Thursday, November 26, 2009

A Happy Thanksgiving to All, A Trio of Hotness

I wish y'all a very Happy Thanksgiving. Here are a few how pictures from the last day or so, an extremely hot S.E. Cupp on FOX and Friends, Gretchen Carlson in a hot interview with Sarah Palin, and Tracy Byrnes in one incredibly short skirt. Enjoy then while you stuff yourself with turkey and all the fixins'...

Nobody beats FOX...

Screencaps courtesy of spinner at the TvNewsCaps forum and tdubya68801 at the Wide World of Women forum.


  1. "Nobody beats FOX..."

    You got that right, A-Man!!!

  2. Fox ratings are high, ONLY because people find their reporting to be very baised and entertaining (just like MSNBC), not because it is reliable and trustworthly. When are people going to draw their own conclusions, don't trust the media!!
