Happy New Year all the readers, all the sexy news babes that we all love, and of course the cappers who bring all the wonderful pictures. I went through and picked a few of my favorite pictures from the past year. Enjoy, and make sure you check back for more hot news babes for 2009.
Contessa just chillin',

Shatner wants all of Courtney,

Erin Burnett hot on Conan O'Brien,

What would be the best of 2008 without the Person of the Year Sarah Palin,

The most lively discussion was definitely Maxim's Hottest News Anchors post.
Capping Gods, we salut you!!!
shadow, sabrina, slashasterisk, serenity, G-Man, deadzone, sandman, donkeed, zebrafish75, HSF, SceptreX42, centricguy, 3finger, cody, easyone, joeycap666, Wizard, MVP, century, marauder, Gambit, IceMan, ZonaJohn, The Original Groovesection, GingerZeeFan, Cobra, pacificRT, wha, MadMac, RedWingsRule, Major Payne, boones, hoagie100, deadofnight and everyone else that we forgot...