEFORE ME, BITCHES! YOU LOSE!

  24. Haha. So I guess she is Michael Jackson's sister? Hilarious. Ok then, she is Kiran Chetry Jackson because he is the only person in the world with a skin tone like that. Idiot.

    So I guess whenever a black woman wears black hose you are going to say, "No she isn't, look at her arm, it is black too." hahaha. Dumber than dirt.

  25. HOPELESS!...Take my hand, child, and we'll walk through this.

    Is she Michael Jackson?...No, little Johnny, her name is Kiran Chetry.
    Her skin is white....That's right, little Johnny, look at the picture.
    Are her arms as white as her legs?...Look at the picture, little Johnny. What about the black chick and the chick in the red dress?...Look at the picture, little Johnny. Why do the other commentors call you dumber than dirt and so on when the picture provides absolute proof?...I don't know, little Johnny. Oh, so you base your opinions on the picture itself?....That's right, little Johnny.
