Monday, May 11, 2009

Mika Brzezinksi Very Hot on Morning Joe

After a great appearance last week at an awards gala, MSNBC news babe Mika Brzezinski red hot once again on Morning Joe, in a cooking segment slightly leaning in, and a nice full body shot of her in a skirt. Good to see that she's ditched the boots for summer. Bonus add with Maria Bartiromo in the second pic.

More Mika all the time,

Screencaps courtesy of joeycap666 at the Wide World of Women forum.


  1. Maria Bartiromo is a freaking pig!
    why on earth would anyone pick her out of this lineup and say "oh yeah she's the one for me"

    at least Mika is showing some curves
    and somne nice leg action.
    The chick in the white outfit is pretty hot also

    Maria looks like some bag lady between them two

  2. would love to bend mika over raise her skirt and ass fuck her.

  3. What is so hot about Mika in a skirt down to her knees???

  4. that chick's a fuckin' hog, seriously what a BEAST!

  5. I'd fuck MB! She's just got very poor lousy taste in clothes 'n fashion! If you saw her in form fitting jeans and a boob job she'd be all set. I'd pound the junk in her trunk! It's her beautiful eyes and the way she talks that grabs me over.

    I'd have Courtney Hazlett sit on my face anytime!

  6. We learned that Mike is hot.

  7. 4:05PM

    I agree! Mike is pretty hot! and just so you know, it's pretty hot to be the duke too ;)

  8. Does Courtney remind anyone else of a that lil' critter in Caddyshack!

    "I'm alright, don't nobody worry 'bout me!"

    Still a cutie.

  9. 4:58,

    Shadow from reporter caps you are obsessive compulsive about Dark Duke. We don't care about your hard on for him. He is ignoring you and not going to respond to you. All your doing is ruining this place with your constant obsession for that other site.

    I was just there and he doesn't care.

  10. who cares how they dress you can trke there dresses off suck there tits eat there pussys out then cum inside of them

  11. Previous Commentator!

    HELL yeah!!!!

  12. everyone please ignore 11:17. this is just my super-jealous boyfriend Cervonceay. he just gets mad when i start talking to other men. i can't believe he keeps on embarassing me like this :(

    Cervonceay, please don't do this to me, you silly billy. you know i love you and nothing could ever replace our love. now come here pudding and why don't i remind you how good it feels to be held by the duke ;)

  13. If anybody wants to REALLY piss Dark Duke, whoops I mean "Anonymous not-Dark Duke, off, ask him again for proof about how his site is one of the most visited in the country. Watch him get his panties in a bunch and start calling you Shadow, who he obviously has a crush on.

  14. shadow,

    you really need to stop pretending to be him and mentioning that other website. you are really starting to weird us all out.

  15. 8:33 AM aka shadow,

    We don't care. That's how we know it's you.

  16. Shadow,

    We are just as pissed off at you as we were at the farts and turds guy. You just keep going on and on about your irrection for that Duke guy and you preteding to be is is fucking weird. It's worse than the farts and turds guy.

  17. Shadow,

    We are just as pissed off at you as we were at the farts and turds guy. You just keep going on and on about your irrection for that Duke guy and you preteding to be him is fucking weird. It's worse than the farts and turds guy.

    To add, we bitched about the farts and turds guy and now you have taken his place.

  18. I'm not mad at pussy boy-shadow. He is a barrel of laughs. We need him just like we needed that Farts and turds guy from keeping us bored. Pussy boy we never got your real name? Ha ha

    dark duke dissed your ass on his site.

  19. Shadow hasn't even posted in this thread. It is obviously the Dark Duke schmuck having a conversation with himself again to spam his lame site. Can't they just IP ban that fool? Dude your site sucks give it a rest with your bullsh*t.

  20. Shadow just keeps on going on and on. what the fuck.

    Hey Dark Duke,

    You need to call the cops and have that shadow thrown in jail for stalking you.

  21. "Shadow just keeps on going on and on. what the fuck."

    I don't know what thread you're watching, but it seems to me that someone who is Dark Duke or an ultra obsessed fan of his just posted 5 times in a row trying to pretend to be someone else each time. It's funny how all those anti-shadow, pro-dark duke posts always appear within a few mintues of each other. Psycho much?

  22. I second that.. shadow has a history of being a psychopath! He's been also banned from wwow and dark dukes site. dark duke should definitely call the cops on shadow from reportercaps. enough is enough.

  23. 9:00 AM,

    Try telling that to the cops shadow.

    It's the morning. All of us go on the web in the morning you douche.

  24. I meant 9:40 AM.

  25. It's going to be funny when Shadow is on the news. I can see the headline now, “Police kicked down the door of internet stalker shadow from a website called for stalking several websites that have banned him. Police are now investigating his reign of innapropriate racism and porn links put all over the web”

  26. I find it funny that when Dark Dump's site isn't updated for a week or so that during that time no one is defending that piece of crap while everyone here is making fun of him, but as soon as his gay porn site is updated we get 10 posts in a row all within a few minutes of each other talking shit about shadow, spamming dd's site here, and talking about how great Dark Turd is. Coincidence? I think not.

    Cliffs: what I'm saying is that Dark Dyke is posting all this bullshit over here and he's not hiding it very well.

  27. This is starting to get serious.

    Your constant logic makes no sense. Some of those comments came from me since I like the photos on his site.

    If I were Shadow than I would apologize to Dark Duke before he reads what that one guy says. Shadow, the last thing you want to do is to be using that big mouth of yours to suck on some big fat man's dick in jail. Just a thought. I see stuff like this all the time on the news when some internet stalker gets arrested and shadow is looking like that guy. If you think I'm him than you really nuts.

  28. Don't say anything more guys. Let the law deal with shadow at reportercaps. They might even shut down reportercaps.

  29. ^^thanks for proving my point, Dark Duke. And my logic is a hell of a lot more solid than your "my site is one of the most visited in the country" claims.

  30. shadow,

    I can see people liking Dark Duke's page since he has some hard to find photos. But, have you ever thought that it might be one of the other websites that you tried to trash that is defending dark duke becuase they have a reason to. If all of this is the case and Dark Duke has not been coming here at all than he has a serious stalker case against you and you could go to jail.

  31. damn, being a guy who assumes alot and guesses is the mother fuckerrrr of mistakes. shadow made the mistakes. i go to three websites a day several times a day and dukes is one of them if he has a rare hot photo of a news anchor than I mention it on here. it was fun calling shadow "pussy boy" but this is my last comment about pussy boy since i don't want to get in trouble along with him. you've made your bed in prison man I mean pussy boy

  32. Give it a rest, would you guys? Seriously. Dark Duke is a spammer, a pathalogical liar, a paranoid faggot, and an all around menace. Shadow is over reacting and feeding right into the attention whores bullshit. Bob Hodgsome is a creepy bastard. Anchorman is blind, deaf, and dumb. Farts and Turds guy is just plain gross. Instead of arguing about your stupid websites and overrated caps, maybe you fools should go watch a porno sometime.

  33. Enough Already AgainMay 12, 2009 at 1:51 PM

    Dark Duke, or whoever is making these lame bullshit posts about cops and prison, why don't you just stick to those other sites you visit and stop coming here and causing problems. You seem to be the cause of all the shit going on around here. If Anchorman had half a brain, he enable comment moderation or ISP ban your dopey ass. This shit is getting old.

    Okay, about the original post: Mika isn't anything special and yeah, like another guy said, that skirts down to her kness. Big whoop.

  34. Ha....One More TimeMay 12, 2009 at 1:54 PM

    Better yet Anchorman, why don't you allow only registered users to post here and or set up some system like that. I'm sure it would stop all the crap.

  35. This post right here is the ONLY POST I HAVE MADE IN THIS particular section. It's obviously a few people or just one pretending to be me. I wish these comments would show the emails of everyone because if it did you will see that I am not spamming and making all of these continuous posts. It's good that a few smart people can see that.

  36. Stalker oh I mean Shadow,

    Have a good time telling that bullshit to the cops shadow. I would be looking out your window every five minutes because they are coming for you. I can see shadow crying ass they gently tuck his head into the police car.

  37. I see one or two people mentioning when Dark Duke puts up a post. Then immediately following their are DOZENS of posts from shadow trashing him (putting up gay-adult links). That's the definition of stalking.

    When the police arrive
    Shadow "I was just kidding around online. *crying* "

    Police Officer on the radio "We've brought in another INTERNET stalker. Alias Shadow real name "insert"

    When he's in jail=
    Gangsta "Why are you cuddled up against the corner. I heard your nickname is shadow. We have a different name for you. Fresh meat. TAKE OFF YOUR PANTS AND BEND OVER!"

  38. I think shadow also has an accomplice. Perhaps someone from reporter caps. The police will catch him too.

    We all tried to warn you shadow but you just didn't listen. Just because one of his followers put up link to his photos of news chicks does not mean you can barred stalk him.

    Now it's up to the authorities. It's not just stalking, shadow could also be charged with lewdness for shadow's links to adult porn sites. A bevy of charges could come down on him depending on which state he's in. Some internet crimes are worse in some states so he could get five years along with his accomplice. Has anyone talked to dark duke yet? It's up to him on whether he wants to file charges.

  39. Dark Duke, or whoever, is it really necessary to post that garbage in multiple threads? Actually, I fairly certain it is DD posting that since he does the same shit when spamming his site link. It's really funny watching Dark Duke go on about this nonsense when he won't even answer simple questions like "prove your site is one of the most visited in the country". This should lead to more comments about internet law and prison rape, which I'm sure Dark Duke has experienced in his life. BTW, if even any of what you said was actually true, you would be going to jail right alongside shadow for your constant posts over ever egging him on. Hey, you guys could share bunk beds.

  40. 7:44 AM,

    "even any of what you said was actually true" You don't watch the news much do you.

    I guess your the other stalker. Stalking people is against the law and your comment has stalker written all over it. Everything that is done on the internet is traceable. The cops will find you and you will be the next internet idiot who goes to jail. Look out the window every minute because the cops are coming for you.

  41. Whatever you say, shithead. I guess I'm going to jail for calling you out on your bullshit. No one's forcing you to come over here and continue this. It's been proven that when you/dark duke isn't around no one even bothers to mention you or your lame site. All you're doing is instigating. Is it really worth all this, I mean, can't you just stick to your little site where you decide what comments you want to appear on there. You're coming across as a little bitch baby. You're living in your own little world of lies and misdirection.

    Are you going to answer the question about your site or not? Probably not, since all you are is a coward.

    I'll be contacting your ISP provider about the harassment your doing over here. That's the last I'll be saying on this matter.

  42. Dark Duke types differently. Several people give negative feedback on the news anchors so those same people would get annoyed by Shadow. Shadow has also harassed other websites and other people. I'm prelaw and from what I know Dark Duke would have a case because shadow and the person above are stalking him when he is not even talking to them. What part of you saying "dark do this and dark do that" don't you get. Stalking. That one person has a point that whats said on here does not matter at this point. The authorities will arrest shadow and the previous person and the cops will figure it all out. The person on the other thread has a point about the stupid criminals section when people think they are doing nothing wrong. I'm not going to say anything more beyond this since I don't want to get involved.

  43. I just e-mailed Dark Duke to let him know to take a look on this page. I would normaly not care but you/shadow and shadows friend have been going on and on for weeks shitting on this blog when we are supposed to be talking about the chicks.

  44. I'm just going to leave this one comment about what you all are talking about. Don't say anything more guys. If you leave more than one comment than the cops could consider you a suspect and pull you in along with shadow and his friend.


    The new post on Andrea is awesome. I've always been a fan of hers and was waiting for you to put something up.

  45. @9:09am on 5/13/2009:


    "I'm prelaw and from what I know Dark Duke would have a case because shadow and the person above are stalking him when he is not even talking to them"You are a fucking moron. Pre-law? stalking case? Where? In fantasy land? Put away your spelling primer book and turn off CSI because you are too stupid to even follow those types of things, much less think you have a peabrained chance at pre-law. You sound like the little pussies crying on some American Idol message board.

    Its obvious that the same doofus is writing the same BS over and over again about their shadow-envy. Kind of reminds me of someone that got kicked off of ReporterCaps and other sites because of their continued stupidity.

    I wish you the best of meds, my good friend!

  46. ^^I agree. No one is twisting Dark Duke's arm or whoever this guy is to come over here and continue the drama. The bullshit needs to stop.

    I think you're refering to Mark "rattler" Mance, right? Yeah, this guy spewing his insanity does remind me of the ol' Rattler.

  47. Jeez, what's next? Dark Duke starts crying internet rape?

  48. 1:27 PM,

    You going to jail is what's next.

  49. Maybe in Dark Duke land, where he runs around wearing a pink tutu and pretending to be Richard Simmons, screaming to all that will listen that he truly is "THE MAN".

  50. Don't say anything more. Let the authorities deal with shadow and accompliss.

  51. That's right my loyal Duke-a-holics, don't say anything more. Let the po-po deal with that naughty Mr. no-no "Shadow". Ooooooh, I can't wait until my multi-million $$$$ lawsuit against that bad-boy.

    Just let me put my cock in your mouth then join me this Memorial Day as we celebrate GayDay 2009.

    Everything's coming up Dark Duke ;)

  52. "9:48 PM" It's either shadow or his gay friend. I can't wait until dark duke is back on line and reads these comments, calls the cops and your ass is in jail. Another internet stalker just got put in jail today. It was all over the news and shadow is next.

  53. That's right 3:51 PM, I can't wait until I call the cops and put that internet bully "Shadow" in jail where he belongs with all those other reporter cappers who have crossed me over the years. That "Shadow" sure does need a spanking and I'm just The Man to give it to him! I do have to correct you on one thing though 3:51 PM, I am always online and refreshing my newshunk site over and over again! It's the only way I get all those hits on my awesome site! When I'm not doing that, I'm posting comments to myself over there too. It's all about appearances babe, and the more comments over there, the better it looks for me when I claim to have one of the most popular websites in the country!

    Ain't I a genuis! Me am so smart! Only I can be the one and only Dark "The Man" Duke! And please, 3:51 PM, accept no imitations, especially ones claiming to be me on those icky newsbabes sites. ;)

  54. 9 15 pm,

    this is a cut and paste like you do with your caps shadow. :-)

    i left a comment on dark duke's site two days ago and he hasn't aproved it yet. he's gone on another one of his vacations. your an idiot. your pushing nobody. you could try to push me but you don't have my website or my name. :-) Have a great weekend swallowing come stalker-shadow or your gay boyfriend. he he

  55. The real Dark Duke is back and he is addressing it all in one of his posts.

  56. everyone get over yourselves for 5 fucking minutes...shadow has every right to post in this topic and that should be all that matters.
