Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Darya Folsom Interviews WWE Diva Maria Kanellis

From KRON in San Francisco, this is the vivacious Darya Folsom interviewing and arm-wrestling with WWE diva Maria Kanellis. Whoever decided to get chicks in bikinis slap each other around while millions of people watch was a genius. I bet Darya would make a good WWE diva, I'd pay top dolla to see these two go toe-to-toe.

Darya and Maria duel,

Screencaps courtesy of boones at the SuperiorPics forum.


Anonymous said...

i wake up to darya each workday and cum before breakfast.

Anonymous said... it just me or is Maria checking out Darya's tits in the second pic? The one where Darya's blouse is about to rip open (please, please...?)

Anonymous said...

ISo looks like a guy with fake tits. Transvestite?? Bet she still has her weenie.

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