Thursday, May 14, 2009

Sandra Smith Is Hot in Yellow on Happy Hour

It's been a little while since I've seen Sandra Smith looking this hot on FBN, here filling in on Happy Hour. Love the yellow dress and the toe-peek heels. Damn her eyes are mesmerizing. I think I can stare at them for hours on end.

Starry-eyed Sandra,

Screencaps courtesy of shadow at the Reporter Caps forum.


  1. What a gorgeous creature.

    I used to think Banderas was hot but this takes it to another level.

  2. Always liked her. One of the hotter FOX News babes.

  3. fox has the prettiest whores on tv.

  4. Thanks for the great caps Shadow! This is what caps are supposed to look like, not all deformed and blurry looking like some other sites have them. Kudos!

  5. 11:59 AM,

    Why are you talking to yourself. lol

  6. Is this site infected with a VIRUS or something? What's with the change of text, font and colour on the previous posts? It looks like a virus to me, I'm not comming back here anymore. I don't want to get a COMPUTER VIRUS from

  7. Is this site infected with a VIRUS or something? What's with the change of text, font and colour on the previous posts? It looks like a virus to me, I'm not comming back here anymore. I don't want to get a COMPUTER VIRUS from

  8. Wow, way to take your hate and sexual frustration on Anchorman for nothing. Keep on adding to the posts total and page hit count there buddy, I'm sure Anchorman appreciates it.

    Next time try something more original than talking about PC viruses. It's already been done, you're just picking up some sloppy seconds.

  9. I'd let her choke on my Wang

  10. look at the text, it looks the same as some of those sites that have viruses. with all that crap (i.e. web links to fag, racist, and dark d's site, and the constant spam) that goes on here, i wouldn't be suprised if the site had some sort of infection/virus. no need to be a d-bag about it.

  11. My State of the Internet Address, by me! Dark "The Man" Duke

    It has come to my attention recently that there has been an ongoing controversy surrounding me, Dark "The Man" Duke, my name, my website, and my caps. I would like to take the time out to address these and other important matters. So please, let me hold you, my millions of loyal Duke-a-maniacs, by the hand as we take a journey together into the far reaches of my mind and get a glimpse into what makes a popular website host tick.

    -First off, I feel it would benefit everyone to get to know me a little better. I was born Ernie Theodore Johnson III in the mountains of Western Tennessee. But you can call be Ted. I don't want to give out my actual hometown and age due to fear of all those internet stalkers trying to get a piece of the Dukey action. I will address that matter later as well.

    -I am a long time friend of renowned internet racist Gilbert "The Reason" Sloane. You may remember us as the ultimate tag team of The Reason and Teddy Two Toes back in the old Wrestlezone message boards days. We worked a gimmick of a super Neo-Nazi racist and his beloved foot fetish third cousin from second mother partner. This gimmick was actually based in reality as in the mountains of Tennessee, inbreeding is very popular. In fact, I believe my mother is also my aunt and brother to my father. And I love the taste of feet. But what can you do?

    -Start up a super-duper website that's what! I chose the name "Dark Duke" after what my nickname was during my lengthy gay porn career back in the late 70's. It just fits me like an unprotected penis in my bum, you know? Apparently there are now many other phony-baloney Dark Duke wannabees running around claiming to be me. Make no mistake, I am the one and only, original cream dream, Dark Duke.

    -As you all know, I have one of the most popular and visited websites in our great country, that's common knowledge these days, but what you don't know is that the reason my site has so many hits is that I spend each and every second of every day refreshing my interwebs browser and giving my site more and more hits! Yay me! BTW, I don't know what everyone is talking about. I don't run a newsbabe website, I run a news-hunk website. So get your facts straight.

    -Onto that internet bully, "Shadow". Let me assure you that my crack legal staff is currently filing a multi-million dollar lawsuit against this "Shadow" person. I know it doesn't make much sense, but we've dug up Johnnie Cockrane (love that last name) and my old partner Gilbert "The Reason" Sloane is now in pre-law at the spry young age of 65, and they have both told me that I do in fact have a solid case. So take that "Shadow", you big meanie!

    -On the subject of internet screen-cappers: I have to make a point here to let everyone know that every news-hunk cap that appears on my site was done by ME! Dark "The Man" Duke! I only give the appearance of giving these fake screen cappers the credit for my hard work because Sabrina from ReporterCaps threatened to beat me up. Don't worry, loyal Duke-a-maniacs, I will be filing a lawsuit against her next for sexual harassment. I don't like girls, Sabrina, why can't you understand that?

    -Finally, I've received you hundreds of thousands of E-mails about my catch phrase, "it's good to be the Duke ;)". As much as you all like it, I feel it only encourages the internet bullies to stalk me more. Therefore, I am changing it, as you will see at the end of this address.

    Let me leave you by letting all of you know that I will continue to pop in here from time to time and keep you updated on my awesome life and the many exciting features we have coming to my site. Don't worry fans, the future looks brighter and brighter every day! Soon, I will be charging all of you a daily fee to experience my site. How can you not love that? I may even throw in some of my classic 70's porno films I starred in. Yes fans, everything is coming up Dark Duke! Hey, there it is, just like I promised! ;)

    With hugs and kisses,

    Ernie "Dark 'The Man' Duke" Johnson, a.k.a. Teddy Two Toes

  12. 4:48 PM,

    Your long ass message of you immatating Dark Duke is psychotic. No wonder everyone thinks Shadow is stalking Dark Duke.

  13. 8:08 PM just E-mailed me and demanded that I post a picture here proving that I am in fact Dark "The Man" Duke. Well, 8:08 PM, here I am with one of my loyal Duke-a-maniacs! That is me on the right:

    I bet 8:08 PM and I will have a good chuckle over this now. He will most certainly apologize for ever doubting me. Everything's coming up Dark Duke! ;)

    p.s. - don't forget to visit my website ;)

  14. 9:54 PM,

    Enough for your hard on for Dark Duke. We don't care. If your lucky the cops won't come after you for stalking him. Obviously it's not Dark Duke. He hasn't even put up a new post in a few days. I wished he would get off vacation.

  15. Thank you 9:54PM for your kind words. I already knew it, but it's good to see my thoughts confirmed that your life revolves around my posting newshunk caps every few weeks. Just wait until I post my classic 70's gay pornos! Then I'll really have you under my spell, 9:54 PM.

    Also thank you for your kind E-mail 9:54PM. I'm flattered that you think so highly of me, but I already have a boyfriend. Don't worry though, 9:54 PM, someday your prince will come.

    In the mean time, everything continues to come up Dark Duke ;)

  16. Woops, I meant 10:37 AM, not 9:54 PM. I'm so crazy sometimes! ;)

  17. Then shadow does it again with the previous two messages. You know that duke is not even on line so who are you trying to upset? We should all expect nothing else since that is what stalkers like shadow do. They stalk. Way to ruin a thread douchebag.

  18. Thank you 3:48 PM for your kind words and encouragement, especially for thanking me for enchancing this thread like I enchance all those newshunk caps out there. Well, I mean, they are my caps after all. Those wannabes over at Wide World of Men and Reporter Caps just steal my caps from me and claim them as my own, but I show them in the end. Once I get my caps back and enchance them by blowing them up until they're as blurry as a 110 year old man without glasses looking through a kaleidoscope, it's all good in the hood.

    Once again, never doubt 'da Duke. ;) Hey! It's a new catchphrase! Aren't I amazing?

  19. 9 07 pm,

    i left a comment on dark duke's site two days ago and he hasn't aproved it yet. he's gone on another one of his vacations. your an idiot. your pushing nobody. you could try to push me but you don't have my website or my name. :-) Have a great weekend swallowing come stalker-shadow or your gay boyfriend. he he

  20. Wait, did "anonymous" just admit to being Dark Duke? Lol, i knew it.

  21. Thank you 9:41 PM for your kind words. I do try my best for you and the rest of my loyal Duke-a-maniacs. Unfortunately I have to admonish you for your horrible use of the English language. Everyone knows that to be a true Duke-a-maniac you have to train, say your prayers, eat your vitamins, be a racist faggoty asshole, and also a white supremist. America good! America #1!!! Please keep these things in mind 9:41 PM.

    I also never go on vacations. I would never do that to my loyal fans. Who could ever take my place and give you the news hunk caps that you deserve? Reporter Caps and Wide World of Men would surely crumble if I ever went on vacation, and I just couldn't do that to them and my millions of fans. Plus, I need to sit at my PC all day long writing comments to myself on my site and refreshing my site as well (gotta get those hits, brother) 9:41 PM, you can always, ALWAYS, count on the Duke ;)

  22. Oh, and I probably didn't approve your comment because it was negative towards me and my awesome site. Everyone knows I can't handle criticism very well. I am a sensitive little boy! Trying kissing my ass next time and I might turn a trick or two for you, 9:41 PM.

  23. Shadow give it a rest. I wonder how Dark Duke is going to react to how much you have wanted his attention when he gets back.

  24. Don't you worry, 1:31 PM, I, the one and true Dark "The Man" Duke have just received an Electronic Mail from one of my loyal Duke-a-maniacs while I was playing a thrilling game of Guitar Quero and he told me that "Shadow" is now serving hard time at the Devil's Island Penal Colony performing hard slave labor. It serves that internet bully "Shadow" right, after all, no one should prevent me from bringing all of you the most exclusive and enchanced news hunk caps around. You deserve it!!! 1:31 PM, you are one of the many Duke-a-holics that make it all worth while. And yes, I will honor your request you sent me and put up some exclusive and encanced caps of Steve Doocey in a red, white, and blue THONG to celebrate Memorial Day! Now, am I or am I not THE MAN!?

    I do it all for you, my millions and billions of Hot Anchor News Hunk fans!! ;)

  25. The real Dark Duke is back and he is addressing the two people pretending to be him. He also put up a photo of one of them/shadow that shadow e-mailed him.

  26. Once again, thank you so much 10:35 AM. I very much appreciate you spamming every thread here and getting the message out. That naughty boy "Shadow" got what was coming to him and anybody else that tries to soil my good name like I soil my undies will get it too! Now, before I go back to dancing around in my grandma's panties and rubbing peanut butter all over myself, let me post that picture of "Shadow" here so you don't have to visit my news-hunk site. Why would I do this? Because I truly love you all and want to have hot, buttery, filthy sex with each and every one of you guys. Well, anyway, here it is:

  27. Guys shadow is writing a fucking book. from 12:28 pm and the other threads. We all know its you shadow since the Duke said confirmation is on his site. I wonder does shadow take a shit while still typing on the computer based on that photo :>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
    The only person who was spamming this site for the past two week was you shadow but now the Duke is back :>>>>>>>>>>>>>

  28. Thank you, 2:14 PM, once again, as always. You are by far my most loyal fan and I always love the threatening e-mails and black roses that you send me. I am, in fact, writing a book on the history of the internet, which I, Dark "The Man" Duke, invented. I hope that you, 2:"The 14"PM, will right the forward, explaining why everyone, everywhere, loves DA DUKE!

    I do take my computer with me to the toilet, to the shower, when I eat my green eggs n' ham, even when I have sex with my boyfriend. After all, how else could I bring you all the news-hunk caps you demand, how else could I write comments to myself on my site, how else could I refresh my website every second of every day to get those millions of hits, how else could I run the world's most popular website? How else, 2:14 PM? Truly, I live up to my name, THE MAN!! ;)
