Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Dagmar Midcap Feeling Nipply

This is busty Atlanta weather babe Dagmar Midcap yesterday. Maybe it's just me but I see a well defined right nipple sticking out (click to see the full MQ). Dagmar Midcap is such a babe, and I love her voice too, it's made for TV. She's got one of those voices on those product commercials, all cheery and bubbly.

Dagmar's melons of joy,

Screencaps courtesy of shadow at the Reporter Caps forum.


Anonymous said...

She HAS to check a mirror before she goes on-air, and seeing a top stretched THAT tight she has to know what it is doing to her male viewers. Probably some female ones as well.
All I can say is-"THANK YOU DAGMAR!"

Anonymous said...

I see subtle nipples. Sexy yet still PG rated since only horny guys would notice. Robin Meade used to show some nipples but that uptight brat stopped.

DyNama said...

nah, just a bra print. still, dagmar is fine.

Anonymous said...

"Busty"? Nah - but definitely not flat either. Dagmar is really good looking in that tight blue top and pinstripe skirt. No wedding ring either that I can see....

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