Monday, May 18, 2009

A Hot Katie Couric on the Tonight Show

This was from earlier in the week, I actually saw this live and have to say that she looked gorgeous and she was real flirty with Jay. CBS news babe Katie Couric on the Tonight Show with Jay Leno showing off her hot legs. I'm not a huge fan of the short short hair cut, but it does make her look a little younger.

Katie is my hero,

Screencaps courtesy of SceptreX42 at the SuperiorPics forum.


  1. Where the hell are the Contessa Brewer caps from 5/18. Low cut shirt with some big ass titties. Why are they not posted yet????

  2. Dark Duke is back! and it's about fucking time:

  3. that short haircut doesn't make her look younger it makes her look like a dyke or a dude.

  4. I am back! Even though I never went away ;)

    Nothing will stop me from spamming every thread here! People need their news hunk caps, whether you like it or not. I know you children better than you know yourselves. I know what you need, and what you need is me! Dark "The Man" Duke!

  5. jay leno is very angry that this old ugly bitch is on his show.

  6. Thank you all. I've gotten your thousands of e-mails in the two minutes since I last posted and you can count on me to give you what you want!!! 9:09 AM has requested some exclusive and enchanced pics of Jay Leno all hot and sweaty in his wrestling gear from WCW Bash at the Beach 1998 and I aim to please! These caps will be up shortly, my loyal Duke-a-maniacs! ;)

  7. Ha ha Go over to Hot New Anchor Women and see a photo that shadow asked for Dark Duke to put up. I was laughing so hard.

    Dark Duke said on his site he only put up one message. shadow-pussy boy must be mad since he is faking two messages of Dark Duke. Finaly two great sites to go two again.

  8. shadow,

    Stopping eating at McDonald's for breakfast, lunch and dinner. lol

  9. After I took a look at the photo on Dark Duke sites I was hearing shadow's squishing sounds as his fat roles around. Ewwww.

    But, I don't want to be hypocrite faggot like shadow. Dark Duke has one of his patented great cropped images of Maggie Rodriguez and you can see all the curves.

  10. Jenny Craig can't help shadow. I'm guessing he eats while shitting on that toilet.

  11. Thank you phony "dark duke" for those last three, great messages at 10:22 AM, 10:41 AM, 10:51 AM. I'm glad you appreciate what I do here. I'm also glad you now have "two great sites to go two". I do it all for you, my loyal fans. You are so loyal in fact that you want to be just like ME!, Dark "The Man" Duke. You steal my name like it's someone else's present, waiting to be unwrapped for my own personal pleasure. Unfortunately, until you can provide the entertainment, charisma, natural good-looks, and amazing, enhanced, exclusive, unbelievable, news-hunk caps that I provide you will forever be just another nobody. Don't take it too hard 10:22 AM/10:41 AM/10:51 AM/not dark duke, nobody really can be as good and gay as me. It really is oh so good to be DA DUKE!!! ;)

    p.s.- While I was typing this message and also playing Street Fucker 4 at the same time, I received an IM from one of my loyal fans explaining to me that he called Devil's Island Penal Colony and confirmed that the renowned internet bully "Shadow" is still there, serving out his 150 year sentence. My loyal fan and I had a hearty laugh about this. Don't worry Duke-a-maniacs, No one, not "Shadow", not "Anchorman", not even the fake Dark Duke imitates, will stop us on our rise to the top!

    Peace out homie-g's, and don't let me catch you saying anything bad about me, you filthy Mr. Nasty-burgers, you. ;)

  12. Really? I kind of think the short hair makes her look older. Usually, older chicks chop off most of their hair as it grays. Oh well, to each their own I guess.

  13. 12:08,

    Sorry we are not buying it shadow (dogging yourrself is not going to take us off the trail) since Dark Duke's website did not acknowledge that message and he said he would confirm any comments on other websites on his page. Damn your message was long!!!!!! You must really be pissed lol

    If I call pizza hut for you will that be less pissed. lol

  14. Great photos of Couric showing skin at Dark Duke's site to. What would we do without Anchorman and Dark Duke

  15. WTF? more posts from homos about dark douche than posts about ms couric.

  16. I don't know what you would all do without "Anchorman" (probably be forced to go out and find a girl. Ha. I kid.), but you would all surely shrivel up and die looking like a giant raisin if I wasn't in your life. Life without bi-weekly news-hunk caps from ME!, Dark "The Man" Duke, is simply a life that no one should have to suffer through.

    In honor of this post, what do you think of this news-hunk I've been scoping out? I think he's pretty cute and definitely worthy of a post on my super-amazing website:

    It really is good to be the Real and True Dark "The Man" Duke ;)

  17. why does Katie have the haircut of a 10 year old boy??

  18. Why the hell is Couric still on the air????? She is so god damn old and winkley she looks like a piece of rhino shit. No wonder CBS is in the shitter.

  19. Fuckin' dark douche at it again! The shithead causes all his own problems. He wouldn't have people looking to fake a fool out of him if he or his fans or whoever would just stop posting links to his site over here in every thread. If his site is so goddamn popular, I'm sure people already have it bookmarked and visit it often enough to know when it's updated. And if it's not him, he should tell whoever's spamming his link everywhere here to knock that shit off. It's giving him a bad name.

    I'm out! Peace!

  20. Where the fuck are the pics of Megyn Kelly from 5/19??!?!?!? The divorced pregnant whore has on a black skirt so short you can almost see the whore's baby's had popping out. Really though, it is short as fuck. No wonder she is a divorced sack of elephant turd doritos totinos frozen pizza lean cuisine snickers nutragrain bar blueberry shithole sandwich salad.

  21. Somebody get the god damn caps of Megyn Kelly on 5/19. Her skirt is halfway up to her man meat.

  22. She looks like a man and is annoying as hell.

  23. This is pussy boy. Sorry for all my homosexual wantings of Dark Duke. As you can see from my photo:

    I masturbate a whole lot. I masturbate while taking a shit and eating hamburgers at the same time.

  24. I was one of many of you e-mailing Dark Duke to put up some caps of Richard Simmons and I have to say "The Man" came through again! Thanks, Duke!

  25. The Duke Man did not do it for ou Honus. He put up Richards Simmons for me. I love jerking my two inch dick while another man's ten inch dick is ramming my asshole.

  26. Holy shit, someone here really hates Megyn Kelly lol.

  27. Katie Couric loves to ride cock until it cums dripping from her cougar-sugar-milf pussy.

  28. She also loves being so god damn old and wrinkley she looks like a pie of anal mudslide shitstain pizza pie.

  29. I want to get Katie Couric completely naked from head to toe and cover her with my cum.

  30. More Amy Robach, less Katie Couric. That would make my mouth happy.

  31. All the trashing Katie just means more Katie for me. I would worship that woman's toes and feet till she was delirious and then have my way with her dripping wet snatch.
