Sunday, May 10, 2009

Hot FOX News Babe Alisyn Camerota on Mother's Day

Nothing like a mother's day than a hot mama like Alisyn Camerota on the Mother's Day Weekend FOX and Friends. I love that top she has on, really accentuates her nice rack. Bonus add with the hot doctor, Dr. Cynara Coomer, in the second picture, sweet leggage.

Alisyn is makin' me hot,

Screencaps courtesy of shadow at the Reporter Caps forum.


  1. How can I sign up for an exam with this hot doctor?

  2. You need to get some caps from the other side..

    Sweet leggage all morning.

    Shortest skirt I've seen on Alli in a while.

  3. would love to party with these two chicks. oh, and free Drew Peterson!!!!

  4. Ali was showin lots of leg this morning on F&F. She's a sexy MILF no doubt about that. I'd love to pound her asshole then have her lick her shit off my dick. If you gave me a choice between Alexis "the Diva Bitch" Glick or Ali Cam, I'd have to go with Ali Cam - no diva here.

  5. "free Drew Peterson"!!!!!! he guy is a psycho. are you Scott Peterson? OJ? By the way, Allison is ok but a litle skinny for my taste.

  6. ooooooh that bald headed penis looking old guy is looking pretty cute. he probably smells like a toilet too. i think i'll take that cap of the old guy, cut and crop that icky cooty infested alisyn out of the way (i.e. "enchance") and put him with all the other hot looking anchor men on my site. it really is good to be the duke ;)

  7. hey Mark Furman....looking for a good time? a little sucky and fuckie? i know a little hole in the wall that rents by the hour if you're interested. p.s., it's good to be the duke (and i want you to find out how good) ;)

  8. Alisyn is a classic butta face. Nice skinny body but dog face!

  9. Dark Duke has sex with 7 year old boys because he is a homo with AIDS. Some homos do neet to get the shit beaten out of them & Dark Duke is 1. Alisyn Camerota was great-in 1988 or even 1998. But Alisyn Camerota has peaked out & she is nearing menopause. What does remaining interesting are the farts & turds which exit Alisyn Camerota's anus.

  10. Ron Goldman & Nicole Brown Simpson were killed by the Mob-multiple killers did it & it's my belief that Ron Goldman was the intended victim with Nicole losing her life trying to stop the killers.

    Dark Duke has sex with 7 year old boys because he is a homo with AIDS. Some homos do neet to get the shit beaten out of them & Dark Duke is 1 of them. Maybe Dark Duke will get his hands broken before he homolests another young boy.

    Alisyn Camerota was great-in 1988 or even 1998. But Alisyn Camerota has peaked out & she is nearing menopause. What does remaining interesting are the farts & turds which exit Alisyn Camerota's anus. Alisyn Camerota has farts & shits which exit her anus.

  11. you are so right. free o.j. and drew peterson!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  12. 7:43 and Farts and Turds guy have me laughing my ass off. I can totally see Dark Duke raping some grade schoolers and then trying to blame it on that guy Shadow. What a fag.

  13. AlisynCamerotasexcrementMay 11, 2009 at 7:23 PM

    11:11 a.m., while I can't comment on the Drew Peterson case (though I'm inclined to think Mr. Peterson did it though I don't know why it happened), it is my belief that Ron Goldman & Nicole Brown Simpson were killed by the Mob & the coroner said that he could not rule out multiple killers. The 1995 murder trial was not as simple as the press presented it. I don't watch the news very much anymore because the news is about ratings.

    Dark Duke is sick. @least I comment on the women calling this website anchorcrones since most of the women here have peaked out & @least I do write about women-women's farts & turds, because women are the topic here even if they're crones & it means discussing the farts & shits which exit women's anuses.

    If Dark Duke wants to discuss men, then let him go to a homosexual website. Dark Duke has sex with 7 year old boys. Maybe Dark Duke will get his hands broken before he homolests another young boy. Dark Duke needs his hands broken before he touches another boy.

    Alisyn Camerota was great-in 1988 or even 1998. But Alisyn Camerota has peaked out & she is nearing menopause. What does remaining interesting are the farts & turds which exit Alisyn Camerota's anus. Alisyn Camerota has farts & shits which exit her anus.

  14. shadow, you are ruining all the comments on this site with your several comments. I wanted to look at the several comments on Alisyn and I see several comments of you pretending pretending to be him and you trying to trash him. I'm sorry that he won't let you on his site and that he is ignoring you but let it go.

  15. Shadow from reporter caps you are obsessive compulsive about Dark Duke. Calling him names and gay just points out that it's you making an ass of yourself!

    You are the only person who has problem with him because he is ignoring you and not going to lift the ban on you from his site. All your doing is ruining this place with your constant obsession for him and his site.

    I was just there and he doesn't care:

  16. I second that

    Hey Shadow from ,

    Why are you talking about homosexuality, child molesting and why are you putting up connections to adult porn sites on here. This place was so clean until you came here.

    You're the only person who has a reason not to like dark duke and that's how we always know it's you pretending to be him and trying to trash him with all your spam.

    I heard someone quit because of you stirring up trouble. I've a web site and I would never want to be associated with you.

    If you think that I'm dark duke than you really are obsessed with the guy.

  17. I didn't make a single post in this entire "discussion" except the one I'm making right now. It's obvious it's all Dark Duke. And I'm not banned off his site. He just won't post any of my comments.

  18. 1:49 AM,

    Is not only a liar but a racist. You guys forgot about the racist stuff that shadow said.

  19. I became another critic of that asshole: shadow when he made racist comments. His screencaps are not real HD to. They are crappy 720p

  20. shadow said "I'm not banned off his site. He just won't post any of my comments." That certainly sounds like your banned.

  21. I don't even visit his site LOL! I'm laughing how YOU are trying to say my caps are not real HD. That's pretty funny stuff. They are done from the raw video and at full size. Maybe if you saw my ORIGINAL posts at reportercaps you would know this.

    I understand why you come here to try and flame your homosexual urges and hatred towards me.... it's because you are too scared to do it at wwow or reportercaps because you cannot stay anonymous on those sites. My cap thread for today May 12th:

    Click the thumbnails to view the FULL SIZE TRUE HD CAPS, you twats.

  22. @the dumb fuck who talked about the caps being 720p: Uh... FNC HD and FBN HD are both 720p. Of course you don't know that little fact because you don't know jack shit about capping and you probably don't even have running water much less HD cable...

  23. shadow, don't you worry cutie. i'm going to give that silly Cervonceay a spanking when he gets home tonight. he's the one who keeps on spamming my shitty site over here and trying to get you to pay attention to him. i guess my 2 inch isn't good enough for him anymore :( oh well, it's still good to be the duke of gay ;)

  24. 5:42 and the other crazies,

    Is not only a liar but a sociopath. You guys forgot about the claims of "dark duke has one of the most visited sites in the country" and "these caps are by me, dark duke". Dude has issues, one of which is an unhealthy obsession with Shadow.

  25. MadMac is the pitcher, Dark Duke is the catcherMay 12, 2009 at 8:51 AM

    Shadow, I agree with you 99.9% in this battle with Dark Homo and his multiple personality's, but I do have to say that the mods at WWOW are the biggest bunch of assholes I've ever seen. You can't say one negative thing over there without them jumping down your throat and banning you. And believe me, I've got a lot I want to say to that idiot MadMac and his enablers, TK423 and ngfan.

  26. shadow,

    i'm cutting and pasting this since you are mentioning dark duke one to many times.

    shadow, you really need to stop pretending to be him and mentioning that other website. you are really starting to weird us all out.

  27. Anchorman knows I'm not pretending to be anyone. And those who know me at reportercaps also know this. To the guy who hates MadMac, I agree with you completely. I've been banned off wwow before because I made fun of his Michelle Gile caps. And yeah, that site is way too strict. But I live with it since I use that site for a lot of news video posts.

  28. shadow, if Anchorman believes that it's not you than he is a moron. I doubt that he believes that. You've been banned from two sites. Give it a rest before you get banned from more.

  29. Anonymous AssholeMay 12, 2009 at 9:45 AM

    Dark Fool needs to stop with his mindless babble. Once again, there is no banning on google blog sites. You either enable owner approval for all comments, or you don't. It's that simple. Dark Douche did the former and now he's trying to claim that he's "banned" people from his site. It's not the same, all Dark Dump is doing is picking and choosing what comments he wants to appear on his site, and BTW, I'm pretty damn sure that all those comments on his site are just made by him. What a sociopath this guy is.

  30. MadMac is a weird old fartMay 12, 2009 at 11:10 AM

    Thanks shadow. I wish MadMac and his cronies would come over here so I can tell the old fart what I think of him and his nasty, dogfaced women he caps. I can't believe there are actually people over at WWOW that are fans of his caps.

  31. I doubt Anchorman even knows when he craps his pants considering he hasn't said squat about the ongoing dark douche spam, farts and turds guy's crap, or any of the other comment section drama. Anchorman is in his own little world.

  32. 11:14 AM aka shadow just talked shit about Anchorman. no wonder shadow got banned from several websites.

  33. 11:14 wasn't shadow, I can assure you. But since you have such a hard-on for for shadow I'm sure you won't believe it. Don't worry Dark Duke, someday your prince will come and give you the hot beef injection up your ass that you're looking for.
