CBS Hottie Lara Logan Featured on Men's Vogue
CBS chief foreign correspondent and blonde babe Lara Logan was featured on Men's Vogue magazine for this month. The full article is here. Lara made news earlier in the summer for being in the middle of a love triangle while in Iraq between CNN's Michael Ware and a state-department contractor Joe Burkett with whom she is currently carrying a child of 5 months pregnant with. No doubt plenty of broken hearts to go around. When asked about Burkett she replied:
"Can't talk about him," she says, waving her hands when I raise the issue. "Lots of reasons, not the least of which is my poor ex-husband, who's been through enough."The spell that women have on us guys. Here are some more recent hot pictures of Lara. The first picture is from Men's Vogue and it states that she's wearing a Bill Blass sweater, Ralph Lauren pants and a Cartier watch. Nice taste in clothes...

Photo credit: 1st picture (Jonas Karlsson, Men's Vogue), 2nd picture (Helayne Seidman, Washington Post), 3rd picture (Huffington Post)
she really must be a fun bag
she really must be a fun bag
Common variety whore.
No more. No less.
"The spell that women have on us guys."
If you are subject to "the spell" of a women like this, you need serious help Anchor Man.
Who knows HOW many contractors or soldiers she was screwing over there to get her stories. Poor Joe Burkett just happened to win the "baby daddy lottery" I guess.
Can you see a great reporter like - say Trish Regan - being willing to go down on HER knees for...oh, wait.
I agree with the previous poster.
Common variety whore.
Who has Trish Regan sucked off??
Anchor Man is showing some class.
And so what if this woman is sucking cock to get to the top alot of woman do it. I am sure sure Sarah Palin sucked John Mcanes dick and right when he blew his cum in her mouth he said you are my new Vice President, God Bless America. : )
I have to say the way you guys talk about women, hiding behind the tag of anonymous, is quite disgusting. Have the balls to attach your name to these comments or go put on one of your wife's best pantsuits. I would never treat a woman like an open hole for my sexual deviant pleasures. Sure, I'm not perfect, I've got a thing for fat chicks, and easy chicks, and chicks who just like to suck dick. Especially chicks 20-25 years younger than me that are fat easy and like to suck dick. I have to go, there are fat chicks all over this country and my wife is due home...
Does she really know who the father is?
When I was in Iraq, I tried to get this lovely yet sexy whore on my team. I'd risk having her chair thrown at me, fighting Danny Bonaduce in one more pitiful attempt to prove my manhood...for one chance with this slut! She sluts herself out to two different men and probably every soldier in Iraq, and where is my feminist colleague, Katie Couric to protect her from the sexist media? Lara, I have a stripper pole in my sailing yacht, when you need another story I will be waiting with both arms open. I'll even pay for your baby's dna test, I'm sure me and my crack team of highly respected journalists (aka my brother, Craig) will find find this man. We will only need the blood of every man you've fucked in the last five months...IF you can remember them all! I'll leave twenty bucks on my bed for you.
I agree with the posters that state Lara is a common variety whore. She is nothing more or nothing less.
Anchor Man's continued infatuation with this turbo slut baffles me. His opinions of women of late have me seriously concerned. He really thinks Becky Quick is actually capable of looking into a mirror and not breaking it,,,,
Hey, Anchor Man is just as entitled to his opinion of how a woman looks, just like we all are.
In my opinion, I like the last pic of her, not the first two.
If a woman is just in it for the thrill, how is that different than any of us looking at this site?
Saying she's hot is the equivalent of saying Maria Sharapova is a "10". Email the badass Michael Ware and ask him how she is in the sack.
McCain has a cock??? He's so afraid of Iraq you'd think he was 100% USDA PUSSY...Sarah Palin IS a MILF...FUCK IRAQ AND THE 10 BILLION DOLLARS A MONTH IT PIMPS FROM US!!! After many countless nights in Iraq I'd do both Lara and Sarah. Most of you fags who've never been to war won't understand though...quit acting tough...cause every word you write is because WE made it so.
what the fuck is with all the comments. i guess you guys are just bored. this chick is flat chested. sure she is blond but her face is not all that. she needs a reality check and to get implants like that brat robin meade.
I'd Bang her every which way to Wednesday then do her agin and again until she was sore and bleeding.....she is one sweet piece of ass!!!!!!
Any pictures of her showing her sexy legs???
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