Thursday, April 2, 2009

Alexis Glick Turning Up the Heat on FBN

Must be the economic meltdown and the attempt to draw ratings, but FBN vice-president Alexis Glick has been and is on fire lately for the past couple of weeks. Deep V-cut tops, short skirts, damn, she is just bangin' to be sure. I don't think we can get enough of this, keep it comin' babe...

Alexis is makin' me hot,

Screencaps courtesy of zxcvbnm7 and joeycap666 at the Wide World of Women forum.


  1. Alexis needs to read this:

    The following are possible causes of Vaginal odor:
    • Vaginal discharge • Normal vaginal odor • Vaginal infection • Foreign body in vagina (gauze or glove from surgery, etc..) • Forgotten tampon • Menstrual cycle • Lodged contraceptive device • Sensitivity to odor (you smell yourself but nobody else does) • Vaginal cancer • Cervix cancer • Uterine cancer • Bowel cancer

  2. DAMN!!!! I didn't think that was Alexis in the second pick, those legs are gorgeous! What a sexy, smart woman Alexis Glick is!

  3. first commentor is a tool!

  4. she looks fine in that second picture. nice sexy legs and her pussy doesn't smell and i'm sure she not the cunt you think she is.

  5. Commentator is a what ??? a tool??
    Jeez; at least he can spell (and apparently smell too)

  6. "Commentator"? WTF!! I didn't know you fags were critics, I thought you were just basement dwellers. So go for it, stick up your boyfriend. It just makes you look like a total douche bag.

  7. Alexis is bringing the juice in these shots!

    Alexis makes those commenters from a few days ago that were calling her old..... Well want to change your comments????


  8. "bringing the juice"? What the fuck are you talking about... you're such a loser.


  9. I like the angle of the second picture. Nice!

  10. First pic: Does the phrase "pancake tits" ring a bell?

  11. The top photo must have been "give Roger Ailes a hard-on day" so she can keep her job another month. She had her black "Hillary" pants on with this low cut top. Give some skin on top, take it away on the bottom - she's a FUCKING BITCH - I've said it before and I'll stay it again. Hey Alexis, trust me, your SHIT STINKS just like everyone elses. Remember she is the VP of FBN - that's the FUCKIN' BITCH NETWORK!

  12. She is a bitch who doesn't give a shit about those who take the time to e-mail her. But her tits are great. She has perfect real tits. I love the cleavage. Very hot.

  13. Her farts are probably loud and watery

  14. the second pic is so hot... i want to creep up her legs, up her skirt, and shove my hard rod in her...

    lets see how long i can last with those sexy legs...

  15. She took 2-3 weeks over xmas and gained some weight during that time. Her face is looking thinner but her body is still chuncky. it looks good on her, though. that being said, i am thinking she might be pregant. looks like Jenna Lee might be getting a little sister. Alexix was like 15 when she had Jenna, now she will be 42 with this possible child. Look for this kid in about 22 years on Fox news in short skirts and smoking body if its a girl.

  16. Alexis Glick put rice crispy treats up her fanny. She really had to toot so the pressure kept building up until the rice crispy treats shot out of her fanny like rapid fire yall. Glick really is very gaseous and the stench is horrendous. It smells so bad the toots received an NC-17 rating by the tooting rating association.

  17. I would pay good money to dine on the rice crispy treats that were in Alexis' farthole. She is so fucking incredible!

  18. you fecal loving mother fuckers are disgusting.

  19. Previous commentor,

    They are joking you moron.

  20. no i think they are seriously fucked up in the head. nothing funny about that shit.

  21. 2:13, if you don't know what "the juice" is then you don't have any juice.


  22. What are ya'll talking about. Alexis Glick is the hottest news anchor ever! She's a real woman, and damn sexy.

  23. Alexis is looking the best she has ever looked. I usually don't pay attention to her. Way to go on the classy mini and cleavage.

  24. Nice to see ANY woman posted here who has two legs, two thighs, and two tits (no matter the size) is H-O-T!!!!!

  25. What are ya'll talking about. Alexis Glick is the hottest news anchor ever! She's a real woman, and damn sexy.

  26. She is so hot. Heard she like to get anal.

  27. It may be the angle in the second pic, but her thighs and ass look HUGE while her tits look small. In the first pic I have to agree she appears to have "pancake" tits. Her bra must REALLY bring them up to normal level and pack them into the cups for her to look as good as she does in other pics.

  28. Her tits are perfect and the previous commentor is not the first to say that she needs a new bra that lifts her tits like Rebecca Diamond wears. Her thighs and ass are perfect. It's the angle of the camera since the rest of the image looks a little stretched and distorted by it.

    She looks the hottest she has ever looked in that short mini and cleavage bearing top. I hope she gets it together and replies to those who take the time to e-mail her since it was a bad week on the web for her which was a shame since it was also the week she looked her best.

  29. She doesn't even respond to fan mail. One time my amigo got her a cardboard cutout replica of her and she didn't even sign her autograph on it. She sent it back unsigned but there was a huge brown stain on it. Come to find out. She had just arrived back from winning a bean burrito eating contest and proceeded to wipe her chunky mudslide pie poop in it. She even wrote "screw you" in the poop!!! How disrespectful is that. How can anyone be a fan of that kind of behavior? She also had a little jar of what she called "Brownie frosting" in the package she sent back. I tasted that "Brownie frosting" and holy hell if that wasn't shit!!!!! I am still trying to get that out of my teeth. I might have to see a dentist with industrial strength tooth cleaning tools because of what she did.

  30. she is sooo hot. found out her email is She will respond to you!

  31. I emailed her with that email address and she responded. Very kind ... now to ask for a shower pic ...

  32. she hot looking lady of a mother three kids

  33. @3:15....

    are you part of the retard family of farts & turds guy?

  34. Farts and turds are the fountain of youth. They are the key to success and need to be talked about with the upmost respect. Failure to do so is a crime against humanity.

  35. ^ well if they are the fountain of youth then come on over here and eat this huge turd log I just shat'll live forever.
