Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Elisabeth Hasselbeck is Hot in US Weekly

Pretty sure this is old, but in case y'all Elisabeth Hasselbeck fans can't get enough, here is sexy Liz showing off her amazing body for US Weekly. Its hard to imagine that she's pushed out 2 babies and can still look that hot.

What a yummy mummy,

Screencaps courtesy of deadofnight at the SuperiorPics forum.


  1. Photoshop is magic!

  2. She's got a great body. It's too bad that she's a knuckle-dragging, mouth-breathing conservative.

  3. it would be nice see her in playboy

  4. It would be nicer to see her on her knees in front of me, waiting to show me how good she is.

  5. i agree with the mouth breather remark. it's hard to sport wood when she's so fucking ideologically stupid.

  6. I third that. Elisabeth Hasselbeck is the dumbest rebublican there is. She is not doing the rebublican party any favors when she shouts out like a nut job idiot. I remember her implying that Obama is a terrorist. She is a complete wacko loud mouth.

    Women like her are a great fuck but, no man, not even a desperate virgin would stick around for that ass. After a few months of coming inside of her mouth you split town and don't return her phone calls. ha ha

  7. Remember when she was on survivor.. (her 15 minutes parlayed into eternity)

    Some guy wanted to buy the bikini bottoms that she had worn non stop for 10 days in the jungle

    Only redeeming social value

  8. LOL! She has the body of a pre-adolescent boy with bitch tits. Nice face though.
