Ayesha Faridi, CNBC India's News Hottie
Overall Hotness: 7.5/10
Face: 8/10
Body: 7.5/10
Legs: 7/10
Personality: 7.5/10 CNBC India has a couple of hotties working the desk, Ayesha Faridi and Tanvir Gill. Of the two, I like Ayesha better, she's got more maturity and she's better looking overall.
I won't lie to you, the Indian accent when speaking english isn't all that attractive. But Ayesha more than makes up for it with her good looks. She has a really nice smile and her very nice teeth. Her hair is flowing and I like how she does her makeup. She does a kind of reality show called "Get a Life" and I took quite a bit of photos from there where she shows more of her body.
For an Indian chick, she has a decent rack. She's still really thin, but like I said, her boobs are nice. She seems to be a cool chick to hang out with, some of the pictures had her skydiving and clubbing and stuff.
This is what it says about her on CNBC's bio section:
She is a journalist by training, having graduated from Delhi University. Prior to joining CNBC TV18, she has worked as a reporter and producer with the BBC World Service and MTV India. She anchors Power Breakfast, CNBC TV18's morning news hour, Your Stocks a stocks query show and Get A Life, a daily lifestyle/arts segment. She also heads the news ticker team at CNBC-TV18. Also co-hosts the popular segment Saas Bahu & Sensex, alongwith Tanvir Gill.
I took this from one of her regular news segments for CNBC India,
Some more pictures of Ayesha in various poses,

she's got one of the best racks on TV. HOT!
Some excellent pics of Tanveer & Ayesha. I agree completely, they are two of the hottest hotties doing some serious news on CNBC. I though prefer Tanveer to Ayesha.
Tanveer's more glamorous.Btw, thanks for posting the pics & putting some words to the pictures.
i think ayesha is hot. prefer ayesha to Tanveer.
I love Ayesha a lot.She has got one of the best figures among news anchors. Her cleaveage n figure says it all! her legs in the last picture are so hot that i feel like bitting them n having her seduce me....
Ayesha is a really hot babe. She is smart, beautiful and extremely effervescent. Her dressing sense and vital statistics are simply amazing. She looks pretty hot in those hard-core sleeveless tops which gives a nice curve to her beautiful and shapely big breasts. I would say, restart the show Get a Life for half an hour and also in between India Business Hour daily. She is a sort of girl who the more u see the more u get addicted to.....She is simply fabulous. What more...I've no more words left to describe her sensuality....
Dear Ayesha,
After a long time, you sported those sleeveless tops and as usual you looked awesome. I believe, black is one of your adored colours, however, I reckon u shud go with pure snow white colour, a sleeveless top, needless to say. Believe me, u would be a fairy on earth....graceful and bright as is your smile and aura...
I hope u'll consider my suggestion.....
Better pussy have ridden my cock. Just saying : )
Hi Ayesha,
Vijay has given u suggestion to you to sport a snow white sleeveless top and I fully endorse his suggestion.
I want u to have a chat with me. Mu e-mail ID is stallion2k_in@yahoo.com.
Please write to me...I shall wait for your e-mail.
really u r so sweet. i like u & all ur ...... i heartly respect u
Oh Ayesha,
Day in and day out I am getting crazy about you. I eat Ayesha, I sleep Ayesha and I do everything Ayesha & only Ayesha. I have this intense desire inside me to meet you one day....so much am I impressed with you. Every morning you make my day with your gorgeous smile and effervescent aura. May the Lord always keep you happy and may all your dreams come true....this is my heartfelt wish for you......
Just a small request....you please appear daily on Get A life in between India Business Hour......Everyday....pleeeeease.
I wud love 2 c more of you on other programmes.......Mr. Director & Mr. Producer....if u r listening to me....please consider my request to showcast Ayesha on all leading programms of CNBC....
Luv u Ayesha!
Ayesha is really really hot. She has definitely got nice pairs which neeeds a good massage from me, & also hot figure.
hi ayesha
i m your big fans,if you have to possible pls reply me on my mail id solankimayur007@yahoo.com
Please Please Please start the show Get a Life and put Ayesha back as anchor in Business with Pleasure. I am really missing her and want her back in action.
My eyes are desperate to see her in these two programmes and if at all you people intend to start any fresh programme do consider only Ayesha as the Anchor.
Dear Ayesha, Please come back to anchor Get a Life and Business with Pleasure....else please start featuring in any other programmes but i want u....only u an anchor....
she looks like sativa rose pornstar
mann karta hai iske boobs choos loon mein.....
great booooooooooobs
all those indian babes got hair up their belly. awesome nests too
it is great to see ayesha day in and day out.Howbeautiful are her curved boobs,I think little bit of boob press is needed to get still beautifull but the nipples are very attaractive ,sleeveless she is gorgeous.Better look at her fully nude.May be the two hand will not be sufficient to press her boobs.I like fuck and enjoy her pussy which must be very sweet
hello ayesha ur really decent looking pretty girl...which i have ever seen on this earth...we r proud to say that ur an INDIAN....keep ur good work going thanks
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