Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Hot and Pregnant Megyn Kelly Rubs Her Tummy

Since some of y'all been clamoring for this, here it is. FOX news babe Megyn Kelly on America's Newsroom showing off her pregnant body in a nice tight short skirt. I think she's gesturing to Gregg Jarrett to rub her tummy, Gregg's lookin' kinda shy though, I wonder what he's hiding.

Hot preggy Megyn,

Screencaps courtesy of shadow at the Reporter Caps forum.


  1. Douglas Brunt got Megyn Kelly pregnant & up to now, Douglas Brunt has only known that Megyn Kelly gives birth to farts & turds which exit Megyn Kelly's anus. But hopefully, Megyn Kelly will soon have a baby exit Megyn Kelly's vagina. But imagine Megyn Kelly & Lis Wiehl sitting in toilet stalls next to eachother & having a farting & shitting contest. Do you think that Lis Wiehl or Megyn Kelly would win the farting & shitting contest?

  2. Megyn looks good here. Not usually a fan of her's, but that's a killer skirt.

    Welcome back Farts and Turds Guy!

  3. ^^Welcome to you as well. The skirt is the only nice thing on Megyn Kelly as well as her legs. Megyn Kelly is becoming an old crone, as she is approaching menopause, but hopefully, Megyn Kelly will soon have a baby exit Megyn Kelly's vagina, as Megyn Kelly up to know has only given birth to farts & shits which exit Megyn Kelly's anus.

    Imagine Megyn Kelly & Lis Wiehl sitting in toilet stalls next to eachother & having a farting & shitting contest. Do you think that Lis Wiehl or Megyn Kelly would win the farting & shitting contest?

  4. her titties are getting bigger and she still likes showing off those legs of hers.

  5. Megyn Kelly is getting fatter. Megyn Kelly is becoming an old crone, as she is approaching menopause, but hopefully, Megyn Kelly will soon have a baby exit Megyn Kelly's vagina, as Megyn Kelly up to know has only given birth to farts & shits which exit Megyn Kelly's anus.

    Imagine Megyn Kelly & Lis Wiehl sitting in toilet stalls next to eachother & having a farting & shitting contest. Do you think that Lis Wiehl or Megyn Kelly would win the farting & shitting contest?

  6. The is pussyboy otherwise known as shadow. Thanks for looking at my screencap I know it's not as good as what others do but please like me PLEASE! Dark Duke finaly gave in and put up my photo on his site so if you want to know how I look while I made this screencap:

    But, he has not been paying me any attention since then. I love you Duke. I love man juice in my mouth. Please, return my phone call.

  7. I just got through pulling a huge cucumber out of my asshole. But, I had to use lube. I hope you guys don't think I'm straight just because I used lube since it still felt Oh so good.

  8. ^^I'm black, fags! Can I suck a farts out of your asshole???

  9. Too bad she's pregnant!!

  10. 10:39 AM alias shadow saying another racist remark. He's becoming predictable.

  11. Let me get my point across once and for all
    -I hate niggers
    -I have no respect for my fellow cappers and could give a shit about them
    -I hate that tool Anchorman
    -I hate Dark Duke
    All you bitches can kiss my ass. But, after all that if you are a gullible bitch than you can still be my friend but I'm still going to trash the living shit out of you.

  12. i bet the back and forth fag posters above have spent time in prison for hybotchery. get a life,faggots.

  13. Of course, I'm the real shadow (click the screen name and it takes you to my true profile). Damn... somebody here really needs to get a life. I guess they like impersonating me and using my name. Hey, keep it up... it doesn't bother me one bit. I don't get pissed off or offended by people who don't even have the balls to say shit to me using their real screen names. My cap posts are at wwow and reportercaps. I'm not hard to find.

  14. It's pretty funny that dark duke is accusing shadow of being a racist and yet the only person I see using the n-word here is dark duke, posing as shadow. What a hypocrite.

  15. Farts and Turds Dude. What are your thoughts on this ongoing controversy between Dark Dyke and Shadow? Also, what did you think of Gretchen Carlson's brown stained white granny panties the other day?

  16. Holy fuckin shit. That skirt is so short of the divorced pregnant whore I can see the baby's head starting to come out!!! Arghhhhhh somebody get the doctor. This is an emergency.

  17. Dark Duke is an AIDS infected homo & his posts have no place here. If he wants to talk about men, then visit a homo site. I can't comment on Shadow nor can I comment on Gretchen Carlson, since I don't read what people write about her.

    This site is mainly about anchorcrones. Megyn Kelly is a hasbeen. Megyn Kelly was great in 2004 but since late 2006 her looks have just faded & she is approaching menopause. Hopefully Megyn Kelly will not have a C-Section & the baby will exit Megyn Kelly's vagina the normal way. Megyn Kelly will be changing her son or daughter's diapers after the baby is born, so Megyn Kelly will have to smell the farts & turds of her baby.

    For many years now, Megyn Kelly has had farts & shits exit Megyn Kelly's anus. Hopefully @least once in her life, Megyn Kelly will have a healthy baby exit Megyn Kelly's vagina. What impact does the pregnancy have on Megyn Kelly's farts & shits?

  18. i bet the back and forth fag posters above have spent time in prison for hybotchery. get a life,faggots.

    You do realize its the same stupid racist fag pretending to be all kinds of different people and having conversations with himself (itself) right????

  19. Farts and Turds dude still crack me up. You people need to get a sense of humor.

  20. Farts and Turds guy needs to get a life and a sense of humor. Let's face it, Megyn Kelly will be one hot MILF, like Liz Claman, Alexis, and Tracy Byrnes on FBN.

  21. "Farts and Turds" Guy, you smell like Uranus. LOL, me am smart so sometimes. Please visit my news-hunk site and increase it from "one of the most visited sites in the country" to "one of the most visited sites in the GALAXY!!!" Why? Because I deserve it ;)

  22. Dark Duke, you know that they take child molestation very seriously. Dark Duke is a homolester-Dark Duke homolests young boys & he is an AIDS infected homo. If Dark Duke dare tried to molest a man, then Dark Duke's hands would be broken, so Dark Duke cowardly propositions posters from behind a computer as he homolests young boys.

    Megyn Kelly is a hasbeen. Megyn Kelly was great in 2004 but since late 2006 her looks have just faded & she is approaching menopause. Hopefully Megyn Kelly will not have a C-Section & the baby will exit Megyn Kelly's vagina the normal way. Megyn Kelly will be changing her son or daughter's diapers after the baby is born, so Megyn Kelly will have to smell the farts & turds of her baby.

    For many years now & till the day she dies, Megyn Kelly has had & will have farts & shits exit Megyn Kelly's anus. Hopefully @least once in her life, Megyn Kelly will have a healthy baby exit Megyn Kelly's vagina. What impact does the pregnancy have on Megyn Kelly's farts & shits?

  23. Imagine Laurie Dhue & Megyn Kelly both having a Battleshits game (you can see it between 2 women on youtube). Laurie Dhue in 1 bathroom stall while Megyn Kelly is in another bathroom stall. Laurie Dhue 1sts farts & shits out of Laurie Dhue's anus. Megyn Kelly then farts & shits out of Megyn Kelly's anus. Laurie Dhue (or Laurie Poo) used to work for Fox.

    Who will win the Battleshits war-Laurie Dhue or Megyn Kelly? Whose shits will be smellier-Laurie Dhue or Megyn Kelly's? Whose farts will give louder musical sounds-Laurie Dhue or Megyn Kelly? Both Megyn Kelly & Laurie Dhue have anuses? Megyn Kelly & Laurie Dhue both fart & shit & let's see them play Battleshits.

  24. Megyn is jealous because Lis is enjoying all my come, but she, the younger, "hotter" partner, doesn't get any.

  25. I have one word for Miss Megyn - PERFECTION. Perfect face, smile, hair, arms, legs and breasts. She gives me a stiffy whenever I think about her. I would eat a vat a horse manure if it would allow me to eat her pussy.

  26. Imagine Laurie Dhue & Megyn Kelly both having a Battleshits game (you can see it between 2 women on youtube). Laurie Dhue in 1 bathroom stall while Megyn Kelly is in another bathroom stall. Laurie Dhue 1sts farts & shits out of Laurie Dhue's anus. Megyn Kelly then farts & shits out of Megyn Kelly's anus. Laurie Dhue (or Laurie Poo) used to work for Fox.

    Who will win the Battleshits war-Laurie Dhue or Megyn Kelly? Whose shits will be smellier-Laurie Dhue or Megyn Kelly's? Whose farts will give louder musical sounds-Laurie Dhue or Megyn Kelly? Both Megyn Kelly & Laurie Dhue have anuses? Megyn Kelly & Laurie Dhue both fart & shit & let's see them play Battleshits.

  27. Megyn Kelly is becoming an old crone, as she is approaching menopause, but hopefully, Megyn Kelly will soon have a baby exit Megyn Kelly's vagina, as Megyn Kelly up to know has only given birth to farts & shits which exit Megyn Kelly's anus.

    Imagine Megyn Kelly & the menopausal Lis Wiehl sitting in toilet stalls next to eachother & having a farting & shitting contest. Do you think that Lis Wiehl or Megyn Kelly would win the farting & shitting contest?

  28. If I said such unkind nasty things about Megyn Kelly I would want to remain anonymous too. What has this world come too? Megyn is a radiant, beautiful young women with class and dignity, and I resent these nasty comments about her. I wish her and her husband a beautiful, healthy baby boy or girl. Not ashamed to sign my name! Doreen Belleville
