Monday, May 4, 2009

Leggy Laura Ingle on the FOX Report

Since she got a bad rap on her last post, I'm reupping FOX news babe Laura Ingle here with some hotter pictures from yesterday's FOX News Report, hopefully it will redeem her hotness from some of you crazy commentors.

Locked up on Laura,

Screencaps courtesy of tdubya68801 at the Wide World of Women forum.


  1. Great to have her sitting on a stool like that!

  2. Laura's alright, but look at her right leg... her legs aren't really that curvy, her left one only looks good (curvy) cause it's being pushed against her knee. Julie Banderas and Jamie Colby look way better sitting on that stool, imo. Amy Robach has the best legs on TV News.

  3. Those legs are more than adequate to hoist over my shoulders while making Laura Ingle moan.

  4. you can have her! there are dozens of hotter newswomen out there.

  5. thanks anchorman, laura is hot. some of the clowns who post are clueless(have never "had" a woman) and work out their frustration by flaming.

  6. There are women prettier than Laura Ingle. Laura Ingle is pretty, but Laura Ingle is nearing menopause & will eventually hit it & there's no use trying to justify the idea that Laura Ingle is prettier than women in their 20s, because Laura Ingle's prime was when she was in her 20s & has since peaked.

    When posters waste their time trying to justify the idea that older women & nearing menopausal women are prettier than women in their 20s, then in their minds they know that it's not true, because why even take the time to justify it.

    With beauty, a woman's best years are when she is 18 to 30 years old esp. the roaring 20s (20-29). A woman's good years are from 30-35 years old though not as beautiful as 20-29. From 35 years onwards, the looks fade & by the time a woman is in her late 30s or early 40s, the best years of 20-29 & the good years of 30-35 are a distant memory & old age & menopause eventually catch up. Beauty is finite & in a an average 75 year life span, a woman will have 15 to 17 good years when she is 18 to 35 years old. Of course with beauty a woman is best before she has kids. Finally, Laura Ingle does give birth to farts & turds which exit Laura Ingle's anus

  7. the above post by the shit sniffer is typical. the world awaits the wisdom of shit fetishists. get help douche bag.

  8. @1:54 agreed. Although I have to say that the best years for women are from 18-30. Once they hit 30 or have kids just get them the hell off my tv screen. They are useless to society. Ugh.

  9. Adding to the previous comment, I will not even consider a woman who is past 30. They are revolting.

  10. Anchorman!

    You have been missing out on Megyn Kelly!

    She has been putting on HUGE cleavage shows Thurs, Friday and today.

    Her ta ta's are getting bigger and she's showing them off.

  11. yes, women hit 30 and the pussy rots. obviousy, anyone who believes that only has experience with other men. i.e. are homos, queers, queens, fruits and various other adjectives.

  12. I am glad you agree with us. I can't believe how dumb some guys are who think that women over 30 actually have any value to society. Once they hit 30 or have kids, there is no way in hell they should be on tv. They have ruined their lives and must suffer the consequences. Bring on the 18-30 years old, preferably those under 25 max.

  13. 7:08 PM, Dark Duke has the latest one up on of Megyn Kelly on his site and he did his usual blow up so that we can see all the goodies.

  14. @2:16 AM Spammer.

  15. I just checked out the screencap of Megyn on the site mentioned above and her tits increased by two cup sizes!! I pulled out my dick and came all over my monitor.

  16. Laura is a bit of a pig and her face is a bit on the ugly side but I appreciate her showing off her legs like a slut so she gets bonus points. Bottome line for her: Face down, a$$ up.

  17. Yes, women over 30 are usu. not as pretty as women in their 20s & the roaring 20s (20-29) are the best years of a woman. After a woman has kids, the looks undeniably are usu. not as good as before the kids with such things as cellulite among others.

    There are some women in their early to mid 30s who in their good years are prettier than women in their 20s. An eg. I can think of is Nicole Scherzinger (31 in 2009) of the Pussycat Dolls who is prettier than Britney Spears(28 years old in 2009). Of course Britney Spears has had 2 kids & thus cellulite has added to her body. Nicole Scherzinger's looks will fade after she turns 35 years old in 2013, but Nicole Scherzinger does have her 4 last good years left. On Bewitched, the late Elizabeth Montgomery's pretty years were from 1964-68, when she was 31 to 35 years old (the York years). But from 1969-72 (the Sargent years) Elizabeth Montgomery's looks just faded with age & having her 2d child in 1969 & in 1972, Elizabeth Montgomery's looks faded & she just was not as pretty in 1972 @ 39 years old than she was in 1966 when she was 33 years old.

    Laura Ingle is nearing menopause & will eventually hit it. There's no use trying to justify the idea that Laura Ingle is prettier than women in their 20s, because Laura Ingle's prime was when she was in her 20s & has since peaked.

    When posters waste their time trying to justify the idea that older women & nearing menopausal women are prettier than women in their roaring 20s, then in their minds they know that it's not true, because why even take the time to justify it.

    With beauty, a woman's best years are when she is 18 to 30 years old esp. the roaring 20s (20-29, BEFORE she has kids. A woman's good years are from 30-35 years old though not as beautiful as 20-29. From 35 years old onwards, the looks fade & by the time a woman is in her late 30s or early 40s, the best years of 20-29 before the kids & the still remaining good years of 30-35 are a distant memory & old age & menopause eventually catch up. Beauty is finite & in a an average 75 year life span, a woman will usu. have @ most 15 to 17 good years when she is 18 to 35 years old. Of course with beauty, a woman is best before she has kids. Finally, Laura Ingle does give birth to farts & turds which exit Laura Ingle's anus

  18. nice sexy legs to wrap around me while i thrust my cock deep inside her pussy.

  19. Women over 30 are usu. not as pretty as women in their 20s & the roaring 20s (20-29) are the best years of a woman. After a woman has kids, the looks undeniably are usu. not as good as before the kids with such things as cellulite among others.

    There are some women in their early to mid 30s who in their good years are prettier than women in their 20s. An eg. I can think of is Nicole Scherzinger (31 in 2009) of the Pussycat Dolls who is prettier than Britney Spears(28 years old in 2009). Of course Britney Spears has had 2 kids & thus cellulite has added to her body. Nicole Scherzinger's looks will fade after she turns 35 years old in 2013, but Nicole Scherzinger does have her 4 last good years left. On Bewitched, the late Elizabeth Montgomery's pretty years were from 1964-68, when she was 31 to 35 years old (the York years). But from 1969-72 (the Sargent years) Elizabeth Montgomery's looks just faded with age & having her 2d child in 1969 & in 1972, Elizabeth Montgomery's looks faded & she just was not as pretty in 1972 @ 39 years old than she was in 1966 when she was 33 years old.

    Laura Ingle is nearing menopause & will eventually hit it. There's no use trying to justify the idea that Laura Ingle is prettier than women in their 20s, because Laura Ingle's prime was when she was in her 20s & has since peaked.

    When posters waste their time trying to justify the idea that older women & nearing menopausal women are prettier than women in their roaring 20s, then in their minds they know that it's not true, because why even take the time to justify it.

    With beauty, a woman's best years are when she is 18 to 30 years old esp. the roaring 20s (20-29, BEFORE she has kids. A woman's good years are from 30-35 years old though not as beautiful as 20-29. From 35 years old onwards, the looks fade & by the time a woman is in her late 30s or early 40s, the best years of 20-29 before the kids & the still remaining good years of 30-35 are a distant memory & old age & menopause eventually catch up. Beauty is finite & in a an average 75 year life span, a woman will usu. have @ most 15 to 17 good years when she is 18 to 35 years old. Of course with beauty, a woman is best before she has kids. Finally, Laura Ingle does give birth to farts & turds which exit Laura Ingle's anus

  20. Hey Dark Dong, when are we going to get that proof that you have one of the most visited websites in the country like you claim? Oh yeah, that's right....

    Retard spamming piece of shit.

  21. Notice how all the posts from the jackass with his "roaring 20's" fetish are so similar to the ones that respond to him? He can't get anyone to agree with him so he answers himself--pathetic.

    First of all, why don't you knock off with the generalizations... Not ALL women under 30 are hot, and not ALL women over 30 are falling apart. How do you explain all of the girls in their 20's who are out of shape, and already have cottage cheese thighs? How do you explain the hot moms who show up at their kids' soccer games, in tight jeans with bodies that women 10 years younger are envious of, and barely any stretch marks ? How are THEY able to look so much younger than they are?

    You just don't get it do you? It's all relative...women can be hot in practically any point in their life, its all in how they take care of themselves.

  22. man that shadow pussy boy really wants dark dukes attention. ha ha

  23. Yeah, Shadow from Reportercaps is coming off seriously like a stalker on these blogs.

  24. Don't mind me, I just love to talk to myself!

  25. 2:29: I didn't write women over 30years old, I wrote women OVER 35 years old have looks that fade. Sure, not all women who are in their 20s are pretty & there are plenty of fat 20 year something but that doesn't change that the 20s are the woman's roaring years even with the weight because when they turn 35, well they'll be fatter & uglier. Those women are just not pretty to start with, but then again, most women are average looking & not runway models.

    Also, if you ask a 40 year old man who would he rather bang-a woman who is 22 years old or a woman who is 50-60 years old, most would take the 22 year old over the 50-60 year old woman EVEN IF the 22 year old is only average looking & fat simply because the 40 year old man wants to think of himself as a sugar daddy-being able to do it with women young enough to be his daughter.

    On the other hand, if you're comparing a 32-34 year old woman who is attractive over a 22 year old woman, the 40 year old man would choose the attractive 32-34 year old woman.

    Also 2:29, after a woman has hit menopause, the best years are history-wrinkles, cellulite, etc. Don't waste my time trying to justify the idea that hot flashes are sexy because they're a sign that the woman has peaked. Don't waste my time trying to justify the idea that an old fart such as Meredith Vieira is sexually appealing.

  26. Meredith Vieria..... Double Fucking Yuk. I just vomited picturing her wrinkly ass faced and makeup on tv that you can see is caked on so fuckin thick, she looks like a circus clown. Why are women that are older than 40 even allowed to be on tv????? 30 should be the absolute max for a woman to be on tv. What the hell is wrong with the people who run networks? They need to wake up.

  27. How about some Liz Claman and Heidi Collins?????

  28. How about some men with their shirts off? ;)
