With all this Wall Street malaise going on, it's good to know that the talking news babes are there to amuse us. Erin Burnett was interviewed by the
Pittsburgh Tribune earlier last week talking about "Greed" of all things. At least she's smart:
Burnett is a former investment banking analyst at Goldman Sachs and a former vice president at Citigroup
Regarding what happened this week on Wall Street, Erin conjured up some good ol' college memories, I bet she was one heck of a wild coed:
You go to a party and you binge. You eat the corn dogs and pigs in a blanket. You drink the cider, you drink the wine, you have the vodka. But you wake up the next morning and you feel pretty awful. That's where we are right now.
Then earlier in the week, Erin made an "anal faux pas" (via
Haines and Cramer were bustling around talking about how this might be the biggest financial crisis since the Great Depression, when Erin chimed in by taking the 'flushing bad debt out' metaphor way too far, saying that this perhaps is a 'much needed colonic for Wall Street'.
Cramer and Haines' half-disgusted/half-hysterical faces were priceless.
To be fair though, despite giving me the unnecessary mental image of Dick Fuld getting an assful of cleansing water, Erin has been doing a bang-up job today covering all this mess
Corn dogs, pigs in a blanket, vodka, hangovers, colonics, this babe is outta control... As Shaq would say, "Erin, tell me how my a$$ tastes!!!"
Screencaps courtesy of Sabrina at the Reporter Caps forum.