Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Heather Nauert Hosts Good Day New York

FOX News babe Heather Nauert hosting Good Day NY yesterday. Damn, she's looking good in that top, love the stretch. She's got the cute puffy cheeks, kinda reminds me of Cameron Diaz, but slightly less hot.

Heather's got some nice curves goin' on,

Screencaps courtesy of centricguy at the Wide World of Women forum.


  1. Slightly less hot? What the blast is wrong with you? Heather's a heck of a lot better looking than practically anyone in Hollywood, much more intelligent, too! Cameron Diaz WISHES she was anywhere near as hot as Heather. And as far as intelligence goes, Heather has the good sense not to have done topless nude shots or early videos that showed her in compromising positions. Yeah, I'd have to say Heather's about 10,000 times smarter than Cameron, who looks a good decade older than she is. That's what hard-partying does, even to someone as "hot?" as Cameron.

  2. watching Heather every day makes me realize how beautiful she is. She is so beautiful and sexy. Look at her headshot and look at her eyes, cheeks, lips, and hair. This is one of the most beautiful women in the world.

  3. She's hot... I'd love to pump some cum in her.. I bet she could swallow a nice load or two..
