Friday, May 29, 2009

Say Goodbye to M&J with A Hot Juliet Huddy

Apparently the M&J show is going up in smoke in June, so this will probably the last Juliet Huddy post from that show here. But fear not Juliet fans, she'll probably be somewhere on FOX News, I mean, when you have a hot asset like Juliet, you have to find a spot for her. She's definitely had some fine fine moments on M&J, we'll miss them for sure...

Juliet knows how to turn heads,

Screencaps courtesy of centricguy at the Wide World of Women forum.


  1. Juliet will be a first-time guest on Red Eye tonight. That should be fun. Let's hope she dresses appropriately hot.

  2. Freekin' spektakular legz.

  3. She's looking thin and hot!

  4. you know that homo isn't going to get any of that sweet pussy.

  5. I mean, when you have a hot asset like Juliet, you have to find a spot for her.So many possibilities come to mind, but I doubt the censors would let any of them on the air.

  6. Juliet is okay, she just needs to eat a Big Mac or something. In more important news, Dark "The Man" Duke just put up the screencap of the year! Holy shit! Go check it out and try to tell me I'm a fucking liar!

  7. Juliet is awesome. FOX NEWS should REPLACE Gretchen, the old hag, with sexy Juliet on F&F. As for Mike ... shit, forget about Mike.

  8. Nice cleavage. Hot

  9. I was pretending to be dark duke because he won't return my phone calls. Everyone needs to stop calling me paranoid and I don't think that every thing is a conspiracy. All I want is man meat in my ass. I'm trying to get dz and gambit to lick my asshole. He he

  10. Here we go again. shadow is such an idiot for starting everything over again. And those who talk shit back to him are dufusses.

  11. It is so beyond old. All of you over at reportercaps need to put that douche shadow under control. He makes you all look like comlete idiots.

  12. @6: 49 PM,

    I own reportercaps!! Those cappers are my bitches, bow to my feet and kiss my ass.

  13. What all you assholes need to understand is that everyone at reportercaps kisses my ass. I'm going to spam every fucking thread on every news chick on here until all you commentors kiss my ass like the cappers do on I am a god goddammit and you fuckers better kneel before me.

  14. What all you assholes need to understand is that everyone at reportercaps kisses my ass. I'm going to spam every fucking thread on every news chick on here until all you commentors kiss my ass like the cappers do on I am a god goddammit and you fuckers better kneel before me.

  15. I thought Shadow and Dark Duke made their peace here a few days ago? You losers need to get a new gimmick.

  16. WTF!!! the first few posts are about the babe. after that, it's bullshit about something. this blog is about newsbabes, not homos, farts, turds, shadow, dark duke, etc. get a life, bozos.

  17. This comment has been removed by the author.

  18. This comment has been removed by the author.

  19. Me and Shadow have made up. I can't speak for the people impersonating us. I even put up the best of Shadow's recent screencaps on my page:

    Shadow, Sabrina and DZ have the sexiest photos of news anchors from
    Kiran Chetry to Alexis Glick to Gretchen Carlson to Tracy Brynes

  20. she's a dumb whore, i can't wait untill she's off the tv.

  21. her witch nose is so hot, NOT! and she's got ugly legs.

  22. this witch can ride my broomstick anytime.

  23. You gotta remember this chick is 39. Will be 40 in September. She looks amazing. I read an article online about how she did some diet and exercise routine and went from 142 down to 125. And she's really tall. Like 5'9" but over 6' in heels. She has an incredible body, especially considering her age. Great chest and legs.
