Thursday, January 1, 2009

MSNBC Says Bye Bye to Jackie Maretsky

The casualties continue. Via TVNewswer, NBC weather babe Jackie Maretsky was let go today along with the rest of the Weather Plus team. With the acquisition of the Weather Channel, the Weather Plus team became redundant, to say nothing of the recent economic downtown. Too bad, and we were so looking forward to seeing Jackie back from her mat leave. Oh well, Jackie's too hot to stay off the air too long.

Jackie earlier in the year,

Screencaps courtesy of the Ultimate News Babes website.


Anonymous said...

This move was inevitable once NBC purchased The Weather Channel. I hope that they get re-directed toward using the weather babes from TWC. They just had the William Shatner of The Weather Channel, Jim Cantore on the outdoor NHL game from Chicago. He was over the top and useless as usual. It is sad to see Jackie go but I've got to believe that she will end up in a good situation if she chooses to continue to work.

Anonymous said...

You get rid of Jackie and keep are should have been the other way around...Sorry Jackie....

xqdgioeryus said...

she can cum join my cock

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