Thursday, June 4, 2009

Diana Falzone is a Hot Guest on Red Eye

From Red Eye last night, radio superstar hottie Diana Falzone makes another fantastic appearance. Damn, she's such a bangin' babe. I wouldn't have any problems if she rocked my world for a few consecutive nights.

Diana is hot in blue,

Screencaps courtesy of cody at the Wide World of Women forum.


  1. To the guy who is impersonating me,

    If you google an image search of Rebecca Diamond, Ainsley Earhardt, Patti Ann Brown and Tracy Brynes then you will notice that my website is listed on the first pages of google images. My site is in fact one of the most visited in the country. I'm even higher than this great website and the great reportercaps. Sorry, that you waisted your time with a fake website that nobody goes to but imitation is the best form of flattery.

  2. What I mean by first pages on google images I mean page one.

  3. To the guy who is impersonating me,

    What I mean by that is the guy running around here with my name "dark duke".

    Thank you for once again spamming multiple threads with your babble. I didn't catch it the first time you posted it.

    Just because you do an image search for "poo" and a picture of "poo" from your webpage comes up on the first page of search results does not make your site one of the most visited in the country. Not everyone in the world is searching for pictures of the news anchors you mentioned. However, hundreds of thousands of people DO visit sites like,,, etc. every day. Those are some of the most visited sites in the country, not yours. Yours isn't even in the top 1000000000 most visited sites in the country. Use your fucking brain moron. This is why no one takes you seriously, imposter.

    If you want to prove you get more site hits then Reportercaps, WWOW, or even here, post up a screenshot of your page hit counter or results. You know what I'm talking about.

    This fake dark duke has truly gone mad. Beware, people. He could target you next to let out his crazy sexual desires.

  4. If you are a fan of news anchors than the first thing people do is look up their photos on line and that would make my site number one on Google. Which is what my site was created for. I would have told you a month ago but I liked seeing you continually make an ass of yourself "saying were's the proof."

    Your douche bag ass is part of the reason that Anchorman turned off public comments and even after that you kept on spamming this site when me and all of my followers said nothing. You have a lot of free time on your hands. :-)

    Have a great time spamming this site because you cannot comment on my site that gets more website hits than any web page you will ever have. It amuses me how much you want my attention typing paragraph after paragraph and spending several hours creating a fake web page. Goodbye Loser. lol :->>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>


  6. This fake dark duke is truly in fantasy land. He is no claiming that his site is the #1 visited site on Google. Hold on, let me check that....

    Nope, I just checked and your site is in fact not in the top 100. I'm going to take a wild guess and say your site isn't even in the top 100000. One of my loyal fans just e-mailed me while I am playing a super game of Gears of Whores 2 and told me you have the #100002 visited site on Google. Bully for you, but mine is #100001. Take that imitate.

    You're actually the reason that Anchorman disabled anonymous comments here. No, it's not just the fact that you spam your website link in every thread here, pretending to be "Christian", "Tommy", "Joey", and other names, it's the fact he was inspired by you after seeing how you moderate comments on your site. What happened to "No sugar coating b.s. All comments and criticism welcome"? Can't handle the negative with the positive? This is why you are a sensitive little boy, fake dark duke.

    You wouldn't have told me shit a month ago and you don't have shit to say now because whenever I ask you for proof (like now) that you have one of the top visited sites in the country (or #1 on Google as you now claim) you never answer the question. You just whine and bitch like a little sissy. You still have yet to produce any proof that you do have such a site, so I will now be filing a defamation and slander lawsuit against you. Enjoy your stay in prison, identity crisis guy.

    Take that cum-sucker.

  7. Here is an official Google search for "news anchors":

    Oh me! Oh my! Care to explain why your site is anywhere to be seen? Could it be the fake dark duke is LYING??? That just can't be true.

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. This comment has been removed by the author.

  10. "when I ask you for proof" Why are you obsessed with me shadow? This all started with your obsession for me. Whatever, my previous statement still stands that when you type in the top news anchors into google images than my website comes up. All you wrote was "blah blah blah" in several paragraphs. What a losa :-)

    If you don't take down your fake homophobic website than I'm not going to give you any screencap credit and still use the images that are copyrighted to the networks and I don't give a shit what you say! :-)

  11. If you had more than a 30 second attention span and didn't possess the OCD of a 5 year old, you would have read my post and answered it properly.

    You see fake "dark duke", I don't make outrageous claims and lies like you do without backing them up. I provided a google link to the top search results for "news anchors". Why to continue to persist with your lies in the face of solid proof? What have you provided besides continuing self-hype and pathological lies, you self-important douche?

    You seem to be the one with an obsession, fake "dark duke". Are we really back to this shadow/pussyboy nonsense? Is that all you have? What a sexual deviant. It's obvious you have a crush of the screencapper: "Shadow" and just can't get him off your mind. It is now confirmed that he has been the one spamming multiple threads here with his Shadow-envy. I feel bad for you, fake "dark duke". It must be tough being in love with someone you can never be with.

    This dark duke imposter has now been exposed to be nothing more than a liar, a hypocrite, a sexually frustrated virgin, and just an all around fool. You will never know how good it is to truly be Da Duke and THE MAN until you stop with your nonsense, fake "dark duke". ;)

  12. Dark "The Man" Duke is not me but you all already know by his obsession with me. shadow created a website and writes paragraphs because he is a loser with no life. shadow you need to get laid. I bet shadow doesn't even know what a pussy smells like. lol

    The real site is without "The Man" in my name.

  13. Thank you for replying to my post so promptly, fake "dark duke". It just goes to show, once again, that you hang on every word I say. It's kind of sad that you plan your days around when and what I post.

    Thank you once again for not answering any of the accusations I have made, and proven, about you being nothing but a pathological liar. Then again, we have all come to expect nothing less from you, fake "dark duke".

    I am also glad to see that despite you having "the #1 visited site on Google", you still feel the need to spam your website link over here. Why is that again? This fake "dark duke" really makes me wonder sometimes.

    Still waiting for some proof of all your outrageous claims from your ignorant ass.

  14. One thing I can not figure out though is why you think that I, The Real and True Dark "The Man" Duke, is the screencapper: "Shadow"? Do you see the screencapper: "Shadow" in every person you meet walking down the street? Has your unhealthy obsession with him gone that far? This has truly become disturbing.

    If you haven't figured it out by now, I am not Shadow. I have no problem defending him though, because I don't agree with the bullshit you pulled a few months ago and the bullshit you continue to pull and the lies you continue to tell. In all honesty, I appreciate that Shadow has some of the highest quality screencaps I've ever seen, something you will never be able to pull off judging by those deformed Robin Meade escalator caps you posted a while back. Wow, those were pretty horrible.

    It just goes to show that jealousy is a bitch, and the fake "dark duke" is a dog in some serious heat.

  15. Two more giant posts from shadow showing how obsessive he is and trying to cover his ass. You are such a loser. I didn't even bother reading them. lol :>>>>>>>>>>>

  16. Of course you didn't read them. You couldn't even pass 2nd grade English. I'm not posting like that for you, I'm posting it for everyone else to show what a dummy you are.

    Still waiting for proof on your obnoxious claims, fake "dark duke".
