Thursday, April 2, 2009

A Flirtatious Alisyn Camerota on FOX and Friends

No April fool's joke, this is FOX news babe Alisyn Camerota on FOX and Friends on the weekend discussing what a "no touching rule" would mean for FOX. psyche!! What do you think she's whispering in the guy's ear on the right. I'll leave that to y'all's imagination on that one...

Alisyn is such a tease,

Screencaps courtesy of zxcvbnm7 at the Wide World of Women forum.


  1. It’s weird to see a woman try to seduce two gay men.

  2. Alisyn was looking so hot yesterday on America's Newsroom, you HAVE to get caps from then.

  3. That's it: from now on I'll be getting all my softcore porn from Fox News/Fox Business.

  4. she really horny and wants to get double penetrated or maybe even a gangbang. would love to tap that ass.

  5. I'm an Ali fan and I think she looked like shit on America's Newsroom. Worst I've ever seen her. Yet, MacCallum looked much better on America's Newsroom than she does on The Live Desk. Go figure. As to the photos, that's what makes Ali so great - she's got TONS of personality and likes to have fun. Clayton may be gay, but Dave is absolutely not.

  6. "...Clayton may be gay, but Dave is absolutely not."

    How do you know, did you f Clayton, and make the moves on Dave but he turned you down? lol. They both seem like fudgepackers to me, they've got this homo vibe goin' on.


  7. These pictures are so great because I always wanted to double-team this butta-faced broad and the picture looks like a precursor to it. You dont tag-team a keeper, you tag-team a butta face like Alisyn -- good body and ugly face. Each guy takes a hole and you split her. I can just imagine her squealing. (of course,this is consensual). When your done, you high five and go have a beer and leave busted face, broke, sticky and confused.

  8. Who is 1:46 pm using my tag line "TD"?


  9. Why is 2:08 pm using my tag line "TD"?


  10. Here's your newsbabe of the week right here. Goddamn, she looks good here.

  11. She is too skinny for my taste. Not much in the wazooper catagory either. A 6 outta 10 at most.

  12. What the god damn shit stains? Why is it that all the posts are always post menopausal women with a whole mexican brood of kids? Can we please get the young chicks in their 20s who haven't been ruined by being the mothers of 10 kids? Why in gods name are all the posts of old sluts? Please make this correction for the good of humanity. Thank you.

  13. I have a bad feeling Alysin would like to watch those two guys rape each other prison-style. She's just tryin' to give at least one of them a hard-on. Maybe Doocy shoulda been in the middle...

  14. I'd rather watch margaret hoover wait for a bus on a cold winter night than watch this old skank do lesbian porn.

  15. i would like to be fucking her in a bus when it drives over you.

  16. 2nd picture...

    Maybe she leans in and says "I'd let you fuck me in the ass but the only ass you seem to want is the guy to my right".

  17. For christs sake can we please get over posting the 50 year old nursing home patients? Since when did 50 year old women who have 10 kids become hot? Nobody can possible think these chicks are hot unless you are a senior citizen. Bring on the chicks how don't have wrinkles and wrecked bodies. Thank you and have a nice day.

  18. Id make her suck my cock hard. And when is she going to give us another upskirt? We are still waiting!

  19. all you guys looking for the young chicks should start watching the disney channel. i have no problem fucking the hot sexy mature woman.

  20. Alisyn is an old wrinkled menopausal woman with wrinkled eyes and wrinkled mouth.

    Why does anchorman and the people who post here insist on posting about these old, wrinkled menopausal women?

    What remains interesting about Alisyn is the snots and mucous that exits her nose. The nasal matter she blows out of her proboscis. The boogers that slide out of her nasal cavity. One time I snuck into her house and took the used kleenexes out of her trash can and ate and licked up all those boogers. It was great fun till her maid caught me and I ended up here in this padded cell.

    Oh well, I'll always have the memories.

    (mocking the turds & farts retard, in case ya couldn't tell!)

  21. Why does fox give the nba scored backward? Miami should come before mil. You know a woman runs things when that shit happens.

  22. Anchorcrones would best describe this website. Megyn Kelly, Lis Wiehl & Alisyn Camerota are 3 women with fading looks shown here with Lis Wiehl being the menopausal 1.

    Most of the women Anchorman posts here about peaked years ago. What is it with menpausal women & fading looks that people have so much interest in when there are prettier women in their 20s on Playboy. A woman's prettiest years are when she is in her roaring 20s & when they hit their early 30s the looks start fading & from 40 onwards it's faded.

  23. Dude, take it for what it is. There are hot women in their 30's and 40's and not all women who read the fucking news are 20 year olds.

  24. Haley berry is like 50 and she's still hot.jennifer anistan is 40. There are plenty of hot 40 and over pieces of pussy.stop being so obnoxious.

  25. "pssst, he told me he wants to suck your cock." "pssst, he told me he wants to suck your cock."

  26. THOSE WHO SINGLE PEOPLE OUT ABOUT AGE ARE COMPLETE IDIOTS WHO DON'T HAVE A BRAIN. That one person had a point. Haley Berry and jennifer anistan and 40 or way older and they have HOTTER BODIES AND FACES THAN ANY CHICK ANY 20 YEAR OLD CHICK ANY OF YOU GUYS WILL EVER DATE. Go to the mall and walk into the Gap and I guarantee there won't be one 20 year old chick as hot as them. Age these days means jackshit. Grow a fucking brain or get glasses you fucking idiot.

  27. THOSE WHO SINGLE PEOPLE OUT ABOUT AGE ARE COMPLETE IDIOTS WHO DON'T HAVE A BRAIN. That one person had a point. Haley Berry and jennifer anistan are 40 or way older and they have HOTTER BODIES AND FACES THAN ANY 20 YEAR OLD CHICK ANY OF YOU GUYS WILL EVER DATE. Go to the mall and walk into the Gap and I guarantee there won't be one 20 year old chick as hot as them. Age these days means jackshit. Grow a fucking brain or get glasses you fucking idiot.

  28. But the fact is that these women in their 30s & 40s aren't that pretty anymore. They used to be great when they were in their 20s, but when you see wrinkles, lines across the face & hot flashes, they're old farts now.

    Anchorcrones would best describe this website. Megyn Kelly, Lis Wiehl & Alisyn Camerota are 3 women with fading looks shown here with Lis Wiehl being the menopausal 1.

    Most of the women Anchorman posts here about peaked years ago. What is it with menpausal women & fading looks that people have so much interest in when there are prettier women in their 20s on Playboy. A woman's prettiest years are when she is in her roaring 20s & when they hit their early 30s the looks start fading & from 40 onwards it's faded.

  29. Previous commentor,

    Your logic is still flawed. EVEN WITH THERE WRINKLES THEY ARE STILL HOTTER THAN 95% OF THE 20 YEAR OLDS. Why? Because they are perfect 9-10's on a scale of 1-10. When you add the wrinkles they get knocked down to a nine or eight. 95% of 20 year olds out there are 5's or lower so what you are saying is complete illogical bullshit lacking facts. I suck at math but even I can do the math on this one or just use your fucking eyes. Use your brain.

  30. @5:32, He's got a point. If you don't get his obvious statment than here is an analogy for you: I think I remember seeing a superman comic when superman was 60years old but superman can still kick the shit out of any human and move the moon while he's at it. In other words a super-hot chick is still a superhot chick that is hotter than most 20 year olds and that is the point. I saw Olivia Newton John on TMZ who is 60 years old and she has a face and body that is hotter than most 20 year olds. I would let her ride my dick any day of the week just like I would Alisyn if she were a good girl. : )

  31. She is telling them where and how deep she wants their cocks

  32. The only people trying to justify women in their 50s being hotter than women in their 20's are grumpy old men who realize they are too old to have a chance with the girls in their 20s. Too bad. Haha. Nobody wants to see women who should be in nursing homes being passed off as hot. Bring on the chicks in their 20s!!!!!

  33. It looks like alisyn is looking to scare up a double penetration! Unfortunately, these two tools can't deliver. Hey alisyn I'll double penetrate you w one of the other guys on this blog but ill take your $hitter so I don't have to look at that ugly face when we split you.

  34. The skin on Olivia Newton John's face looks like it is melting off. I think there must be an old chick offended by guys wanting to be with women who dont have osteoperosis. I'm 20. I'd break olvia newton johns hip and halley berry pelvis. old people are ugly. some old people are so ugly that they become cute but cute like an ugly dog.

  35. @8:07,

    You have not proven 8:34 wrong. You still are an idiot since 95% of the people in this country disagree with you since they go to the movies to drool over Halle Berry and Jennifer Aniston who are past the age of 40. So, you are apart of that 5% that love to fuck cows on saturdays. ha ha

  36. chicks in their 20s? hell no! bring on the chicks who are 18 - 19! hell yea! young and fresh

  37. You can't tell me if 40 year plus old Halle Berry walked in in her James Bond bikini (with her perfect ass, tits and face with a few wrinkles that are barely noticable) that you would pick an average looking 20 year old over her. Because if you did than everyone would think you are a complete idiot and that your dick does not work. Just saying. lol

  38. ?????? Isn't Halle Berry really tan? I could check the color on my TV, but everytime I see her she looks like she just got back from a month vacation in Cancun. Bring on the HOT chicks in their 20s. Not over the Hill overly tan senior citizens. Don't bother me, I'm eating.

  39. If we want to see women who like most of those posted on this website, then we can look @ our wives. They say with marriage for better or for worse-so if we want to fantasize or make love to women who have peaked out & are in their 30s & 40s, then that is why our wives are there.

    But when we visit websites, we want to see women in their primes who will fulfill our fantasies, not replicas of our wives-women who have passed their primes, have wrinkles, cellulite & other signs of aging. Most of the women on this site which should be anchorcrones are replicas of our wives-women beyond their prime & quite a few are menopausal old farts.

    Incidentally, most men don't get the perfect woman, just as most people don't get the perfect job. How many men are married or have girlfriends who look like Lady Gaga or the Pussycat Dolls in their prime? Men who have the perfect woman who looks like a Playboy model or who gets to have sex with Perfect women don't need to read Playboy magazines, though they could if they wanted to.

    Alisyn Camerota has peaked but please be honest when discussing her. Alisyn Camerota has 3 kids not 10 as 1 poster said. Yes Alisyn Camerota is old but let's stick to facts.

    Many of us want to see women who are in their prime-the roaring 20s & these are the women that we fantasize about-nice face, nice boobs, thin, menstruates, no wrinkles, no cellulite & no White hairs. Many of us don't want to see duplicates of our wives-women who have peaked out & have cellulite, wrinkles & white hairs. Anchorcrones best describe this website.

  40. ^^Let me give you a hint, dumbass. No one here is gonna read your fuckin' post because it's more than a paragraph. Even that turds & farts shithead ain't that long-winded.

  41. I have a 30 word reading limit.

  42. I have an age 30 chick age limit. Anyone who doesn't is just a fat old geezer mad because they can't get any hot chicks anymore. Oh well. Just be happy with your post monopausal wife. Bwhaha.

  43. @7:36...

    your dick is really small isn't it?

  44. Your post menopausal wife is really fat and ugly isn't she. Don't be mad that you are stuck with her for the rest of your sad existance. Bwhaha. Loser.

  45. Yeah ddue keep squinting and pretending you don't notice that your wife's face resembles shriveled prune and that her pussy sags like snot and her tit have more wear than the tire on an abandoned ghetto swing. keep fucking her and telling yourself that you are getting the good stuff when in reality you are getting the stuff that nobody wants anymore.

  46. Yep, totally right ^^. He is just mad because he is married to a fat pig of a wife who should be in a zoo. He is now stuck with her for the rest of his life and she is getting more repulsive by the day. Too bad. Maybe you shouldn't have married Shamoo. It isn't anyones fault that you can't get any hot young chicks but yourselves.

  47. For the a-hole who keeps repeating that there are no hot women over 30--

    Please explain where the whole "MILF" and "cougar" phenomenons of recent years came from. Why are there more guys than ever who are still in their 20's pursuing older women? (And these are guys who in most cases can still have girls their own age if they wanted to)

    Perfect example:
    What do you think of Ashton Kutcher, not only tagging Demi Moore, but then going as far as MARRYING her?

    Sure, most of the time men go for women their age or younger but that is changing fast, buddy.
    How does it feel to be in a majority that's loosing numbers by the day?

  48. Wow Ashton Kutcher is a great example that totally proves your point. NOT!!!!! Do you actually think he is not fucking all kinds of young chicks on the side. He lives in fuckin Hollywood for god sakes. 1 guy out of 6 billion in the world. Wow. You are an idiot. Keep telling yourself that to make your sad situation better. Your wife will never get younger. She is getting older by the day and more fat and ugly. Hahahha.

  49. @ 4:11....

    your penis is really small, isn't it?

  50. Who gives a shit if they are 21, 31, or 41? If they are hot, fuck 'em all.

  51. @7:58 Well take it out of your mouth and check. You seem to like it. Haha.

  52. Hey, "guy who's obsessed with immature broads" - (what else can you be called at this point)
    I'm the guy who brought up Kutcher and Demi Moore.

    A few points to correct you on:

    Your assumption that every guy disagreeing with you is married...Can't speak for others, but I'm not, never have been. Does it occur to you that there are healthy, decent-looking single guys who just prefer mature women instead of air-headed teen wannabes? Like I asked you (and you refused to answer) where do you think the whole younger guy/older woman trend comes from? Or do you just think it's imaginary?

    My taste for women is basically this: 30 and over, with some intelligence at least, not trying to act like she's still in high school. But also youthful in appearance. She may be nearing 40, but could pass for 10 to 15 years less in looks. She takes care of herself, and turns heads all the time. Maybe has kids, maybe not.

    Are women like that rare & hard to find? Damn right they are! First you have to find one not taken. But once you do-- brace yourself. A woman like that will turn your mind and body on at the same time, and the sex will be incredible.

    I'm not saying all women in their 20's aren't worth it, you'll find some mature-minded ones who are also hot, but that's rare too.

  53. @9:09... yep it's small. real small. bwhaha

  54. Gross... you suck dick???? Disgusting bwahaha

  55. ^ Since a dick as small as yours couldn't make it past the lips, is that really sucking? Bwahhhaahha

  56. If we want to see women who like most of those posted on this website, then we can look @ our wives. They say with marriage for better or for worse-so if we want to fantasize or make love to women who have peaked out & are in their 30s & 40s, then that is why our wives are there.

    But when we visit websites, we want to see women in their primes who will fulfill our fantasies, not replicas of our wives-women who have passed their primes, have wrinkles, cellulite & other signs of aging. Most of the women on this site which should be anchorcrones are replicas of our wives-women beyond their prime & quite a few are menopausal old farts.

    Incidentally, most men don't get the perfect woman, just as most people don't get the perfect job. How many men are married or have girlfriends who look like Lady Gaga or the Pussycat Dolls in their prime? Men who have the perfect woman who looks like a Playboy model or who gets to have sex with Perfect women don't need to read Playboy magazines, though they could if they wanted to.

    Alisyn Camerota has peaked but please be honest when discussing her. Alisyn Camerota has 3 kids not 10 as 1 poster said. Yes Alisyn Camerota is old but let's stick to facts.

    Many of us want to see women who are in their prime-the roaring 20s & these are the women that we fantasize about-nice face, nice boobs, thin, menstruates, no wrinkles, no cellulite & no White hairs. Many of us don't want to see duplicates of our wives-women who have peaked out & have cellulite, wrinkles & white hairs. Anchorcrones best describe this website.

  57. OK-- you're back to the "wives" thing again. And knock off the "Anchorcrones" thing too--you've said that 800 times already...we get it.

    I notice that in your whole post just now you still don't have an answer to where you think the "milf" & "cougar" trends come from. There are young, UNMARRIED guys, like myself, who have a preference for women over 30, and in some cases over 40... Why can't you just admit that?

    Since you didn't like the reference to Ashton Kutcher hooking up with Demi Moore, then how about the new show on TVLand "The Cougar"? That woman is 40 and could pass for 27 without much trouble. It's all how women take care of themselves. Some are going to look their age, and others won't.

    The attraction is to those women who've made it to that age without all the wrinkles, cellulite, and gray that you seem to think all of them automatically have. Like I said before, women like that are very rare, it's true. But I guarantee you wouldn't regret hooking up with one.

    To me, it sounds like you're married to a woman that you don't think has aged as well as others do, and you're using her as an excuse to stereotype all women her age as being all the same.
    You want a really good example of what I'm talking about? Go look up vids of Denise Austin on Youtube.
    I don't mean her '80s and '90s stuff, I mean more recent. My friend, that lady is 51....You heard right. 51. That's the type of woman I regularly pursue.

    If you could have a night alone with her, are you saying you'd turn it down? Didn't think so.
