Wednesday, December 30, 2009

A Hot Jenna Wolfe Hosting the Today Show

It's been a while since I've posted NBC news babe Jenna Wolfe, but she's been looking very good lately. She looks like she's lost like 10-15 to me. Here are some hot pics of Jenna hosting the Today Show yesterday morning.

Jenna's hour glass figure,

Screencaps courtesy of SceptreX42 the Wide World of Women forum.


  1. I have always thought Jenna was quite sexy. She looks great in these pics. Wonder why she's still single, what's wrong with those NYC boys?

  2. Maybe she likes her single girl status seeing as no other regular on the Today show is single. When she does dating and relationship segments she can kind of relate more than the others. You generally see the New York-based single newswomen tend to get engaged and married after the age of 35. Seems like they need that first 10-12 years of so of their career to get themselves established. The exceptions are those who get married before making it to New York like Kiran Chetry, Natalie Morales and Amy Robach.
