Monday, May 4, 2009

Julie Banderas on the Run on FOX News

For all you Julie Banderas fans, this is from her run at the New Jersey Marathon this past weekend. Considering she just ran 26 miles, Julie is looking pretty damn hot here. My girlfriend ran a marathon this past weekend, and she didn't look half as good as Julie here.

Julie's marathon body,
Here's the video clip,

Screencaps courtesy of hoagie100 at the Wide World of Women forum.


  1. She needs to keep running based on those hips. chicken legs.

  2. Not sure which one I'd want more, Julie Or Laura. Let's be real here, Julie is beautiful, intelligent and sexy. Just reading about all the pent up energy, and would wear a man out in bed. Why do I keep imagining her saying "You've been a bad boy, and now you'll have to pay" every time I see her, like a stern teacher...especially when she wears glasses.

    It doesn't matter how hard she tries to hide it, the sexual energy radiates from her like the sun if you watch her. Julie, you can run from New York to California, and that will NEVER compensate for getting your back blown out by a real man, and having you thinking about sex all day. Loved those pics of you in the pool, very sexy in that bikini top. Would not have been able to keep my hands off of her if I was her man and in the pool...

  3. The video would've been better if you couldn't hear Julie's d-bag fiance, what a f**kin' tool he is.

  4. Yes, but fiance passes main test... he has lotsa money...

    Best pic of Ms Bidwell (her real name) is the one of her smelling her armpit

  5. that pic is on the blog, too. there marriage won't last (if they ever do get married).

  6. ...they've been engaged for a long time.

  7. How the fuck does her fiance have a lot of money?

  8. She runs like a fuckin elephant lost from its family during a stampede? Where did this bitch learn how to run?!?!?!?! No wonder she finished in last place. I am surprised the organziers didn't send out a lost and found crew to try to rescue her.

  9. The best thing about her run was that PAB was her replacement on the Sunday show.

  10. On the second pic some negro want to rape her.

  11. that's why she's running. to get away from all those crazy ass niggers.

  12. ^^lol fuck them negroes!

  13. I see Fux news trailer trash fans have made there presence felt. Um, the only thing she's running from is you, crazy redneck, klan sheet wearing cousin fucking Fux Nation losers. And at the end of the day, I run your country, and you have to call this so called "nigger" President. Damn, I feel your pain. I know it must be hard, living in your backwoods trailer, fucking your sisters and cousins. And your fear and hate is all you have to hold on to, because if a black man can be President, then ANY black man has the ability to be better than you and fuck the women you like.

    God Bless America! God Bless diversity!

    Barack O.

  14. We don’t need niggers or nigger sympathizers on this site. Now go back to smokin' your crack and lustin' after white women, you disgusting ambomination!

  15. ^^^Hey, I was just sitting down here in hell with the big guy (Satan) and wanted to say thank you to all the Fux Nation viewers for coming here to slap down the dark ones. I told the big guy to make special room for you guys down here. It's just so fucking hot, please bring a god damned air conditioner when you get here! I...I almost can't take the heat, it's almost like an oven a 10,000,000 degree oven! Guess payback is a bitch (for me!) huh! Anyway, you will ALL be down here with us, we <3 you down here! You hate blacks, jews and mexicans....right up my fucking alley, friends. I'll be sitting by the fires, waiting for you...and so will he...


    Adolf H.

  16. Um, this "Nigger" runs your country, and the only crack smoker I know was your Momma, smoking every night wondering why she didn't have that abortion! Do you call your father, uncledaddy? And the only one who was doing any "lustin'" was my white Mama, she chased that black cock even when she KNEW it was dangerous...she just HAD to have it. And now I am President, and I loved handing the racist trailer trash their asses in the last election! I have humbled you to arguing on the internet, your world is almost over, your klan loving numbers are shrinking every day, damn, you must hate me! This pleases me greatly!

    God Bless America! God Bless diversity!

    Barack O.

  17. Don't you worry Adolf, I'll be there with you in Hell soon enough! God don't like us queers!

  18. You do realize that Barack Obama is 1/2 white right? Haha. Like a black man could actually be smart? Psh. You wish. They are too busy sippin that purple drank and putting spinners on geo metros. They also enjoy having kids and leaving the moms to take care of them.

  19. Who care's what you've got to say about the blacks, whites, yellows, or browns? This is, it's a website about hot anchor women of all colours. People who want to discuss anchors should be here. Take the racist fighting somewhere else. Let's get back to talking about the hot news women!

    Just ignore all of the racist, nonsense, bullsh*t comments that have nothing to do with hot anchor women.

  20. To the fool who thinks that Obama the nigger runs the country,
    He is simply an affirmative action quota hire, a puppet house negro of the Jews who really pull the strings in the 'Land Of The Free'.
    As for Julie Banderas I would fuck her in the ass real deep.

  21. Where did Banderas learn how to run??!?!? She runs like a wounded Ostrich. I don't think she will qualify for the olympics. I am just glad that the search and rescue team was able to find her after 3 days of searching after the last competitior finished the race 3 days before she finally crossed the finish line.

  22. You are correct, this blog is about the news babes (not my Barack imitation) and if anyone doesn't get it, I just wanted the racist assholes to know what trash they are! They could always try and take off the Klan sheets and act like human beings, anyone can change if they really want to. Hatred just because someone is another color or religion is irational to me, as proven in the post above that last one!

  23. there's no such thing as a hot african-american news babe just look at tampon hall.

  24. Yes, everyone {including blacks,kikes,spics,gooks} knows that white women are simply the best looking women on earth. There is simply no debate about it, it's fact. DEAL WITH IT.

  25. I like women from Venus. They are really hot.

  26. when i read some comments on here saying "sos-and-so is a dude" or "shes ugly" "those hips & chicken legs"

    its clear those fags arent gettin laid by ANYONE
